Entry Structure
Each dictionary entry has many different components. Hover your mouse over areas of the example entry page to the right, or over the contents list to the left. When a part of the example page becomes highlighted, click for information about the relevant component.

The headword represents the central form of the word which is the subject of the entry.
Part of Speech
Each headword is categorised according to its part of speech, e.g. noun, verb, adjective or adverb.
The pronunciation of a headword is given in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) notation.
Labels are used to indicate information about the definition.
Variant spelling forms of a headword are listed alphabetically before any subdivision of the entry.
If a word does not follow a standard English pattern of plural formation, the plural form is given before any subdivision of the entry.
The origin of a word is given below the headword before any subdivision of the entry.
The definition is a description of the meaning or sense of a headword.
Each entry is made up of one or more senses. Each sense represents a particular meaning of the headword.
Compounds are composed of two or more words which include the headword. There are no compounds in this example entry.
Derivatives are new words formed typically by the addition of a suffix (e.g. -al, -ly or -ness), to the headword form.
Cross-references indicate that further information relating to a particular headword can be found at another entry.
Notes are used to expand on any item of information given.
Sets of quotations illustrate the historical use of each word from its earliest recorded occurrence and form the basis for the definitions provided.
Compounds are composed of two or more words which include the headword. There are no compounds in this example entry.
Cross-references indicate that further information relating to a particular headword can be found at another entry.
The definition is a description of the meaning or sense of a headword.
Derivatives are new words formed typically by the addition of a suffix (e.g. -al, -ly or -ness), to the headword form.
Variant spelling forms of a headword are listed alphabetically before any subdivision of the entry.
The headword represents the central form of the word which is the subject of the entry.
Labels are used to indicate information about the definition.
Notes are used to expand on any item of information given.
The origin of a word is given below the headword before any subdivision of the entry.
Part of Speech
Each headword is categorised according to its part of speech, e.g. noun, verb, adjective or adverb.
If a word does not follow a standard English pattern of plural formation, the plural form is given before any subdivision of the entry.
The pronunciation of a headword is given in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) notation.
Sets of quotations illustrate the historical use of each word from its earliest recorded occurrence and form the basis for the definitions provided.
Each entry is made up of one or more senses. Each sense represents a particular meaning of the headword.