The sidebar offers enhanced entry navigation features and links to related information.
To open or close the sidebar, tap the Entry Navigation tab on the right side of the screen.
Visualise quotations
Click the Quotation summary link to open a graphic representation of the distribution of quotations for the current entry. Each coloured block represents a supporting quotation; columns are displayed to 50-year intervals.
Tap the Quotation summary link to open a graphic representation of the distribution of quotations for the current entry. Each coloured block represents a supporting quotation; columns are displayed to 50-year intervals.
Hover your mouse over individual blocks to read the corresponding quotation and its source information. Clicking on a block will take you to the selected quotation in the main entry.
Where a word has more than one meaning, these are differentiated using blocks of a different color. Move your mouse over the legend on the right of the pop-up window to see a definition snippet for each meaning. Compounds, when grouped together as a separate sense, and derivatives are not shown.
Tap individual blocks to read the corresponding quotation and its source information. Where a word has more than one meaning, these are differentiated using blocks of a different color. Tap the sense labels in the legend to see a definition snippet for each meaning. Compounds, when grouped together as a separate sense, and derivatives are not shown.
When a word has multiple senses (different meanings or parts of speech) they are numbered and separated visually in the entry’s text by a horizontal line. As a graphical indicator of the evolution of meanings over time, the yellow section of the sense bar shows the date span between first and last recorded quotation. The number of senses appearing in the entry, excluding compounds and derivatives, is indicated on the left.
In the case of multiple senses, an aggregated date span of all quotations for the entry is shown by default. In these cases, clicking the link identifying the number of senses will reveal separate bars for each meaning, displayed in chronological order. Click on any of these to go to the corresponding definition in the main entry.
In the case of multiple senses, an aggregated date span of all quotations for the entry is shown by default. In these cases, tapping the link identifying the number of senses will reveal separate bars for each meaning, displayed in chronological order.
Tap on any of these to go to the corresponding definition in the main entry.
Compounds and Derivatives
A list of compound and derivative forms for the current headword is found in the sidebar. The first ten compounds and derivatives are displayed by default. Click Show more to view the complete list. Click on a link to go to the relevant form within the entry.
A list of compound and derivative forms for the current headword is found in the sidebar. The first five compounds and derivatives are displayed by default. Tap Show more to view the complete list. Tap on a link to go to the relevant form within the entry.
Browse Related Words
The sidebar offers links to lists of words sharing the same Subject Category, Language of Origin or Usage label. Follow these links to go to a list of all the words in the dictionary matching the specified category. For more on filtering, see Advanced Functions.