Select Bibliography


This is a list of published and unpublished written sources most commonly cited in the dictionary. Read more about the bibliography.


Abbott, John Henry Macartney Tommy Cornstalk: Being some account of the less notable features of the South African war from the point of view of the Australian ranks [London] 1902 Longmans, Green, and Co.
Abel, Clarke Narrative of a journey in the interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that country, in the years 1816 and 1817; containing an account of the most interesting transactions of Lord Amherst’s embassy to the court of Pekin, and observations on the countries which it visited London 1818 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
Abrahams, Lionel (editor) A Bekkersdal marathon Cape Town 1971
——— (editor) Bosman at his best Cape Town 1965
——— 8th impression 1974
——— (editor) A cask of jerepigo Johannesburg 1972
——— The celibacy of Felix Greenspan Johannesburg 1977 Bateleur Press
——— (editor) Jurie Steyn’s post office Cape Town 1971 Human & Rousseau
——— (editor) Unto dust Cape Town 1963 Human & Rousseau
Abrahams, Peter Dark testament 1970 reprint London 1942 Allen & Unwin
——— Mine boy London 1946 Dorothy Crisp
——— London 1954 Faber & Faber
——— London 1963 Heinemann
——— Return to Goli London 1953 Faber & Faber
——— Tell freedom London 1954 Faber & Faber
——— Wild conquest London 1951 Faber & Faber
Academic Standard Cape Town 1992– Academic Standard
Acocks, J.P.H. Veld types of South Africa 2nd edition Pretoria 1975 Department of Agricultural Technical Services
ADA see Art, Design, Architecture (ADA)
Adams, Buck The narrative of Private Buck Adams [written 1884] edited by A. Gordon-Brown Cape Town 1941 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 22)
Adams, Hettie & Suttner, Hermione William Street, District Six Cape Town 1988 Chameleon Press
Adams, J. Wild flowers of the northern Cape Cape Town 1976
Adams, T.P. An eulogy on Dr Alexander Cowie and Mr Benjamin Green; who lost their lives on their return from Delagoa Bay to Graham’s Town Graham’s Town 1830
Adamson, R.S. et al. The botanical features of the south western Cape Province Cape Town 1929
Adey, D. Under the Southern Cross: Short stories from South Africa Johannesburg 1988
Adey, David, Beeton, Ridley, Chapman, Michael & Pereira, Ernest Companion to South African English literature Craighall 1986 Ad. Donker (Pty) Ltd
Afra Newsletter Pietermaritzburg 1988– Association for Rural Advancement
Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents Volume XIX (1986–7) London 1988 Africana Publishing Co.
Africa Research Bulletin Exeter, England 1964–1985 Africa Research, Ltd. (Political, Social & Cultural Series)
Africa South Cape Town 1956–1961 Africa South Publications
Africa South and East: News magazine of the subcontinent Johannesburg 1992–1994 ASE Publications
(The) African court calendar (and directory) Cape Town 1801; 1807–1826 (continued by The South African almanac(k) and directory)
African Drum see Drum
The African Journal Cape Town 1849–1851 (continuation of Sam Sly’s African Journal)
The African Monthly: A magazine devoted to literature, history, exploration, science, art, poetry, fiction, &c. Grahamstown 1906–1910 African Book Company, Ltd.
African Observer: A review of contemporary affairs Bulawayo 1934–1937
African Wildlife Cape Town
Africana Notes and News Johannesburg 1943–1993 Africana Museum and Africana Society
The Agricultural Journal of the Cape of Good Hope Cape Town 1888–1910 (until 1903 with title (The) Agricultural Journal; continued by The Agricultural Journal of the Union of South Africa)
The Agricultural Journal of the Union of South Africa Pretoria 1911–1914 Department of Agriculture (continuation of The Agricultural Journal of the Cape of Good Hope, The Natal Agricultural Journal and The Transvaal Agricultural Journal)
Aiton, William Hortus Kewensis; or, a catalogue of the plants cultivated in the Royal botanic garden at Kew 3 volumes London 1789 George Nicol
——— 2nd edition enlarged by William Townsend Aiton (son of William Aiton) 5 volumes London 1813 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
Aiton, William Townsend see Aiton, William
The Albany Settlers 1824–36 Cape Town 1836 Society for the Relief of Distressed Settlers
Alexander, James Edward An expedition of discovery into the interior of Africa, through the hitherto undescribed countries of the Great Namaquas, Boschmans and Hill Damaras 2 volumes London 1838 Henry Colburn
——— Narrative of a voyage of observation among the colonies of Western Africa in the flagship Thalia; and of a campaign in Kaffir-land in 1835, on the staff of the commanderr-in-chief, in 1835 2 volumes London 1837 Henry Colburn
Alice Times (title varies) Adelaide, Eastern Cape 1874–
Allan, Mea Tom’s Weeds London 1970 Faber & Faber
Alston, Madeline From an old Cape homestead London 1929 John Lane, Bodley Head
——— Wanderings of a bird-lover in Africa London 1937 H.F. & G. Witherby
The American heritage dictionary of the English language edited by W. Morris New York 1969
American Journal of Physical Anthropology Philadelphia 1918– The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology
An Observer South African Balloons: A skit on the boom Johannesburg 1895 Argus Printing & Publishing Co.
——— reprint Pretoria 1982 The State Library (No. 92)
Anderson, Andrew Arthur Twenty-five years in a waggon in the gold regions of Africa 2 volumes London 1887 Chapman & Hall
Anderson, H.J. (editor) Letters from the Cape 1861–2 see Duff-Gordon, Lady L.
——— (editor) South Africa a century ago (1797–1801) see Barnard, Lady Anne
Andersson, Charles John (Karl Johan Andersson) Lake Ngami, or, Explorations and discoveries during four years’ wanderings in the wilds of Southwestern Africa New York 1856 Harper & Brothers
——— London 1856 Hurst & Blackett
——— The lion and the elephant London 1873 Hurst & Blackett
——— Notes of travel in South Africa edited by L. Lloyd London 1875 Hurst & Blackett
——— Notes on the birds of Damara Land and the adjacent countries of South-West Africa edited by J.H. Gurney London 1872 John van Voorst
——— The Okavango river: A narrative of travel, exploration, and adventure edited by L. Lloyd London 1861 Hurst & Blackett
The Andrean Grahamstown 1878– St Andrew’s College
Andrews, Caesar Reminiscences of the Kafir War 1834–5. 1877 Typescript. Cory
Andrews, M. The story of South Africa Cape Town [1935] Juta & Co., Ltd.
Angove, John In the early days: The reminiscences of pioneer life on the South African diamond fields Kimberley 1910 Handel House
Annandale, Charles see Ogilvie, John (editor)
Annesley, G. (George, Viscount Valentia) Voyages and travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in the years 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806 3 volumes London 1809
The annual of the Mountain Club of South Africa (title varies as Mountain Club Annual) Cape Town 1894– Mountain Club of South Africa
The annual register of world events: A review of the year London 1894–1974 Longmans (title varies as The Annual Register: A review of public events at home and abroad)
Annual report of the calendar year 1911 Cape Town 1912 Department of Justice
Anthony, Frank The journey: The revolutionary anguish of Comrade B Johannesburg 1991 Ravan Press
Antiquity: A quarterly review of archaeology Gloucester, U.K. 1927–
Appleton’s annual cyclopædia and register of important events of the year 1902 New York 1903 D. Appleton & Co.
Appleyard, Reverend John Whittle The Kafir language: Comprising a sketch of its history; which includes a general classification of South African dialects, ethnographical and geographical: Remarks upon it’s nature: And a grammar King William’s Town 1850 Wesleyan Missionary Society
——— The War of the Axe and the Xosa Bible: The journal of the Revd J.W. Appleyard [written 1841–59] edited by John Frye Cape Town 1971 Struik
Arago, Jacques Narrative of a voyage round the world, in the Uranie and Physicienne corvettes, commanded by Captain Freycinet, during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820 London 1823 Treuttel and Wurtz, Treuttel, Jun. and Richter
A.R.B. see Barnes, A.R. (A.R.B., A Housewife of the Colony)
Arbousset, Rev. Thomas Narrative of an exploratory tour to the north-east of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope (translated from French by J.C. Brown) Cape Town 1846 A.S. Robertson
——— another edition London 1852 John C. Bishop
Archeology and natural resources of Natal Cape Town 1951 University of Natal
The Architectural Review London 1896– Architectural Press
Area handbook for the Republic of South Africa Washington 1971 Foreign Area Studies, American University
Arem, J.E. Color encyclopedia of gemstones New York 1977 Van Nostrand Reinhold Company
The Argus Cape Town 1969– (continuation of The Cape Argus; weekend edition Weekend Argus)
The Argus annual and Cape of Good Hope directory… Cape Town 1888–1897 (continuation of The general directory and guide book to the Cape of Good Hope; title varies)
The “Argus” annual and South African directory, with a map showing all the postal routes Cape Town 1889 Argus Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd.
Armed Forces Johannesburg 1975–1992 Strategic Publications
Armstrong, H.C. Grey steel: J.C. Smuts: A study in arrogance London 1937 Arthur Barker, Ltd.
Art, Design, Architecture (ADA) Cape Town 1986–
As a matter of fact: The gold and uranium industries Johannesburg 1955 The Transvaal and Orange Free State Chamber of Mines (PRD Series: No. 55)
Aspeling, E.G. see A Cape Colonist’ (E.G. Aspeling)
Atcherley, Rowland J. A trip to Boërland, or a year’s travel, sport, and gold-digging in the Transvaal and Colony of Natal London 1879 Richard Bentley and Son
Atkins, J.B. The relief of Ladysmith London 1900 Methuen
Atmore, M.G. Cape furniture Cape Town 1965 Howard Timmins
Aubertin, John James Six months in Cape Colony and Natal and one month in Tenerife and Madeira London 1886 Kegan Paul, Trench
Austen, George Frederick The diary of G.F. Austen: My experiences in Potchefstroom during the First Boer War 1880–1881 Roodepoort 1981 Cum Books (Human Sciences Research Council, Source Publication No. 73)
Austen, Jane Sense and sensibility London 1811 T. Egerton
The Australian national dictionary edited by W.S. Ramson Melbourne 1988
Ayliff, John Journal. 1821–1830 Typescript. Private collection
——— Journal of ‘Harry Hastings’ Albany settler edited by L.A. Hewson & F.G. Van der Riet Grahamstown 1963
——— The journal of John Ayliff: 1821–1830 edited by Peter B. Hinchliff Cape Town 1971 A.A. Balkema (Graham’s Town series: No. 1)
Ayliff, John & Whiteside, Joseph History of the Abambo: Generally known as Fingos Butterworth 1912 Gazette
——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1962
Aylward, Alfred The Transvaal of today: War, witchcraft, sport and spoils in South Africa Edinburgh 1878 William Blackwood


Babe, Jerome L. The South African diamond fields New York 1872 David Wesley & Co.
——— facsimile reprint with added index Kimberley 1976 Historical Society of Kimberley and the Northern Cape
Backhouse, James A narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South Africa London 1844 Hamilton, Adams
Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth The Matabele Campaign 1896: Being a narrative of the campaign in suppressing the native rising in Matabeleland and Mashonaland [written 1896] London 1897 Methuen
Bagley, A. Gordon Wines of South Africa Paarl 1961 K.W.V.
Bagley, Mr Letter from Bagley to his mother in Bloemfontein, written from Kimberley during Anglo-Boer War. a1902 Private collection
Bailey, Liberty Hyde Cyclopedia of American horticulture: Comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together with geographical and biographical sketches 4 volumes London 1901 Macmillan & Co., Ltd.
Baillie, Major F.D. Mafeking: A diary of the siege Westminster, U.K. 1900 Archibald Constable & Company, Ltd.
Bain, Andrew Geddes Journals of Andrew Geddes Bain: Trader, explorer, soldier, road engineer and geologist [written 1826, 1829, 1835, 1836, 1838, & 1846] edited by M.H. Lister Cape Town 1949 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 30)
Baines, Thomas Explorations in South-West Africa. Being an account of a journey in the years 1861 and 1862 from Walvisch Bay, on the western coast, to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls London 1864 Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
——— facsimile reprint Salisbury, Rhodesia [Harare, Zimbabwe] 1973
——— The gold regions of south eastern Africa London 1877 Edward Stanford
——— Journal of residence in Africa 1842–53 [written 1850–53] edited by R.F. Kennedy Cape Town 1964 Vol 1 written 1842–1849, publ. 1961; Vol II written 1850–53, publ. 1964 Van Riebeeck Society (Nos 42 and 45)
——— The Northern goldfields diaries of Thomas Baines 1869–72 edited by J.P.R. Wallis 3 volumes Vol. 1: first journey 1869–70, Vol. 2: first journey 1870–71, Vol. 3: second journey 1871–72 London 1946 Chatto & Windus (Oppenheimer Series: No. 3)
Baker, J.R. Race Athens 1981 Foundation for Human Understanding
Baldwin, William Charles African hunting from Natal to the Zambesi, including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert, etc., from 1852 to 1860 2nd edition London 1863 Richard Bentley
——— 2nd edition (facsimile reprint) Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 1981 Books of Zimbabwe
——— 3rd edition London 1894 Richard Bentley & Son
Balfour, Alice Blanche Twelve hundred miles in a waggon London 1895 Edward Arnold
Ballantyne, Robert Michael The settler and the savage London 1877 J. Nisbet
Ballen, Roger Dorps: Small towns of South Africa Cape Town 1986 Clifton Publications
Bancroft, Francis The veldt dwellers London 1912 Hutchinson & Co.
Banks, Sir Joseph Journal…during Captain Cook’s first voyage in H.M.S. Endeavour in 1768–71 to Terra Del Fuego, Otahite, New Zealand, Australia, The Dutch East Indies, etc. edited by Sir Joseph D. Hooker London 1896 Macmillan and Co., Ltd.
——— see also Hawkesworth, John
Bantu Studies Johannesburg 1926–1941 University of the Witwatersrand Press
(The) Bantu World see World
Baragwanath, Paul The brave remain Cape Town 1965 Nasionale Boekhandel
Baraitser, Michael & Obholzer, Anton Cape country furniture: A pictorial survey of regional styles, materials and techniques in the Cape Province of South Africa Cape Town 1971 A.A. Balkema
——— 2nd edition Cape Town 1978 C. Struik
Barker, B.J. see Johnson Barker, Brian
Barker, George Journal. 1815–1828 Cory MS14,258 Also MIC 177
Barker, Lady Mary Anne A year’s housekeeping in South Africa London 1877 Macmillan & Co.
Barkly, Fanny A. Among Boers & Basutos: And with Barkly’s horse, the story of our life on the Frontier London 1893 Remington
——— revised edition (extended) Westminster [1896] Roxburghe Press
Barnard, Keppel Harcourt A pictorial guide to South African fishes Cape Town 1947 Maskew Miller Ltd.
——— South African Shore-Life Cape Town 1954 Maskew Miller Ltd.
——— 2nd edition 1960
Barnard, Lady Anne The letters of Lady Anne Barnard to Henry Dundas: From the Cape and elsewhere, 1793–1803, together with her journal of a tour into the interior and certain other letters edited by A.M.L. Robinson Cape Town 1973 A.A. Balkema
——— South Africa a century ago (1797–1801) edited by H.J. Anderson Cape Town 1924 2 parts (Part I Letters written from the Cape of Good Hope, Part II Extracts from a journal addressed to her sisters in England) Cape Town 1924
——— South Africa a century ago: Letters written from the Cape of Good Hope (1797–1801) edited by W.H. Wilkins Cape Town 1901 Smith, Elder, & Co.
Barnes, A.R. (A.R.B., A Housewife of the Colony) The “colonial household guide” Cape Town 1889 Darter Bros. & Co.
——— The South African household guide: Containing practical hints on plain cooking, with recipes; useful general hints; medical advice to mothers, etc.; household work; notes for farmers…to which have been added special articles on hygiene, physical culture, dairying, gardening, and poultry edited by Allerley Glossop 5th edition revised and enlarged Cape Town 1913 Darter Bros. & Co.
Barnes, Leonard Caliban in Africa London 1930 Victor Gollancz
Barnhart, C.L., Steinmetz, S. & Barnhart, R.K. The Barnhart dictionary of new English 1963–1972 London 1973
——— The second Barnhart dictionary of new English New York 1980
——— Third Barnhart dictionary of new English revised edition [no place] 1990
Barnouw, Adriaan Jacob Language and race problems in South Africa The Hague 1934 Martinus Nijhoff
Barrington, George An account of a voyage to New South Wales London 1803 M. Jones
——— another edition London 1810 M. Jones
——— reprint (of 1810) Turnhout, Belgium 1984 Time-Life Books
Barris, Ken Small change Johannesburg 1988 Ad. Donker
Barrow, Sir John An auto-biographical memoir of Sir John Barrow, Bart., late of the Admiralty; including reflections, observations and reminiscences at home and abroad, from early life to advanced age London 1847 John Murray
——— Travels into the interior of Southern Africa, in which are described the character and the condition of the Dutch colonists of the Cape of Good Hope and of the several tribes of natives beyond its limits 2 volumes London 1801–1804 Cadell & Davies
——— 2nd edition 2 volumes London 1806 Cadell & Davies
——— A voyage to Cochinchina, in the years 1792 and 1793…to which is annexed an account of a journey made in the years 1801 and 1802, to the residence of the chief of the Booshuana nation, being the remotest point in the interior of Southern Africa to which Europeans have hitherto penetrated. London 1806 T. Cadell & W. Davies
Barter, Catherine see A Plain Woman’ (Catherine (Charlotte) Barter)
Barter, Charles The Dorp and the Veld, or Six Months in Natal London 1852 William S. Orr & Co.
Barter, Charlotte see A Plain Woman’ (Catherine (Charlotte) Barter)
Bartolomeo, Fra Paolino da San’ (J.P. Wesdin) A voyage to the East Indies: containing an account of the manners, customs, &c. of the natives with a geographical description of the country (translated by W. Johnston, with notes and illustrations by J.R. Forster) London 1800 J. Davis
——— see Johnston, W.
Barton, Pat South African Environment Friendly Household Hints Cape Town 1991 Struik Timmins
Bate, Henry Maclear South Africa without prejudice London 1956 Werner Laurie
Batten, Auriol Flowers of Southern Africa Sandton 1986 Frandsen
Bauer, Max Precious stones: A popular account of their characters, occurrence and applications, with an introduction to their determination, for mineralogists lapidaries, jewellers, etc. (translated by L.J. Spencer) London 1904 Charles Griffin and Company, Ltd.
Bauling, Jayne Walk in the shadows Toronto 1978 Harlequin Books
Baumann, Gustav & Bright, Elfrieda The lost republic: The biography of a land-surveyor London 1940 Faber & Faber
Beak, G.B. The aftermath of war: An account of the repatriation of Boers and natives in the Orange River Colony 1902–1904 London 1906 Edward Arnold
Beake, Lesley A cageful of butterflies Cape Town 1989 Maskew Miller Longman
——— The strollers Cape Town 1987 Maskew Miller Longman
——— Tjojo and the wild horses Pretoria 1990 De Jager-HAUM
Beal Preston, D.M. see Preston, B. (D.M. Beal Preston)
Beale, P. (editor) see Partridge, Eric
Beattie, Thomas Ross Pambaniso: A Kaffir hero, or scenes from savage life. An Historical Kaffir tale. Cape Town 1891 Juta
——— A ride through the Transkei King William’s Town 1891 S.A. Rowles & Co.
Beck, Hastings Meet the Cape wines Cape Town 1955 Purnell & Sons
——— 2nd revised edition Cape Town 1966 Purnell & Sons (S.A.) Pty. Ltd
Becker, C.J. Guide to the Transvaal Dublin 1878
Becker, Jillian The virgins Cape Town 1976 David Philip
Becker, P. Path of blood London 1962
——— Sandy tracks to the kraals Johannesburg 1956 Dagbreek Book Store
——— Tribe to township St Albans, U.K. 1974 Panther
Bee, A.G. Kalahari camp fires: Retold from the manuscript of A.S. Poultney, pioneer Durban 1941 Knox
——— 2nd edition Durban 1943
Bee, David Children of yesterday London 1961 Bles
Beet, George The grand old days of the diamond fields: Memories of past times with the diggers of Diamondia Cape Town [a1935] Maskew Miller
Beet, George & Terpend, Thomas Laurent The romance and reality of the Vaal diamond diggings Kimberley 1917 Diamond Fields Advertiser
Beeton, Douglas Ridley & Dorner, Helen A dictionary of English usage in Southern Africa Cape Town 1975 Oxford University Press
Before his Majesty in Council. Cape of Good Hope. Between William Brown Master, and Andrew Spooner, supercargo of the American ship, the Five Brothers, Appellants, and Willem Stephanus van Ryneveld, Ex Officio, Attorney-General, Respondent. Appendix to the Respondent’s case. 1796 National Library of SA (Special Collections) BRO 343.1 AQ
Behr, Abraham Leslie & MacMillan, R.G. Education in South Africa Pretoria 1966 J.L. van Schaik Ltd.
——— 2nd edition Pretoria 1971 J.L. van Schaik Ltd.
Bekker, S. & Humphries, R. From control to confusion Pietermaritzburg 1985
Belcher, Cyril Isaac (editor) Norman’s law of purchase and sale in South Africa 2nd edition Johannesburg 1939 Hortors
——— 3rd edition Durban 1961 Butterworths
——— 4th edition Durban 1972 Butterworths
Bell, Robert T. Industrial decentralisation in South Africa Oxford, U.K. 1973 Oxford University Press
Bell, William Henry Somerset Bygone days: Being reminiscences of pioneer life in the Cape Colony and the Transvaal London 1933 H.F. & G. Witterby
——— South African legal dictionary: Containing most of the English, Latin and Dutch terms, phrases and maxims used in Roman-Dutch law and South African legal practice Cape Town 1925 Juta
Bellairs, Lady B.St J. (editor) The Transvaal war 1880–1881 Edinburgh 1885 William Blackwood & Sons
——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1972 C. Struik
A Bengali Notes on the Cape of Good Hope Calcutta 1847
Bennett, Benjamin This was a man Cape Town 1958 Howard Timmins
Bennett, Jack The hawk alone London 1966 Michael Joseph First publ. 1965
——— Jamie London 1963
——— Mister fisherman London 1964 Michael Joseph
Bense, J.F. A dictionary of the Low-Dutch element in the English vocabulary The Hague 1939 M. Nijhoff
Benson, Mary The African patriots: The story of the African National Congress of South Africa London 1963 Faber & Faber
——— At the still point Boston 1969 Gambit, Inc.
——— another edition London 1988 Virago
Bent, J. Theodore The ruined cities of Mashonaland: Being a record of excavation and exploration in 1891 London 1892 Longmans, Green and Co.
——— 2nd edition London 1888 Longmans, Green
Berger, Lucy Gough Where’s the madam? Cape Town 1966 Howard Timmins
Berjak, Patricia, Campbell, G.K., Huckett, Barbara I. & Pammenter, N.W. In the mangroves of Southern Africa Durban 1982 Wildlife Society of Southern Africa, Natal Branch
The best of South African Short Stories edited by A. Turner Cape Town 1991 Reader’s Digest Association
Bews, J.W. The grasses and grasslands of South Africa Pietermaritzburg 1918 P. Davies & Sons, Ld.
——— Plant forms and their evolution in South Africa London 1925 Longmans Green
——— The world’s grasses: Their differentiation, distribution economics and ecology London 1929 Longmans Green
Bhana, Surendra & Pachai, Bridglal (editor) A documentary history of Indian South Africans Cape Town 1984 David Philip
Biden, C. Leo Sea-angling fishes of the Cape (South Africa) London 1930 Oxford University Press
Biermann, Barrie Red wine in South Africa Cape Town 1971 Buren
Bingley, William Animal biography; or, anecdotes of the lives, manners, and economy, of the animal creation, arranged according to the system of Linnæus 3 volumes London 1803 R. Phillips
Binns, C.T. The warrior people: Zulu origins, customs and witchcraft Cape Town 1974 Timmins
Bird, John (editor) Annals of Natal 1495–1845 2 volumes Cape Town [1888] T. Maskew Miller
——— another edition 2 volumes Pietermaritzburg 1888 P. Davis & Sons
Bird, William Wilberforce State of the Cape of Good Hope, in 1822 [written anonymously] London 1823
Birding in Southern Africa Johannesburg 1989– Southern African Ornithological Society (continuation of Bokmakierie)
Birkby, Carel Airman lost in Africa London 1938 Frederick Muller
——— Dassie edition [Johannesburg] 1957
——— In the sun - I’m rich Johannesburg 1941
——— Springbok victory Johannesburg [1941] Libertas
——— Thirstland treks London 1936 Faber
——— Zulu journey London 1937 Frederick Muller Ltd.
Bisset, John Jarvis Sport and war: Or recollections of fighting and hunting in South Africa from the years 1834 to 1867, with a narrative of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh’s visit to the Cape London 1875 John Murray
Black Enterprise Johannesburg (continued by Enterprise)
The Black Sash Cape Town (from Dec. 1961 publ. in Johannesburg, continued by Sash)
Black, Stephen The dorp London 1920 Andrew Melrose
——— 2nd edition London 1921
——— Stephen Black: three plays see Gray, Stephen (editor)
Black, W.T. The Fish River bush: South Africa and its wild animals Edinburgh 1901 Young J. Pentland
Blackburn, D. & Caddell, W. Secret service in South Africa London 1911 Cassell
Blackburn, Douglas A burgher Quixote Edinburgh 1903 William Blackwood
——— I came and saw London 1908 Alston Rivers
——— Leaven: A black and white story London 1908 Alston Rivers
——— Richard Hartley, Prospector Edinburgh 1905 William Blackwood
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine Edinburgh 1817– William Blackwood & Sons
Black’s veterinary dictionary edited by William C. Miller & Geoffrey Philip West 3rd edition London 1953 Adam & Charles Black
——— edited by Geoffrey Philip West 11th edition London 1975 Adam & Charles Black
Blagden, C.O. An English-Malay phrase book London 1934
Blaine, Charles Herbert Native Courts Practice Cape Town 1931 Juta & Co., Ltd.
Blamey, J.C. Diary. 1851 Killie Campbell Africana Library MS6121
Bleek, Dorothea F. A Bushman dictionary New Haven, U.S.A. 1956 American Oriental Society (Americal Oriental Series: Vol. 41)
——— The mantis and his friends: Bushman folklore Cape Town [1923] T. Maskew Miller
Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel A comparative grammar of South African languages Cape Town 1862 Trübner & Co.
——— Reynard the fox in South Africa; or, Hottentot fables and tales London 1864 Trübner & Co.
Bleloch, William Edwin & O’Flaherty, Alfred Ernest A thousand million pounds for us or Germany? The gold of the far east Rand Johannesburg 1917 Bleloch & O’Flaherty
Blennerhassett, Rose & Sleeman, Lucy Adventures in Mashonaland by two hospital nurses London 1893 Macmillan
Blersch, F. Handbook of agriculture Cape Town 1906 J.C. Juta & Co.
Bligh, William A voyage to the South Sea, undertaken by command of His Majesty, for the purpose of conveying the bread-fruit tree to the West Indies, in His Majesty’s ship The Bounty London 1792 George Nicol
Blignaut, Aegidius Jean Dead end road Cape Town 1980 AD Donker
Blondel, Alain & Lamb, Shena The parrot’s egg Johannesburg 1985 Ravan Press
The Bloody Horse Johannesburg 1980–1981 Bateleur Press
Bloom, Harry Episode London 1900 Collins
Blore, H. An imperial light horseman London 1900 C. Arthur Pearson
Blue Book for Colony see Colony of the Cape of Good Hope 1866
Blueprint for blackout: A commentary on the education policy of the Instituut vir Christelik-Nationale Onderwys Johannesburg 1949 Education League
——— 2nd revised edition Johannesburg 1949 Education League
Boesak, Allan Aubrey Farewell to innocence: A social-ethical study of black theology and black power Johannesburg 1976 Ravan Press
Bold, J.D. Dictionary, grammar and phrase book of Fanagalo (Kitchen Kafir) 4th revised edition [Johannesburg] 1957 Central News Agency (first publ. 1951)
——— 7th edition (with title Phrase-book, grammar and dictionary of Fanagalo) Johannesburg 1968 Hugh Keartland (Publishers)
——— 15th edition (with title Fanagalo Phrase-book, grammar, dictionary) Johannesburg 1990 J.L. van Schaik
Bolsmann, Eric H. The South African wine dictionary Cape Town 1977 A.A. Balkema
Bolster, R.C. Land and sea birds of the South-West Cape: A quick reference guide containing descriptions of all the birds of the area, with notes on their habits and every device for rapid identification Cape Town 1931 Specialty Press
Bolt Durban 1970–1975 University of Natal (Magazine of the Literary Society)
Bolus, H.M. Louisa Notes on Mesembrianthemum and some allied genera with descriptions of a hundred new species Cape Town 1928 Specialty Press
Bolus, Harry The orchids of the Cape Peninsula Cape Town 1888 offprint from the Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society
Bona Durban
Bond, G. Chaka the terrible London 1961
Bond, Pauline & Goldblatt, Peter Plants of the Cape flora: A descriptive catalogue Cape Town 1984
A book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church together with the form and manner of making, ordaining and consecrating of bishops, priests and deacons; set forth by authority for use in the Church of the Province of South Africa London 1967 Oxford University Press First publ. 1954, 10th impression 1967, 9th impression (1965) says "President" not "State President"
Boonzaier, Emile & Sharp, John (editor) South African keywords: The uses and abuses of political concepts Cape Town 1988 David Philip
Booth, Alan R. (editor) see Champion, George
Booysen, Charles Murray More tales of South Africa: An anthology of South African short stories Cape Town 1967 Howard Timmins
——— (editor) Tales of South Africa: An anthology of South African short stories Cape Town 1963 Howard Timmins
Borcherds, Petrus Borchardus An auto-biographical memoir of Petrus Borchardus Borcherds, late civil commission of Cape division and resident Magistrate for Cape Town and district thereof, and Cape district: Being a plain narrative of occurrences from early life to advanced age, chiefly intended for his children and descendants, countrymen and friends Cape Town 1861 A.S. Robertson
——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1963 Africana Connoisseurs Press
Boshoff, P.E. & Nienaber, G.S. Afrikaanse etimologieë Pretoria 1967
Bosman, A.M. & Bonsma, F.N. Essential ranch improvements Pretoria 1838 Department of Agriculture & Forestry
Bosman, Herman Charles Almost forgotten stories see Rosenberg, Valerie (editor)
——— A Bekkersdal marathon see Abrahams, Lionel (editor)
——— Bosman at his best see Abrahams, Lionel (editor)
——— A cask of jerepigo see Abrahams, Lionel (editor)
——— Cold stone jug Cape Town 1969 (first publ. 1949)
——— Jurie Steyn’s post office see Abrahams, Lionel (editor)
——— Mafeking road Cape Town 1969
——— Makapan’s caves see Gray, Stephen (editor)
——— Uncollected essays see Rosenberg, Valerie (editor)
——— Unto dust see Abrahams, Lionel (editor)
——— Willemsdorp [written 1951] Cape Town 1977 Human & Rousseau
——— see also Gray, Stephen
——— see also Sachs, Bernard
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——— another edition Johannesburg 1952 Afrikanse Pers-Boekhandel
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——— Social life in the Cape Colony in the 18th century Cape Town [1926] Juta & Co., Ltd.
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——— London 1839 J. Mason
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——— new edition 1980 Oxford University Press
——— 3rd revised edition 1987
——— 4th edition edited by J. & W. Branford 1991
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Bransby, Laurence Homeward bound Cape Town 1990 Tafelberg
Bregin, Elana The kayaboeties Cape Town 1989 Maskew Miller Longman
Brett Young, F. see Young, Francis Brett (F. Brett Young)
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——— Widnes, Cheshire 2004 Teasdale Brown
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——— A chain of voices London 1982 Faber & Faber
——— Dessert Wine in South Africa Cape Town 1974 Buren
——— A dry white season London 1979 W.H. Allen & Co.
——— The first life of Adamastor London 1992 Secker & Warburg
——— An instant in the wind London 1976 W.H. Allen & Co.
——— Looking on darkness London 1974 W.H. Allen & Co.
——— Mapmakers: Writing in a state of siege London 1983 Faber & Faber
——— Rumours of rain London 1980 W.H. Allen & Co. (first publ. 1978)
——— see also Stander, Siegfried
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——— The glory of the backveld: A novel of South Africa London 1924 Stockwell
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——— Journey to Mousanzia Pretoria 1988 Juventus
——— One man’s war: A soldier’s diary Cape Town 1980 Howard Timmins
——— The return Cape Town 1971 Purnell
——— London 1971 Macdonald
——— The white locusts: A saga of the birth of Johannesburg Cape Town 1983 Jonathan Ball
Brown, John Croumbie (editor) Management of Crown forests at the Cape of Good Hope under the old regime and under the new Edinburgh 1887 Oliver & Boyd
——— (translator) see Arbousset, Rev. Thomas
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——— The new Transvaal London 1908 Alston Rivers
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——— Olden times in Zululand and Natal : Containing earlier political history of the Eastern-Nguni clans London 1929 Longmans, Green
——— Zulu medicine and medicine-men Cape Town 1966 C. Struik
——— The Zulu people as they were before the white man came Pietermaritzburg 1949 Shuter & Shooter
——— A Zulu-English dictionary…a synopsis of Zulu grammar and a concise history of the Zulu people Pinetown 1905 Mariannhill Mission Press
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——— 2nd edition London 1898 Macmillan
——— 3rd revised edition London 1899 Macmillan
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——— From veldt camp fires; stories of Southern Africa London 1900 Hurst & Blackett
——— (editor) Great and small game of Africa: An account of the distribution, habits, and natural history of the sporting mammals, with personal hunting experiences London 1899 Rowland Ward
——— Gun and camera in Southern Africa: A year of wandering in Bechuanaland, the Kalahari Desert, and the Lake River Country, Ngamiland with notes on colonisation, natives, natural history and sport London 1893 E. Stanford
——— A history of South Africa: From the first settlement by the Dutch, 1652, to the year 1903 London 1904 William Sands
——— Kloof and Karroo: Sport, legend, and natural history in Cape Colony, with a notice of the game birds, and of the present distribution of the antelopes and larger game London 1889 Longmans, Green
——— Nature and sport in South Africa London 1897 Chapman & Hall
——— Tales of South Africa London 1896 Archibald Constable & Co.
——— The Victorian era in South Africa: A short history of progress from the Cape to British Central Africa during Her Majesty’s reign, 1837 to 1897 London 1897 The African Critic
——— see also Selous, Percy
Buchan, John The four adventures of Richard Hannay London 1930 Hodder & Stoughton
——— Greenmantle London 1916 Hodder & Stoughton
——— 1942 reprint London 1917 Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd
——— Memory hold-the-door London 1940 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd.
——— Prester John London 1910 Thomas Nelson & Sons
——— Harmondsworth, U.K. 1961
Buchanan, Barbara I. Pioneer days in Natal Pietermaritzburg 1934 Shuter & Shooter
Buell, Raymond Leslie The native problem in Africa New York 1928 Macmillan
——— reprint London 1965 Frank Cass
Bulletin Pretoria Centre for Science Development (continued by CSD Bulletin)
Bullock, Charles The Mashona and the Matabele Cape Town 1950 Juta & Co., Ltd.
——— Rina: A story of Africa Cape Town [1949] Juta
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——— Lost trails of the Transvaal Cape Town 1956
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——— 2nd edition 1951
——— Storm over the Transvaal Cape Town 1955
——— The white whirlwind London 1961
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——— Chicago 1988 University of Chicago Press
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——— Say a little mantra for me Johannesburg 1979
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Burman, J. Guide to the Garden Route Cape Town 1973 Human & Rousseau
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——— Overberg outspan: A chronicle of people and places in the South Western Districts of the Cape Cape Town 1952 Maskew Miller
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——— Cape Colony to-day Cape Town 1907 Townshend, Taylor & Snashall
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Business Day Johannesburg 1985– SA Associated Newspapers
Buthelezi, Mangosuthu Gatsha Power is ours New York 1979 Books in Focus
Butler, A.J. (translator) see Ratzel, Friedrich
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——— Bursting world: An autobiography (1936–45) Cape Town 1983 David Philip
——— Cape charade or Kaatjie Kekkelbek Cape Town 1968 Balkema (Albany Series of Plays)
——— The dove returns Cape Town 1956 Fortune Press
——— Essays and lectures Cape Town 1994 David Philip (edited and introduced by Stephen Watson)
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——— A local habitation Cape Town 1991 David Philip
——— South of the Zambesi: Poems from South Africa London 1966 Abelard-Schuman
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——— Tales from the old Karoo Johannesburg 1989 Ad. Donker
——— (editor) When boys were men Cape Town 1969 OUP
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——— There are no South Africans 1942 reprint London 1941 Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.
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Campbell, A.G. The Echo: a literary, scientific and critical magazine see The Echo: A literary, scientific and critical magazine
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——— Light on a Dark Horse: An autobiography, 1901–1935 London 1951 Hollis & Carter
——— The mamba’s precipice London 1953 Frederick Muller
——— Mithraic Emblems London 1936 Boriswood
——— The Wayzgoose: A South African satire London 1928 Jonathan Cape
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——— Travels in South Africa undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society; being a narrative of a second journey in the interior of that country 2 volumes London 1822 Francis Westley
——— Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the Missionary Society London 1815 Black & Parry
Campbell, Roy see Campbell, Ignatius Royston Dunnachie (Roy)
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Campbell Tait, B. see Tait, Barbara Campbell (B. Campbell Tait)
Cana, Frank South Africa: From the Great Trek to the Union London 1909 Chapman & Hall
Candy, Solveig (editor) Natal coast gardening: With special reference to tropical and sub-tropical plants Durban 1968 Durban & Coast Horticultural Society
The Cape Argus Cape Town 1857–1969 (continued by The Argus)
A Cape Colonist’ (E.G. Aspeling) The Cape Malays: An essay Cape Town 1883 W.A. Richards & Sons
Cape Herald Cape Town 1965–
Cape Illustrated Magazine Cape Town 1890–1900 Dennis Edwards (continued by The South African Illustrated Magazine)
The Cape Law Journal Grahamstown 1884–1900 Richards, Slater, & Co. (continued by The South African Law Journal)
The Cape Mercury and Weekly Magazine see Cape Town Weekly Magazine
The Cape Monitor Cape Town 1850–1862 S. Afr. Library
The Cape Monthly Magazine 11 volumes Cape Town 1857–1862; new series 18 vols 1870–79; new series 4 vols 1879–81
Cape of Good Hope Agricultural Journal see The Agricultural Journal of the Cape of Good Hope
The Cape of Good Hope almanac and annual register Cape Town 1837–1863 (continuation of The South African almanac(k) and directory; title varies; continued by The Cape Town directory)
Cape of Good Hope Annexures to Votes and Proceedings Cape Town 1853– (quotations taken from, inter alia, Report by the Deputy Surveyor-General, dated 6th July, 1854, upon the nature and progress of His Excellency Sir George Cathcart’s plan for the Settlement of the Eastern Frontier, Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee of the Honourable the House of Assembly, appointed on the 8th August, 1854, to inquire into the existing Pound Regulations, on the Petition of certain inhabitants of Wellington and others, Copy of Despatch, dated 17th April, 1953, from His Excellency Sir George Cathcart to the Secretary of State, upon the subject of the Kafir Police, Report from the Select Committee of the House of Assembly upon, and documents connected with, the Robben Island Establishment,Wines and Spirits. Proceedings of, and documents relative to, the working of the Ordinance No. 9, of 20th December, 1851.)
Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette Cape Town 1826–1910 (continuation of Cape Town Gazette, and African Advertiser)
Cape of Good Hope Literary Gazette Cape Town 1830–1835
Cape Punch Cape Town 1888
Cape Statutes see Statute law of the Cape of Good Hope, comprising the placaats, proclamations and ordinances, enacted before the establishment of the colonial parliament and still wholly or in part in force
Cape Times (title varies) Cape Town 1876–
The ‘Cape Times’ South African ‘Inquire within’ for households see The South African ‘Inquire within’ for households
The Cape Town directory Cape Town 1865–1868 (continuation of The Cape of Good Hope almanac and annual register; title varies; continued byThe general directory and guide book to the Cape of Good Hope)
Cape Town Gazette, and African Advertiser Cape Town 1800–1826 (continued by Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette)
Cape Town Weekly Magazine Cape Town 1859 (from Apr. with title The Cape Mercury and Weekly Magazine)
Capricorn High School Magazine Pietersburg 1962– Capricorn High School
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——— The farm in the Karoo; or, What Charley Vyvyan and his friends saw in South Africa London 1883 Juta, Heelis & Co.
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——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1967 C. Struik (Africana Collectanea: Vol. 25)
——— Natal: A re-print of all the authentic notices relative to Natal, with a narrative of events at that settlement Grahamstown 1843 Godlonton
Chattaway, M.M. see Chalk, L., Chattaway, M.M., Burtt Davy, J., Laughton, F.S. & Scott, M.H.
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——— (editor) Portrait of a pioneer: The letters of Sidney Turner from South Africa 1864–1901 Johannesburg 1980 Macmillan
——— Yesterday’s children Cape Town 1969 Timmins
——— see Drummond, J.H.
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——— The seven lost trails of Africa: Being a record of sundry expeditions, new and old, in search of buried treasure London 1930 Cassell & Co. Ltd.
——— Dassie edition South Africa 1949 Central News Agency Ltd
——— The yellow man looks on London 1933
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City Press Johannesburg 1983– (continuation of Golden City Press)
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——— Canary pie London 1976 Collins
——— Chetoko and other African stories Glasgow 1976 Fontana (first publ. in 1968 as The writing on the wall and other African stories)
——— The company with the heart of gold and other stories London 1973 Collins
——— The hill of doves Boston 1942 Houghton Mifflin
——— The Mask London 1958 Collins
——— Rags of glory London 1963 Collins
——— The silver trumpet and other African stories London 1961 Collins
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——— Turning wheels London 1937 Collins
——— Watch for the dawn London 1939 Collins
——— another edition London 1940 World Books
——— The writing on the wall and other African stories London 1968 Collins
Clouts, Sydney One life Cape Town 1966 Purnell
Coates Palgrave, K. see Palgrave, K.C. (K. Coates Palgrave)
Coates Palgrave, W. see Report of W. Coates Palgrave, Esq., special commissioner to the tribes north of the Orange River, of his mission to Damaraland and Great Namaqualand in 1876
Cock, Jacklyn Maids and madams: A study in the politics of exploitation Johannesburg 1980 Ravan Press
Coetzee, C.B. see Mineral resources of the Republic of South Africa
Coetzee, J.M. Dusklands Johannesburg 1974 Ravan Press
——— In the heart of the country Johannesburg 1979
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Cohen, Louis Reminiscences of Johannesburg and London London 1924 Robert Holden & Co.
——— Reminiscences of Kimberley London 1911 Bennet
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——— Reminiscences of my life and of the Cape Bench and Bar Cape Town 1896 J.C. Juta & Co.
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Cole, Josette Crossroads: The politics of reform and repression, 1976–1986 Johannesburg 1987 Ravan Press
Cole, Monica M. South Africa London 1968 Methuen
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——— Ten weeks in Natal: A journal of a first tour of visitation among the colonists and Zulu Kafirs of Natal London 1855 Macmillan
——— (editor) Zulu-English dictionary Pietermaritzburg 1861 P. Davis
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Collins, Robin The four-coloured flag London 1958 Jarrolds
——— The impassioned wind London 1958 Jarrolds
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——— Romance of Empire: South Africa London 1909 T.C. & E.C. Jack
Comaroff, John L. (editor) see Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho
Commission of inquiry into the structure and functioning of the courts (Chairman: G.G. Hoexter) 3 volumes [no place] 1983 Parl. Paper R.P.78-1983
Compendium of the law of the Cape of Good Hope London 1868
Comprehensive Northern Sotho dictionary edited by D. Ziervogel & P.C. Mokgokong Pretoria 1975 J.L. Van Schaik
The concise Oxford dictionary of current English edited by J.B. Sykes Oxford, U.K. 1983
The concise Scots dictionary edited by M. Robinson et al. Aberdeen, Scotland 1985 Aberdeen University Press
Concise Siswati dictionary edited by D.K. Rycroft Pretoria 1982
Conradie, Pieter see Van Wyk, Johan, Conradie, Pieter & Constandaras, Nik
Conserva Pretoria Department of Environmental Affairs
Constandaras, Nik see Van Wyk, Johan, Conradie, Pieter & Constandaras, Nik
The constitution and canons of the Church of the Province of South Africa: And other acts of the Provincial Synod Cape Town 1870 Willilam Foster
Contact Cape Town
Contrast: South African quarterly Cape Town 1960– S.A. Literary Journal title changes to New Contrast
Conyngham, J. The arrowing of the cane Johannesburg 1986 Ad. Donker
Cook, J. Voyages of discovery London 1908
——— see also Hawkesworth, John
Cook, Mary Alexander The Cape kitchen: A description of its position, lay-out, fittings and utensils [Stellenbosch] [1973] Stellenbosch Museum
Coon, Carleton S. The origin of races London 1963 Jonathan Cape
Cope, J. Alley cat and other stories London 1973 Heinemann
——— The man who doubted: And other stories London 1967 Heinemann
——— The tame ox London 1960 Heinemann
——— see Livingstone, Douglas (editor)
Cope, J. & Krige, U. (editor) The Penguin book of South African verse Harmondsworth, U.K. 1968 Penguin
Cope, Trevor (editor) Izibongo: Zulu praise-poems Oxford 1968 The Clarendon Press
Coplan, D.B. The urbanization of African performing arts in South Africa. 1980 Doctoral thesis. Indiana University, U.S.A.
Corbett, M.M., Hahlo, H.R., Hofmeyr, Gys & Kahn, Ellison The law of succession in South Africa Cape Town 1980 Juta & Co. Ltd.
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Cornell, Frederick Carruthers The glamour of prospecting: Wanderings of a South African prospector in search of copper, gold, emeralds, and diamonds London 1920 Fisher Unwin
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——— The naturalist on the Thames London 1902 Seeley and Co. Limited
Corrie, Edgar Valentine see E.V.C.’ (E.V. Corrie)
Cory, Sir George E. The rise of South Africa; a history of the origin of South African colonisation and of its development towards the east from the earliest times to 1857 6 volumes London 1910–1940 Longmans Vol I 1910; Vol II 1913
——— see also Owen, Francis
Cosmopolitan Cape Town 1984– Jane Raphaely & Associates
Cotton, Roy Joseph Ag, man Cape Town 1986 UpStream Publications
Cotton, Walter Aidan The race problem in South Africa London 1926 Student Christian Movement
——— Racial segregation in South Africa: An appeal London 1931 The Sheldon Press
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Cowin, Kay Bushveld, bananas and bounty London 1954 Michael Joseph
Craig, Adrian & Hummel, Chris (editors) see Wahlberg, Johan August
Craven, Daniel Hartman (Danie) Springbok Story 1949–1953 Cape Town 1954 R. Beerman Publishers
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Crompton-Lomax, Elizabeth The South African menu and kitchen dictionary Cape Town 1988 Don Nelson
Cronin, Jeremy Inside Johannesburg 1983 Ravan Press
Cronwright-Schreiner, Samuel C. Letter to C. Cronwright. 1924 NELM SMD 30 17.7
——— The Life of Olive Schreiner London 1924 Fisher Unwin
——— The Migratory Springbucks of South Africa: Also An essay on the ostrich, and A letter descriptive of the Zambesi Falls London 1925 T. Fisher Unwin Ltd.
Croudace, Glynn The black rose London 1968 Robert Hale
——— The dark tide London 1967 Robert Hale
——— The scarlet bikini London 1969 Macmillan
——— The secret of the rock Cape Town 1988 Maskew Miller Longman
——— The silver grass London 1968 Robert Hale
——— Transvaal jade, and other stories South Africa [1956] CNA
The Crozier Port Elizabeth 1965–1977 Newspaper of the Dioceses of Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth
Crux: A journal on the teaching of English Pretoria Foundation for Education, Science & Technology
Crwys-Williams, J. (editor) South African Despatches: Two centuries of the best in South African journalism Johannesburg 1989 Ashanti Publishing
CSD Bulletin Pretoria 1992– Centre for Science Development (continuation of Bulletin)
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Cullinan, Patrick Robert Jacob Gordon 1743–1795: The man and his travels at the Cape Cape Town 1999 Struik Winchester
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Cumming, Roualeyn Gordon (R. Gordon Cumming) Five years of a hunter’s life in the far interior of South Africa. With notices of the native 2 volumes London 1850 John Murray Also called A hunter’s life in South Africa, Five years’ hunting adventures or Five years’ adventures in the far interior of South Africa
Curle, J.H. The gold mines of the world containing concise and practical advice for investors gathered from a personal inspection of the mines of the Transvaal, India, West Australia, Queensland, New Zealand, British Columbia and Rhodesia London 1899 Waterlow
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Cust, Robert Needham A sketch of the modern languages of Africa: accompanied by a language map 2 volumes London 1883 Trübner & Co.
Cuvier, Baron Georges The animal kingdom: Arranged in conformity with its organization by the Baron Cuvier; with additional descriptions of all the species hitherto names, and of many not before noticed with additional descriptions by Edward Griffith and others London 1827 Geo. B. Whittaker


Dachs, Anthony J. (editor) see Mackenzie, John
The Daily Dispatch East London 1925– (continuation of East London Dispatch)
Daily News Durban 1878– (with title Natal Mercantile Advertiser1878–9 July 1886, Natal Advertiser10 July 1886–5 Mar. 1887, The Natal Advertiser and South African Mining Journal7 Mar. 1887–Dec. 1894, and Natal Daily News Aug. 1937–24 Mar. 1962; absorbed Sunday Tribune1939–47; weekend edition Saturday News merged with Weekend Mercury to form Natal on Saturday)
Daily News London 1846–
Daily Representative Queenstown 1927–1978 (continuation of Queenstown Daily Representative and Border Chronicle)
Damberger, Christian Frederick Travels in the interior of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco, from the years 1781 to 1797; through Caffraria, the Kingdoms of Mataman, Angola, Massi, Monœmugi, Muschako, &c. likewise across the great desert of Sahara, and the northern parts of Barbary (translated from Damberger’s original German) 2 volumes London 1801 T.N. Longman & O. Rees
Dampier, William A new voyage round the world describing particularly, the isthmus of America, 4th edition London 1699 James Knapton
Dane, Philippa The great houses of Constantia Cape Town 1981 Don Nelson
Daniell, Samuel & Daniell, William Sketches representing the native tribes, animals, and scenery of southern Africa London 1820 William Daniell
Darbishire, Helen see Milton, John
Darling Durban Durban
Davenport, T.R.H. The Afrikaner Bond: The history of a South African political party, 1880–1911 Cape Town 1966 Oxford University PRess
——— South Africa: A modern history London 1977 Macmillan
——— 2nd edition London 1978 Macmillan
Davenport, T.R.H. & Hunt, K.S. (editor) The right to the land Cape Town 1974 David Philip
Davids, Achmat The mosques of Bo-Kaap: A social history of Islam at the Cape Athlone 1980 South African Institute of Arabic and Islamic Research
Davidson, Basil Old Africa rediscovered London 1970 Gollancz
——— Report on Southern Africa London 1952 Jonathan Cape
Davie, T.B. Education and race relations in South Africa Johannesburg 1955 SA Institute of Race Relations (The Hoernlé Memorial Lecture 1955)
Davies, Gordon Diamond Bristol 1984 Adam Hilger
Davies, Horton Great South African Christians Cape Town 1951 Oxford University Press
Davies, Robert, O’Meara, Dan & Dlamini, Sipho The struggle for South Africa 2 volumes London 1984 Zed Books Ltd
Davis, G. (J. Gordon Davis) Hold my hand I’m dying London 1969
——— The land God made in anger London 1990
Dawburn, Charles My South African year London 1921 Mills & Boon
Dawson, John William The story of the earth and man London 1873 Hodder & Stoughton
Day, David The encyclopedia of vanished species revised edition Hong Kong 1989 McLaren Publishing
Day, John Hemsworth A guide to marine life on South African shores Cape Town 1969 A.A. Balkema
De Barrera, Anita Gems and jewels London 1860 Richard Bentley
De Beer, Zacharius Johannes Multi-racial South Africa: The reconciliation of forces London 1961 Oxford University Press
De Bosdari, C. Cape Dutch houses and farms: Their architecture and history, together with a note on the rôle of Cecil John Rhodes in their preservation Cape Town 1953 A.A. Balkema
——— 2nd edition 1964
——— 3rd edition 1971
De Bougainville, Lewis (Louis) A voyage round the world. Performed by order of his most Christian majesty, in the years 1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769 by Lewis de Bougainville (translated from the French by J.R. Forster) London 1772 J. Nourse
——— facsimile reprint Amsterdam 1967 N. Israel (Bibliotheca Australiana: No. 12)
De Brémont, Comtesse Anna The gentleman digger: A study of Johannesburg life London 1891 Sampson Low, Marston and Co. Ltd.
De Camoëns, Luis see Hodges, E. Richmond (translator)
De Kiewiet, Cornelis W. A history of South Africa, social and economic London 1941 Oxford University Press
——— reprint 1966
De Klerk, Willem Abraham The white wines of South Africa Cape Town 1967 A.A. Balkema
De Kock, Victor The fun they had!: The pastimes of our forefathers Cape Town 1955 Timmins
——— Those in bondage: An account of the life of the slave at the Cape in the days of the Dutch East India Company Cape Town 1950 Allen & Unwin
De Kok, Winifred (translator) see Marais, Eugène Nielen
De la Rey, Jacoba Elizabeth A woman’s wanderings and trials during the Anglo-Boer war, by Mrs General de la Rey (translated by Lucy Hotz) London 1903 T. Fisher Unwin
De Mist, Jacob Abraham Uitenhage Diary of a journey to the Cape of Good Hope and interior of Africa in 1802 and 1803 Cape Town 1954
——— see Jeffreys, Kathleen M. (editor)
De Mosenthal, Julius & Harting, James Edmund Ostriches and ostrich farming London 1877 Trübner & Co.
De Quatrefages, Armand The human species translator unknown 2nd edition London 1879 C. Kegan Paul & Co.
De Ridder, Jac Sad laughter memories: Two novellas of old Sophiatown Johannesburg 1983 Jonathan Ball
De V. Pienaar, U. see Pienaar, Uys de Villiers
De Villiers, André English-speaking South Africa today: Proceedings of the national conference July 1974l Cape Town 1976 Oxford University Press
De Villiers, Heinrich H.W. Rivonia: Operation Mayibuye: A review of the Rivonia trial Johannesburg 1964 Afrikaanse Pers-Boekhandel
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De Villiers, Stoffelina Johanna Adriana Cook and enjoy it: South African cookery manual 6th edition Cape Town 1981 Human & Rousseau
De Vos Hugo, D. see Hugo, D. de Vos
De Waal, Jan Hendrik Hofmeyr Africander Grammar Cape Town 1910 Cape Times
De Wet, Christiaan Rudolf Three years war (October 1899–June 1902 Westminster, U.K. 1902 A. Constable
De Wet, Sampie An hour of breath Johannesburg 1950 Central News Agency
——— Nine stories Cape Town [1956] Balkema
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Dederick, Sheila Tickey London 1965 Oxford University Press
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——— Colonial edition London 1912 William Heinemann
Delius, Anthony Border Cape Town 1976 David Philip
——— The day Natal took off: A satire Cape Town 1963 Insight
——— The last division Cape Town 1959 Human & Rousseau
——— The young traveller in South Africa London 1947 Phoenix House
Democracy in action: Journal of the Institute for a Democratic South Africa Cape Town 1987–1998; 2002–2003 IDASA
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Department of Agriculture: Report with appendices Pietermaritzburg 1969 Parl. Paper UG54-1912
Derricourt, Robin M. Prehistoric man in the Ciskei & Transkei Cape Town 1977 Struik
Desai, Mahadev (translator) see Gandhi, Mohandas K.
Desai, Valji Govindji (translator) see Gandhi, Mohandas K.
Desmond, Cosmas The discarded people: An account of African resettlement Braamfontein [c1970] Christian Institute of S.A.
——— another edition Harmondsworth 1971 Penguin
Desmond, Shaw African log London 1935 Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd.
Devereux, Roy Side lights on South Africa London 1899 Sampson Low, Marston & Co.
Devitt, Napier The blue lizard and other stories of native life in South Africa Pretoria 1928 J.L. van Schaik, Ltd.
——— Celebrated South African crimes Durban 1941 The Knox Publishing Company
——— The concentration camps in South Africa during the Anglo-Boer war of 1899–1902 Pietermaritzburg 1941 Shuter & Shooter
——— Memories of a magistrate, including twenty-five years on the South African Bench London 1934
——— Cheap edition London 1935 H.F. & G. Witherby
——— People and places: Sketches from South African history Cape Town 1945 Unie-Volkspers
Dhlomo, H.I.E. see Visser, N. & Couzens, T. (editors)
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Dickason, G.B. Cornish immigrants to South Africa: The Cousin Jacks’ contribution to the development of mining and commerce, 1820–1920 Cape Town 1978 A.A. Balkema
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Dickens, Charles Reprinted pieces London 1868 Chapman & Hall, Ld.
A dictionary of American English on historical principles edited by W.A. Craigie & J.R. Hulbert 4 volumes Chicago 1938–1944
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——— 2nd edition 1980
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Dictionary of Science & Technology edited by T.C. Collocott & Alan B. Dobson revised edition Edinburgh 1974 W. & R. Chambers
Dictionary of South African Biography 5 volumes Pretoria 1968–1987 Tafelberg
Die Volkstem Pretoria 1873–1880; 1881–1951 (first publ. as De Volksstem; with title De Volkstem 1914–15; from 1949 publ. in Johannesburg)
Dieterlen, H. see Mabille, Adolphe
Difford, Ivor D. The history of South African rugby football (1875–1932) Johannesburg 1979 The Speciality Press of S.A. Ltd.
Diggers’ ditties: A selection from the literary scribblings of early Kimberley residents Cape Town 1989 compiled by Africana Library, Kimberley
Dike, Fatima The first South African Johannesburg 1979 Ravan Press (Ravan Playscript 4)
Dikobe, Modikwe The marabi dance. 1970 Typescript. NELM 823.3 DIK
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Distant, William Lucas A naturalist in the Transvaal London 1892 R.H. Porter
Dixie, Lady Florence Caroline In the land of misfortune London 1882 Richard Bentley & Son
Dobie, John Shedden South African journal 1862–6 edited by A.F. Hattersley Cape Town 1945 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 26)
Dodd, D. (editor) Anthology of short stories by South African writers Cape Town [1958] Juta
Doke, Clement Martyn (editor) The phonetics of the Zulu language Johannesburg 1954 University of Witwatersrand Press
——— (editor) The Southern Bantu languages London 1954 Oxford University Press
Doke, Clement Martyn & Vilakazi, Benedict Wallet (editor) Zulu-English dictionary Johannesburg 1948 University of the Witwatersrand Press
——— 2nd edition + addendum Johannesburg 1953 1964 reprint University of the Witwatersrand Press
Doke, Joseph J. M.K. Gandhi: An Indian patriot in South Africa London 1909 London Indian Chronicle
——— The secret city: A romance of the Karoo London 1913 Hodder & Stoughton
Donald, M. see Bullock, J.B.
Donn, James Hortus Cantabrigiensis; or, a catalogue of plants indigenous and exotic edited by Frederick Pursh 8th edition London 1815 Richard & Arthur Taylor
Donovan, C.H.W. With Wilson in Matabeleland: Or sport and war in Zambesia London 1894 Henry & Co.
Donovan, Mary The Kaffir circus and other stories: South African stories of to-day London 1896 Jarrold
Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary 25th edition Philadelphia 1974 W.B. Saunders
Dorner, Helen see Beeton, Douglas Ridley & Dorner, Helen
Doughty, Oswald Early diamond days: The opening of the diamond fields of South Africa London 1963 Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd.
Douglas, S. (editor) see Mazikana, P.C. & Johnstone, I.J.
Douglass, Arthur Ostrich farming in South Africa: Being an account of its origin and rise, how to set about it, the profits to be derived, how to manage the birds, the capital required, the diseases and difficulties to be met with, &c. &c. London [1881] Cassell, Petter & Galpin
Dow, George Francis see The Holyoke Diaries 1709–1856
Dower, William The early annals of Kokstad and Griqualand East Port Elizabeth 1902 Jas. Kemsley & Co.
Doxat, John, Jackson, Michael, Robinson, Jancis, Clark, Richard & Kirschen, Leonard The Indispensable Drinks Book London 1982 Macdonald & Co.
Doyle, A. Conan The great Boer War copyright edition 2 volumes Leipzig 1900 Bernhard Tauchnitz
——— new edition (14th impression) London 1901 Smith, Elder & Co.
——— another edition (final) 1903 Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.
Doyle, Monte Impala London 1968 George G. Harrap
Drayson, Alfred Wilks Sporting scenes amongst the Kaffirs of South Africa London 1858 G. Routledge & Co.
——— 2nd edition London 1860 Routledge, Warne & Routledge
——— Tales at the outspan: Or, adventures in the wild regions of southern Africa London 1862 Saunders, Otley, & Co.
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Driscoll, Peter The Wilby Conspiracy New York 1972 Popular Library
Driver, C. Jonty In the water-margins Cape Town 1994 Snailpress
——— Patrick Duncan: South African and Pan-African London 1980
Drum Johannesburg 1951– (with title African Drum Mar. 1951–Jan. 1952)
Drummond, Emma The burning land Cape Town 1979
——— London 1980 Futura Publications
Drummond, J.H. Diary. 1908 Typescript. edited by D. Child 1993. Private collection
Drummond, June The patriots London 1979 Victor Gollancz Ltd
——— The saboteurs London 1967 Victor Gollancz Limited
Drummond, William Henry The large game and natural history of South and South-East Africa Edinburgh 1875 Edmonston and Douglas
——— facsimile reprint Salisbury 1972 The Pioneer Head
——— see also Leslie, David
Drury, W.D. (editor) The book of gardening: A handbook of horticulture London 1900 L. Upcott Gill
Du P. Bothma, J. see Bothma, J.du P.
Du Plessis, I.D. The Cape Malays Cape Town [1944] Maskew Miller Ltd.
——— Poltergeists of the south Cape Town 1966 Howard Timmins
Du Plessis, Izak David & Lückhoff, Carl August The Malay quarter and its people Cape Town 1953 A.A. Balkema (Race Relations Series, Sub-Department of Coloured Affairs, Department of the Interior: Publication No. 1)
Du Plessis, J.R. An elementary introduction to the study of South African law: A guide for beginners Cape Town 1905 Juta
Du Plessis, Jan Adriaan & Visser, Maretha Xhosa syntax Cape Town 1992 Via Afrika
Du Plessis, Johannes A thousand miles in the heart of Africa Cape Town 1905 T. Maskew Miller
Du Plessis, M. A state of fear Cape Town 1983
Du Pre, Roy H. The making of racial conflict in South Africa: A historical perspective; the origins of Black-White confrontation in South Africa: An introduction Braamfontein 1990 Skotaville
Du Toit, P.J. Diary of a national scout 1900–1902 edited by J.P. Brits Pretoria 1974 Human Sciences Research Council
Du Toit, Pierre & Esterhuyse, Willie (editor) The myth makers: The elusive bargain for South Africa’s future Johannesburg 1990 Southern
Du Toit, Stefanus Jacobus Rhodesia past and present London 1897 William Heinemann
——— facsimile reprint Bulawayo 1977 Books of Rhodesia (Rhodesiana Reprint Library – Silver Series: Vol. 15)
Du Val, Charles With a show through Southern Africa, and personal reminiscences of the Transvaal War 2 volumes London 1882 Tinsley Brothers
——— see also Fraser, M.
Duckitt, Hildagonda Johanna Hilda’s diary of a Cape housekeeper: Being a chronicle of daily events and monthly work in a Cape household, with numerous cooking recipes, and notes on gardening, poultry keeping, etc. London 1902 Chapman & Hall, Ltd
——— facsimile reprint London 1978 Macmillan South Africa
——— Hilda’s ‘Where is it?’ of recipes London 1891
——— see also Kuttel, Mary
Duff-Gordon, Lady L. Lett. from Cape by Lady Duff Gordon edited by D. Fairbridge London 1927 OUP
——— Letters from the Cape 1861–2 edited by Hector J. Anderson Cape Town [1925] Maskew Miller, Limited
——— Letters from the Cape by Lady Duff Gordon edited by J. Purves London 1921 Humphrey Milford
——— see also Galton, Francis
Duggan-Cronin, A.M. The Bantu tribes of South Africa [photographic studies] 4 volumes Cambridge, U.K. 1928–1954 Alexander McGregor Memorial Museum, Kimberley
Dugmore, E.J. Diary of Eliza Jane Dugmore, 1871. An account of a trip by ox wagon from Koonap to Vetberg in Albania. 1871 Private collection
Dugmore, Henry H. Reminiscences of an Albany settler Grahamstown 1870 Richards, Glanville & Co. [quotations are from a lecture delivered in May 1870]
——— Reminiscences of an Albany settler…together with his recollections of the Kaffir war of 1835 edited by F.G. Van der Riet & L.A. Hewson Grahamstown 1958
——— see also Maclean, John
Duguid, Charles How to read the money article 3rd edition London 1901 Effingham Wilson
Duminy, Andrew H. & Adcock, G. (editors) see Paver, Richard
Duncan, Jonathan The history of Guernsey; with occasional notices of Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, and biographical sketches London 1841 Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans
Dunell, Ebden & Co. Port Elizabeth price list [Port Elizabeth] 1919–1920
Durrell, Gerald A zoo in my luggage London 1960 Rupert Hard-Davis 5th impression 1963
Dutton, Frederick Hugh (translator) see Mofolo, Thomas
Dvorin, Eugene P. Racial separation in South Africa: An analysis of apartheid theory Chicago 1952 University of Chicago Press
Dwight, Henry Otis, Tupper, H. Allen & Bliss, Edwin Munsell The encyclopedia of missions: Descriptive, historical, biographical, statistical 2nd edition New York 1904 Funk & Wagnalls Company
Dynamic change in South Africa Pretoria 1980 Department of Foreign Affairs & Information
Döhne, Jacob Ludwig A Zulu-Kafir dictionary etymologically explained Cape Town 1857
——— facsimile reprint Farnborough, U.K. 1967 Gregg International


E.V.C.’ (E.V. Corrie) The promised land; or, Nine years (gold mining, hunting, and volunteering) in the Transvaal London 1884 Blades, East and Blades
Eady, W.T. see W.T.E.’ (W.T. Eady)
East London Dispatch East London 1872–1925 (with title East London Daily Dispatch (and Frontier Advertiser) from 1898; continued by The Daily Dispatch)
Eastern Province Herald Port Elizabeth 1845–2001 (until 1898 with title The Eastern Province Herald and Port Elizabeth Commercial News, continued by The Herald)
Eastern Province year book and annual register for 1861 Grahamstown 1861
The Eastern Star Grahamstown 1871–1889 (publ. in Johannesburg from 1887; continued by The Star)
Eastern Transvaal Pretoria 1986
Eaton, Sarah Norman Journal by Sarah Norman Eaton from leaving London, June 22d, 1818 and of a voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. On board the Garland, Capn. Brown, a brig measuring 181 tons, and from her arrival at the Cape of Good Hope 26th September 1818. 1953 Mimeograph. NLSA CT A.968.7032T/EAT
Ebersohn, Wessel A lonely place to die London 1979 Gollancz Crime
The Echo: A literary, scientific and critical magazine edited by A.G. Campbell Grahamstown 1840
Ecklon, Christiano Frederico & Zeyher, Carl Ludwig Philipp Enumeratio Plantarum Africae, Australis extra tropicae quae collectae, determinatae et expositae a Christiano Frederico Ecklon et Carolo Zeyher Hamburg 1837 Perthes & Besser
The Economist London 1843–
The Economist measurement guide and reckoner London 1975
Edelstein, M.L. What do young Africans think? Johannesburg 1972 South African Institute of Race Relations
Edgecombe, Dorothy Ruth The Letters of Hannah Dennison, 1820 Settler, 1820–47. 1968 M.A. thesis, Rhodes University. Cory T 1442 Rhodes Thesis
Edgeworth, Maria Letters from England 1813–1844 Oxford 1971 Oxford University Press
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progressive discoveries and improvements in the sciences and the arts Edinburgh (started as The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 1819–1826, then The New Edinburgh Philosophical Journal from 1826–1864.) [1819–1864] Adam & Charles Black
Edinburgh Review Edinburgh 1802– (ceased publication in 1929, published as New Edinburgh Review 1969–1984, then title reverted to Edinburgh Review) Adam Black
Edmonds, Henry & Marloth, Rudolph Elementary botany for South Africa: theoretical and practical London 1897 Longmans, Green
Edmonstone, Francis J. Thorny harvest Johannesburg [1954] Central News Agency
——— Where mists still linger Johannesburg [1952] Central News Agency
Edwards, Denzil A plant-ecological survey of the Tugela river basin [no place] 1967 Town & Regional Planning Commission, Natal (Botanical Survey of South Africa Memoir No. 36)
Edwards, Ellis A journey through South Africa Liverpool 1897 C. Tinling and Co.
Edwards’s Botanical Register: Or, ornamental flower-garden and shrubbery: Consisting of coloured figures of plants and shrubs, cultivated in British gardens London 1815–1847 James Ridgway & Sons
Eglington, C. (translator) E. Leroux’s One for the Devil Boston 1968
1820 Foundation annual review Grahamstown 1980– 1820 Foundation
The 1820: Journal of the 1820 Memorial Settlers’ Association Johannesburg 1938–1983 The 180 Settlers Association of Soutth Africa (continued by The Settler)
Eliovson, Sima Discovering wild flowers in Southern Africa Cape Town 1962 Howard Timmins
——— Flowering shrubs and trees for South African gardens Cape Town 1951 Howard Timmins
——— South African wild flowers for the garden Cape Town 1955 Howard Timmins
——— 4th edition Cape Town 1965 Howard Timmins
Ellenberger, D. Fred History of the Basuto traditions: Ancient and modern (translated by J.C. Macgregor) London 1912 Caxton
Ellerman, J.R. Southern African mammals, 1758-1951: A reclassification London 1953 British Museum
Elliott, Arthur South Africa through the centuries: Told in a series of 1 100 photographs Cape Town 1930 Maskew Miller
Elliott, Aubrey Sons of Zulu London 1978 Collins
Ellis, Alfred Burdon South African sketches London 1887 Chapman & Hall, Limited
Elphick, Richard Kraal and castle: Khoikhoi and the founding of white South Africa Yale, U.S.A. 1977 Yale University Press
Elton Mills, M.E. & Wilson, Monica Land Tenure Pietermaritzburg 1952 Shuter & Shooter
Empire and South African empire London 1870–1904
Emslie, Ethel Diary. 1901 NELM manuscript collection MS618
End Conscription Campaign in Perspective [no place] 1987 End Conscription Campaign
Endfield, Cy Zulu dawn London 1979 Arrow Books
Engelbrecht, J.A. The Korana: An account of their customs and their history Cape Town 1936 Maskew Miller
Engelbrecht, Theunis Boys of summer (translated by May Tweehuizen) Pretoria 1987 Daan Retief
The English Academy review Johannesburg 1966– The English Academy of Southern Africa
English Alive: An anthology for high schools - a selection of the best school writing of the year Rondebosch, Cape Town 1967– South African Council for English Education
The English dialect dictionary edited by J. Wright 6 volumes London 1898–1905
English in Africa Grahamstown 1974– Institute for the Study of English in Africa
English usage in Southern Africa Pretoria 1970– University of South Africa
Enterprise Johannesburg 1990– (continuation of Black Enterprise)
Entertaining with wines of the Cape Paarl 1959 Ko-operatieve Wijnbouwers Vereniging van Zuid-Afrika Beperkt
——— 2nd revised edition Paarl 1962 Ko-operatieve Wijnbouwers Vereniging van Zuid-AfrikaBeperkt
——— 3rd revised edition Paarl 1968 Ko-operatieve Wijnbouwers Vereniging van Zuid-AfrikaBeperkt
Erasmus, Sarel’ (Douglas Blackburn) Prinsloo of Prinsloosdorp: A tale of Transvaal officialdom, being incidents in the life of a Transvaal official, as told by his son-in-law London [1899] Dunbar Bros.
——— new edition London 1908 Alston Rivers, Ltd.
Essop, Ahmed The Hajji and other stories Johannesburg 1978 (4th impression 1986) Ravan Press
Essop et al. Challenge to the 25 Natal Moolvies on Palan Haggani Durban 1969
Estcourt High School Magazine Estcourt 1990
Esterhuyse, C.J. Protea species: Tree of the year 1986 Pretoria 1986 Department of Environment Affairs pamphlet 359
Evans, Maurice S. Black and white in South East Africa: A study in sociology London 1911 Longmans, Green and Co.
Eveleigh, William South-West Africa Cape Town 1915 T. Maskew Miller
Evening Post Port Elizabeth [1947–] (with Saturday edition Weekend Post from 1963)
Everett, J.C. An easy Anglo-Afrikander taal guide London 1903 J.J. Keliher & Co., Limited
Everett, Thomas H. Living trees of the world London 1969 Thames and Hudson
Ewart, James Journal covering his stay at the Cape of Good Hope (1811–1814) & His part in the expedition to Florida and New Orleans (1814–1815) with an introduction by A. Gordon-Brown Cape Town 1970 C. Struik (Pty.) Ltd.
Excellence Sandton 1985– Sun International
Eybers, George von Welfling (editor) Select constitutional documents illustrating South African history 1795–1910 London 1918 George Routledge & Sons, Limited


Fair Lady Cape Town 1965– Media24
Fairall, Monica When in Durban: Monica Fairall’s guide to the city, Natal coast and interior Cape Town 1983 C. Struik (Pty) Ltd
Fairbridge, Dorothea Gardens of South Africa London 1924 A. & C. Black, Ltd.
——— A History of South Africa London 1918 Oxford University Press
——— (editor) Lady Anne Barnard at the Cape of Good Hope 1797–1802 Oxford, U.K. 1924 OUP
——— Piet of Italy London 1913 J.C. Juta & Co.
——— That which hath been Cape Town 1910 Cape Times
——— another edition Cape Town 1913 T. Maskew Miller
——— The torch bearer Cape Town 1915 J.C.Juta & Co.
——— see also Duff-Gordon, Lady L. (editor)
Fairbridge, Kingsley Veld verse London 1928 Oxford University Press
——— Veld verse and other lines London 1909 David Nutt
Faller, Francis Weather words Craighall 1986 Ad. Donker
Family of man: People of the world, how and where they live London 1974–1976 MarshallCavendish A Marshall Cavendish encyclopedia in 98 weekly parts
Family Radio & T.V. Durban (continued by Personality)
Farini, G.A. Through the Kalahari desert: A narrative of a journey with gun, camera and note-book to Lake N’gami and back London 1886 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington
——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1973 C. Struik (Pty) Ltd
Farmer’s Annual of South Africa Volume II Bloemfontein 1914 Farmer’s Weekly
(The) Farmer’s Weekly Durban 1911– Farmer’s Weekly
Farming in South Africa Pretoria 1926–1973 Department of Agriculture
Farran, Roy Alexander Jungle chase London 1951 Collins
——— London 1957
Farrant, Jean Mashonaland martyr: Bernard Mizeki and the Pioneer church Cape Town 1966 Oxford University Press
February, Vernie A. Mind your colour: The ‘coloured’ sterotype in South African literature London 1981 Kegan Paul
Fehr, William Treasures at the Castle of Good Hope Cape Town 1963 Castle Art Collection
Feit, Edward Workers without weapons: The South African congress of Trade Unions and the organization of the African workers Hamden, Conn. 1975 Archon Books
Femina Cape Town
Fenton, Reginald Peculiar people in a pleasant land Kansas, U.S.A. 1905 The Pretoria Publishing Company
Ferreira, Natie The story of an Afrikaner Johannesburg 1980 Ravan Press
The Field London 1853–
Fighting Forces of Rhodesia Salisbury, Rhodesia [Harare, Zimbabwe] 1974–
Filmer, Harry J. & Jameson, Patricia Usutu! A story about the early days of Swaziland Johannesburg 1960 Central News Agency
Final report of the Commission of inquiry into bus passenger transportation in the Republic of South Africa (Chairman: Dr P.J. Welgemoed) 1983 Government Printer RP 50/1983
Financial Mail Johannesburg 1959–
Finch, John To South Africa and back: Being the narrative of a journey through Cape Colony, Natal, Orange Free State, and the Transvaal, including visits to the diamond and gold fields London 1890 Ward, Lock & Co.
Finlason, C.E. A nobody in Mashonaland; or the trials and adventures of a tenderfoot London 1894 George Vickers
Finlayson, Rosalie The changing face of Xhosa. 1989 Paper. ILL
Fish, Robert L. Rough diamond London 1983 Heinemann
Fitzpatrick, Sir J. Percy Jock of the bushveld London 1907 Longmans, Green & Co.
——— The outspan: Tales of South Africa London 1897 William Heinemann
——— The Transvaal from within: A private record of public affairs London 1899 written 1896 William Heinemann
FitzRoy, Viola Mary Cabbages and cream London [1948] George Allen & Unwin
——— Dark bright land Cape Town 1955 Maskew Miller
FitzSimons, Frederick William The natural history of South Africa: Mammals 4 volumes London 1919–1920 Longmans, Green
——— Snakes London 1932 Hutchinson & Co.
——— The snakes of South Africa, their venom and the treatment of snake bite Cape Town 1910 E.H. Walton & Co.
——— revised edition Cape Town 1912 Maskew Miller
Fitzsimons, Vivian Frederick M. A field guide to the snakes of Southern Africa Cape Town 1970 Collins
——— Snakes of Southern Africa Cape Town 1962 Purnell
Fivaz, D. Towards explanation in African linguistics [inaugural lecture, Rhodes University] Grahamstown 1974
Flather, Horace Thaba Rau Cape Town [c1976] Purnell
Fleming, F.P. see Flemyng, Francis Patrick (Francis Fleming)
Flemming, Leonard Denman A crop of chaff Pietermaritzburg 1924 Natal Witness
——— 2nd edition Pietermaritzburg 1925 Natal Witness
——— A fool on the veld 4th edition Cape Town [1916] Argus Printing & Publishing [preface dated 1916] (first publ. 1916)
——— 5th edition Bloemfontein 1933 A.C. White
——— Fun on the veld London 1926 Cassell and Company, Ltd
——— A settler’s scribblings in South Africa Pietermaritzburg 1910 Stephen T. Green
Flemyng, Francis Patrick (Francis Fleming) Kaffraria, and its inhabitants London 1853 Smith, Elder, & Co.
——— 2nd edition London 1854 Simpkin, Marshall
——— Southern Africa: A geography and natural history of the country, colonies, and inhabitants from the Cape of Good Hope to Angola London 1856 Arthur Hall, Virtue, & Co.
——— reprint New York 1969 Negro Universities Press
Flint, William & Gilchrist, John Dow Fisher (editor) Science in South Africa: A handbook and review Cape Town 1905 T. Maskew Miller
Flying Springbok Johannesburg 1973–1997 South African Airways
Focus on Africa London 1990– British Broadcasting Corporation
Folklore London 1890– Folklore Society
Forbes, Henry Ogg A hand-book to the primates Volume 2 London 1897 Edward Lloyd, Limited
Forbes, Vernon Siegfried (editor) see Sparrman, Anders
——— see also Thompson, George (editor)
——— (editor) see also Thunberg, Charles Peter
Ford, Edward Baunton The waterfalls: A phantasy of Basutoland [Bardic gold medal poem, South African Eisteddfod 1924] Morija, Basutoland [Lesotho] 1924
Forman, Lionel & Sachs, E. Solly The South African treason trial London 1957 John Calder
Forster, George A voyage round the world in His Britannic Majesty’s Sloop, Resolution, commanded by Capt. James Cook, during the years 1772, 3, 4, & 5 2 volumes London 1777 B. White etc.
——— (translator) see Sparrman, Anders
Forster, John Reinhold (translator) see De Bougainville, Lewis (Louis)
Forsyth, Frederick The dogs of war London 1974 Hutchinson
Forsyth Ingram, J. see Ingram, Joseph Forsyth (J. Forsyth Ingram)
Fortes, Meyer (editor) Social Structure: Studies presented to A. R. Radcliffe-Brown New York 1949
——— reprint New York 1949 Russell & Russell Inc.
Forum Volume 6 No. 2 Grahamstown 1970 Students’ Representative Council, Rhodes University
The Forum (title varies as The Forum: South Africa’s first national review and The Forum: South Africa’s independent weekly news-magazine) Johannesburg 1938–1951
Foster, Don H. Detention & torture in South Africa: Psychological, legal & historical studies Cape Town 1987 David Philip
Fouché, Leo see Fuller, Claude (editor)
Fouché, R. & Currey, W.M. Housecraft for primary schools London 1941 Longmans, Green and Co.
Fourie, L. see The native tribes of South West Africa
Fox, Francis William & Norwood Young, Marion Emma Food from the veld Johannesburg 1982 Delta
Frack, Isidore A South African doctor looks backwards - and forward Johannesburg 1943 Central News Agency
Franklin, J.S. This union Cape Town 1949
Fransen, H. The Stellenbosch museum Stellenbosch 1967 Board of Trustees
Fransen, Hans & Cook, Mary Alexander The old houses of the Cape: A survey of the existing buildings in the traditional style of architecture of the Dutch-settled regions of the Cape of Good Hope Cape Town 1965 A.A. Balkema
Fraser, A. see Macnab, F.’ (Agnes Fraser)
Fraser, Beatrice Sunshine and lamplight Cape Town [1957] Timmins
Fraser, John George Episodes in my life Cape Town 1922 Juta
Fraser, M. (editor) Johannesburg pioneer journals 1888–1909 Cape Town 1985 Van Riebeeck Society (No. II-16)
Frederikse, Julie None but ourselves: Masses vs. media in the making of Zimbabwe Johannesburg 1982 Ravan Press
Free, Montague All about house plants: Their selection, culture and propagation, and how best to use them for decorative effect New York 1951 The American Garden Guild, Inc., & Doubleday &Company, Inc.
Freed, Louis Franklin Crime in South Africa: An integralist approach Cape Town 1963 Juta & Co. Ltd.
Freeman, J.J. A tour in South Africa: With notices of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt and Palestine London 1851 John Snow
Fremantle, Henry Eardley Stephen The new nation London 1909 John Ouseley, Ltd
Frewer, Ellen Elizabeth (translator) see Holub, Emil
——— (translator) see also Verne, Jules
The Friend Bloemfontein 1896–1900; 1902–1985
Friend, Hilderic Flowers and flower lore 2 volumes London 1884 Sonnenschein & Co.
Froes, T. Expelled from the Randt: Notes before and after leaving Johannesburg, with experiences at Delagoa Bay Cape Town 1899 Wm. Taylor
——— Kruger & Co., Limited, the Pretoria illicit gold buying firm and the Africander Bond’s connexion therewith. With documents, letters, and other incriminating data revealing an organised government theft department in Pretoria. Cape Town 1900 The Colonial Publishing Co.
Frontline Johannesburg 1979–1991 Saga Press
Frye, John see Appleyard, Reverend John Whittle (editor)
Fryer, John A new account of East-India and Persia, in eight letters. Being Nine Years travels, begun 1672. And finished 1681 London 1698 Ri. Chiswell
Fryke, C. (C. Frick) & Schweitzer, C. see S.L. (translator)
Fugard, A., Kani, J. & Ntshona, W. Statements: Two workshop productions Oxford 1974 Oxford University Press
Fugard, Athol The blood knot New York 1968 Odyssey Press
——— Boesman and Lena Cape Town 1969 Buren Publishers
——— another edition London 1973 Oxford University Press
——— Dimetos and two early plays London 1977 Oxford University Press
——— Hello and goodbye Cape Town 1966 A.A. Balkema
——— Notebooks 1960–1977 Johannesburg 1983 Donker
——— People are living there Cape Town 1969 Buren
——— Tsotsi Johannesburg 1980 Ad. Donker
Fugard, Athol & Devenish, Ross The guest Johannesburg 1977 Ad Donker
Fugard, Sheila M. The castaways Johannesburg 1972
——— Rite of passage Johannesburg 1976 Ad. Donker
Fuller, Basil Call back yesterday Cape Town 1953 HAUM
Fuller, Claude Louis Trigardt’s trek across the Drakensberg 1837–8 edited by Leo Fouché Cape Town 1932 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 13)
Fullerton, Alexander The yellow ford London 1959 Pieter Davies
Fulton, Anthony The dark side of mercy Cape Town 1968 Purnell
——— I swear to Apollo Cape Town 1970 Purnell
Fyfe, H. Hamilton South Africa to-day: With an account of modern Rhodesia London 1911 Eveleigh Nash
Fynn, H.F. Diary. 1850 Typescript. Killie Campbell Africana Library MS22895
——— Letters. 1846–1861 [include correspondence with D. Erskine, G.W. Mackinnon, the Secretary to Government for Native Affairs, I.J. Smith, R.B. Struthers, & C.H. Williams] Killie Campbell Africana Library MS2288


Galsworthy, John The Forsyte saga London 1922 William Heinemann Ltd.
Galton, Francis Inquiries into human faculty and its development London 1907 J.M. Dent
——— The narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa London 1853 John Murray
——— Travels in South Africa. Narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa: Being an account of a visit to Damaraland in 1851…also vacation tours in 1860 and 1861… London 1889 Ward, Lock & Co. later edition of Narrative of an Explorer, with additional chapters.
——— 3rd edition London 1890 Ward, Lock & Co.
——— (editor) Vacation tourists and notes of travel in 1862–3 3 volumes (Vol. III Letters from the Cape by Lady Duff-Gordon) London 1864 Macmillan & Co.
Gandhi, K. see Desai, Valji Govindji
——— see also Desai, Mahadev
Gandhi, Mohandas K. An autobiography: The story of my experiments with truth (translated by Mahadev Desai) Madras 1957 Ganesh & Co.
——— Non co-operation: Recent speeches and writings of Mahatma Gandhi Madras 1921 Ganesh & Co.
——— Satyagraha in South Africa (first publ. 1928) (translated by V.G. Desai) 2nd revised edition Ahmedabad 1950 Navajivan Publishing House
Garden, R.J. Diary. 1851–1853 Typescript. Killie Campbell Africana Library MS29081
Gardiner, Alfred George The life of Sir William Harcourt 2 volumes London 1923 Constable & Co. Ltd.
Gardiner, Allen Francis Fragments from family documents. 1838 Typescript. Killie Campbell Africana Library KCM8716
——— Narrative of a journey to the Zoolu country, in South Africa London 1836 William Crofts
Garner, Charles see Cumberland, S.’ (Charles Garner)
Garrett, A.E.F. (editor) South African Methodism: her missionary witness Cape Town [c1966] Methodist Publishing House
Garstin, Crosbie The sunshine settlers London 1918 Books of Rhodesia
——— facsimile reprint (of 1918 edition) London 1971 Books of Rhodesia
Gary, Margaret, McAffee, Robert & Wolf, Carol L. Glossary of geology Washington 1972 American Geological Institute
——— edited by R.L. Bates & J.L. Jackson 2nd edition Falls Church, Va 1980 American Geological Institute
Gaugain, Philippe Diary, copies of letters, etc. 1821–1831 Albany History Museum SM 2720
Geen, M.S. The making of the Union of South Africa: A brief history 1487-1939 London 1946 Longmans
The general directory and guide book to the Cape of Good Hope (and its dependencies…) Cape Town 1869–1887 (continuation of The Cape Town directory; continued by The Argus annual and Cape of Good Hope directory…)
The George Advertiser George 1864–1870
George and Knysna Herald George 1881–1971 (continued by The South Western Herald)
Gerber, Hilda Cape cookery old and new Cape Town [1950] Howard B. Timmins
——— Fish fare for South Africans: Being a comprehensive guide to the correct cookery of all fish found round our coastsor in our inland waters Port Elizabeth 1945 Unie-Volkspers Bpk
Getaway Cape Town 1989– Ramsay, Son and Parker
Gibbon, Perceval Margaret Harding London 1911 Methuen
——— The vrouw Grobelaar’s leading cases Edinburgh 1905 William Blackwood
Gibbs, Henry Twilight in South Africa London [1949] Jarrolds
——— 2nd edition London [1950] Jarrolds
Gibbs, Peter The history of the BSAP 2 volumes (Vol. I The first line of defence 1889–1903, Vol. II The right of line 1903–1939) Salisbury, Rhodesia [Harare, Zimbabwe] 1972–1974
Gibbs Russell, G.E., Watson, L., Koekemoer, M., Smook, L., Barker, N.P., Anderson, H.M. & Dallwitz, M.J. Grasses of Southern Africa [Pretoria] 1990 Botanical Research Institute, National Botanic Gardens (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 58)
Giberne, Agnes Sun, Moon, and Stars London 1880 Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday
Gibson, George Fleming The story of the Imperial Light Horse in the South African War 1899–1902 Johannesburg 1937 G.D.
Gibson, J.Y. The Kap-tent wagon Cape Town 1919 (reprinted from South African Journal of Science, July 1919)
Gibson, Janet M. Wild flowers of Natal (coastal region) Durban 1975 Trustees of the Natal Publishing Trust Fund
Giffard, A. see Montgomery, J. (editor)
Gilbert, Zoë The South African garden month by month 4th impression (1988) Johannesburg 1984 Central News Agency (Pty) Ltd
Gill, E. Leonard A first guide to South African birds Cape Town 1936 Maskew Miller
Gillespie, A. Gleanings and remarks: Collected during many months of residence at Buenos Ayres…with a prefactory account of the expedition from England, until the surrender of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope Leeds, U.K. 1818
Gillmore, Parker Days and nights by the desert London 1888 Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.
——— The great thirst land: A ride through Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal and Kalahari Desert London [1878] Cassell, Petter & Galpin
——— The hunter’s Arcadia London 1886 Chapman & Hall
——— The land of the boer, or, Adventures in Natal, the Transvaal, Basutoland, and Zululand London [1881] Cassell, Petter & Galpin a 3rd and cheap edition of The great thirst land
——— On duty: A ride through hostile Africa London 1880 Chapman & Hall
——— Through Gasa Land, and the scene of the Portuguese aggression: The journal of a hunter in search of gold and ivory London [1890] Harrison
Giniewski, Paul Bantustans: A trek towards the future Cape Town 1961 Human & Rousseau
Ginn, Peter Birds Afield: A beginner’s guide to bird watching in Southern Africa Salisbury 1973 Longman Rhodesia (Bundu Series)
——— 3rd impression 1981
Ginn, Peter J., McIlleron, W. Geoff & Milstein, P.le S. The complete book of Southern African birds Cape Town 1989 Struik Winchester
Glanville, Ernest The diamond Seekers: A tale of adventure by veld and river London 1903 Blackie & Son
——— A fair colonist London 1894 Chatto & Windus
——— The Fossicker: A romance of Mashonaland London 1891 Chatto & Windus
——— The Kloof Bride or The Lover’s Quest London 1898 Methuen & Co
——— Tales from the veld London 1897
Glaser, Marc The Unquiet love Cape Town 1993 Snailpress
Gleanings in Africa: Exhibiting a faithful and correct view of the manners and customs of the inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope…in a series of letters from an English officer [written anonymously] London 1806 James Cundee
Gleason, Henry Allan An introduction to descriptive linguistics revised edition New York 1961 Holt, Rinehart &Winston
Gledhill, Eily Eastern Cape veld flowers Cape Town c1969 Department of Nature Conservation of the Provincial Administraion of the Cape of Good Hope
Glossop, Allerley see Barnes, A.R. (A.R.B., A Housewife of the Colony) (editor)
Glover, J.E. & Harris, P.G. Kimberlite occurrence and origin: A basis for conceptual models in exploration: A seminar organized by the Department of Geology, University of Western Australia, in co-operation with University Extension, University of Western Australia: Summary of presented papers Perth 1985 University of Western Australia
Gluckman, Max The judicial process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia Manchester 1955 Manchester University Press
Godbold, B. Autobiography. 1989 Private collection
Godfrey, Denis Antiques & bygones: Notes for South African collectors Cape Town 1967 Howard Timmins
——— The enchanted door: A discourse on Africana book-collecting, with notes on famous collectors, collections and books Cape Town 1963 Howard Timmins
Godley, Richard Shearman Khaki and blue London 1935 Lovat Dickson & Thompson
Godlonton, Robert Introductory remarks to a narrative of the irruption of the Kafir hordes into the Eastern Province of the Cape of Good Hope 1834–35 Cape Town 1836
——— Memorials of the British settlers of South Africa Grahamstown 1844
——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1971
——— A narrative of the irruption of the Kaffir hordes into the Eastern Province of the Cape of Good Hope 1834–1835 Grahamstown 1836
——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1965
——— Sketches of the Eastern districts of the Cape of Good Hope Grahamstown 1842
Godlonton, Robert & Irving, Edward Narrative of the Kaffir war 1850–1851–1852 Grahamstown 1836
Gold Journal Johannesburg 1978–1984 The South African Gold Coin Exchange (Pty) Ltd
Goldblatt, I. History of South West Africa, from the beginnin of the nineteenth century Cape Town 1971 Juta
Golden City Post see Post
Golden City Press Johannesburg 1982–1983 (continued by City Press)
Golden Fleece/Goue Vag Pretoria 1971–1997 South African Wool Board
Goldie, F. Ostrich country Cape Town [1968] Books of Africa
——— River of gold Cape Town 1969 Oxford University Press
Goldstuck, Arthur The rabbit in the thorn tree: Modern myths and urban legends of South Africa London 1990 Penguin
Goldswain, Jeremiah The chronicle of Jeremiah Goldswain Albany settler of 1820 edited by U. Long 2 volumes Cape Town 1946–1949 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 27)
——— see also Casson, Leslie Frank
Good, John Mason, Gregory, Olinthus & Bosworth, Newton Pantologia; a new cyclopædia, comprehending a complete series of essays, treatises, and systems, alphabetically arranged; with a general dictionary of arts, sciences, and words: The whole presenting a distinct survey of human genius, learning, and industry 12 volumes London 1813 G. Kearsley et al.
Goodlatte, Clare R. The Church of the Province of South Africa. Considered in its historical, legal, and constitutional position Port Elizabeth 1891 Impey, Walton & Co.
Goodman, David S.G. Communism and reform in East Asia London 1988 Frank Cass and Company Limited
Gool, Réshard Cape Town coolie Oxford, U.K. 1990 Heinemann
Goold-Adams, R.J.M. South Africa to-day and to-morrow London 1936 John Murray
Goosen, J.C. South Africa’s navy: The first fifty years, compiled in consultation with the South African naval authorities Cape Town 1973 W.J. Flesch
Gordimer, Nadime Friday’s footprint London 1960 Victor Gollancz Ltd
——— A guest of honour London 1971 Jonathan Cape
——— The lying days London 1953 Victor Gollancz Ltd.
——— London 1983 Virago Press
——— Six feet of the country: Short stories London 1958 Gollancz
Gordon Cumming, C.F. see Cumming, C.F.G. (C.F. Gordon Cumming)
Gordon Cumming, G. see Cumming, Roualeyn Gordon (R. Gordon Cumming)
Gordon Davis, J. see Davis, G. (J. Gordon Davis)
Gordon, Gerald Four people: A novel of South Africa London 1964 Macdonald
——— Let the day perish London 1952 Methuen & Co. Ltd
Gordon, Gerald & Gordon, Walter (translator) see Venter, François Alwyn (Frans)
Gordon, Robert Jacob Robert Jacob Gordon: Cape travels, 1777 to 1786 edited by P.E. Raper & M. Boucher 2 volumes (translated by P.E. Raper) Johannesburg 1988 Brenthurst Press (Brenthurst 2nd series, Nos. 4 & 5)
Gordon, Ruth E. Honour without riches: The story of an Archibald family Durban 1978 T.W. Griggs & Co. (Pty) Ltd
Gordon-Brown, A. An artist’s journey along the Old Cape Post Road, 1832–33: Illustrated by 21 of his sketches, further illustrations and a map with notes and clues to the identity of the artist Cape Town 1972 A.A. Balkema
——— The settlers’ press Cape Town 1979
——— South African heritage 5 volumes Cape Town 1965
——— South African yearbook and guide London 1957
——— Year Book and Guide to Southern Africa Cape Town 1950–1971 Union-Castle Mail Steamship Company (some editions published by Robert Hale, London) title changes to Guide to Southern Africa
——— The year book and guide to Southern Africa London 1951
——— The year book and guide to Southern Africa 1960 London 1959
——— The year book and guide to Southern Africa 1965 London 1964
——— see Adams, Buck (editor)
——— see also Ewart, James
Gough, D. Issues in the semantics and pragmatics of Xhosa questions Grahamstown 1982 Department of African Languages, Rhodes University
Govender, Ronnie Lahnee’s Pleasure Johannesburg [1980] Ravan Press
Government Gazette/Staatskoerant Pretoria 1910– Union of South Africa 1910–61; Republic of South Africa 1961–
Grahamstown Training College Magazine Grahamstown
The Graham’s Town Journal, or, Cape of Good Hope Eastern Provincial Register see The Journal
The grasses and pastures of South Africa see Meredith, D. (editor)
Gratus, Jack The Jo’burgers London 1979 Corgi
Graves, Clotilde Inez Mary see Dehan, Richard’ (Clotilde Inez Mary Graves)
Gray, Charles N. Life of Robert Gray, Gishop of Cape Town and Metropolitan of Africa Volume 2 London 1876 Rivingtons
Gray, J.E. Catalogue of the specimens of Mammalia in the collection of the British Museum Part III London 1852 British Museum
Gray, Right Rev. Robert A journal of a visitation to the diocese of Graham’s Town, in July and August, 1856 London 1857 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
——— Journals of two visitations in 1848 and 1850 London 1849–1851 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Part I: A journal of the Bishop’s visitation tour through the Cape Colony, in 1848, with an account of his visit to the island of St Helena, in 1849, published 1849; Part II: A journal of the Bishop’s visitation tour through the Cape Colony, in 1850, published 1851)
Gray, Stephen Caltrop’s desire Cape Town 1981 Ravan Press
——— Local colour Johannesburg 1975
——— (editor) Makapan’s caves Harmondsworth, U.K. 1987 Penguin
——— (editor) Market plays Johannesburg 1986 Ad. Donker
——— (editor) On the edge of the world Johannesburg 1974 A.D. Donker
——— (editor) Stephen Black: Three plays Johannesburg 1984 AD. Donker
——— (editor) Theatre one: New South African drama Johannesburg 1978 Ad. Donker
——— (editor) Theatre two: New South African drama Johannesburg 1981 Ad. Donker
——— (editor) Three Plays see Stephen Black: Three plays
——— (editor) Writers’ territory Cape Town 1973 Longman
The greater dictionary of Xhosa edited by H.W. Pahl Volume 3 Alice, Eastern Cape 1989 University of Fort Hare Vol. 2 publ. 2003, edited by B.M. Mini, title The greater dictionary of IsiXhosa; Vol. 3 publ. 2006, edited by S.L. Tshabe
Green, George A.L. An editor looks back Cape Town 1947 Juta & Co., Ltd.
Green, John The Kat River Settlement in 1851, containing the substance of evidence given before the commission for investigating the rebellion: Together with an appendix, relative to the state of the Hottentots in the years 1834–5, 1838, 1846–7 &c. Graham’s Town 1853 Godlonton, White, & Co.
Green, Lawrence G. At daybreak for the isles Cape Town 1950 Howard B. Timmins
——— Beyond the city lights: The story of the Western Province – the towns and the farms, the life and the people, the folklore and the legends Cape Town 1957 Howard Timmins
——— Full many a glorious morning: A recent journey by rail and road in four countries of Southern Africa with the traveller going back on old tracks, striking out in new directions and moving along the highways and byways of memory Cape Town 1968 Howard Timmins
——— A giant in hiding: The life story of Frank Armstrong Wightman – cable operator, sailor, naturalist, author, archaelogist and hermit Cape Town 1970 Howard Timmins
——— Great African Mysteries 3rd impression London [1935] Stanley Paul & Co. Ltd.
——— Grow lovely, growing old: The story of Cape Town’s three centuries - the streets, the houses, the characters, the legends, traditions and folklore, the laughter and tears Cape Town 1951 Howard B. Timmins
——— I heard the old men say: Secrets of the Cape that has vanished, and little-known dramas on the fringe of living memory Cape Town 1964 Howard Timmins
——— In the land of afternoon Cape Town 1949 Howard B. Timmins
——— Karoo: The story of the Karoos of South Africa - the Great Karoo, the Little Karoo and the far corners of the North West Cape and Namaqualand Cape Town 1955 Howard Timmins
——— Lords of the last frontier: The story of South West Africa and its people of all races Cape Town 1952 Howard B. Timmins
——— Secret Africa London 1936 Stanley Paul & Co., Ltd.
——— So few are free Cape Town 1946 Howard B. Timmins
——— South African beachcomber: Memories of the people of the shore and the stories they told; sand and dunes and treasure, seabirds and creatures of the sea; and personal impressions of certain islands in African waters Cape Town 1958 Howard B. Timmins
——— Strange Africa Cape Town 1938 (first publ. 1934)
——— A taste of South-Easter: Memories of unusual Cape Town characters, queer shops and shows, of bars, hotels and cafés and the panorama of the streets Cape Town 1971 Howard Timmins
——— Tavern of the seas Cape Town 1947 Howard B. Timmins
——— There’s a secret hid away: Memories of unusual experiences and mysteries in Southern Africa and African isles; strange tales and legends and unrecorded adventures; and people who crossed the author's path and left him wondering Cape Town 1956 Howard Timmins
——— These wonders to behold: Experiences and discoveries of an author in search of the grain of truth in Africa’s strangest tales; and view on certain deep mysteries of Africa, solved and unsolved or never to be solved Cape Town 1959 Howard Timmins
——— To the river’s end Cape Town 1948 Howard B. Timmins
——— Under a sky like flame: The story of West Africa, the “White Man’s Grave” – cities and seaports and islands, white exiles and black magic Cape Town 1954 Howard B. Timmins
——— When the journey’s over: An incorrigible old wanderer's memories of travel in the Cape and far beyond the Cape; life in cities and solitudes; rare, strange and curious experiences Cape Town 1972 Howard Timmins
——— Where men still dream Cape Town 1945 Howard B. Timmins
Greenberg, Joseph Harold The languages of Africa The Hague 1963 Mouton
Greene, L. Patrick The L. Patrick Greene adventure omnibus London [1928]
Greenlees, Margaret (translator) see Mentzel, Otto Friedrich
Gregersen, Edgar A. Language in Africa: An introductory survey New York 1977 Gordon and Breach
Greig, John Young Thomson Language at Work Johannesburg 1943 Witwatersrand University Press
Grenfell, Field Marshal Lord Francis Wallace Memoirs of Field-Marshal Lord Grenfell London [1925] Hodder & Stoughton
Grenfell Williams, J. see Williams, J.G. (J. Grenfell Williams) & May, Henry John
Greswell, William Our South African empire 2 volumes London 1885 Chapman & Hall
Griffith, Edward (editor) see Cuvier, Baron Georges
Griffith, George Knaves of diamonds: Being tales of mine and veld London 1899 George Bell & Sons
Griffith, Kenneth Thank God we kept the flag flying: The siege and relief of Ladysmith 1899–1900 London 1974 Hutchinson
Griffiths, Reginald William Hargreaves Children of pride London 1959
——— The grey about the flame Cape Town [1947] Howard Timmins
——— Man of the river London 1968 Jarrolds
——— This day’s madness London 1960
Grindley, John R. Riches of the sea Cape Town 1969 Caltex
Grinnell-Milne, Duncan William Baden-Powell at Mafeking London 1957 Bodley Head
Grobler, Jackie A decisive clash?: A short history of Black protest politics in South Africa 1875–1976 Pretoria 1988 Acacia
Grocott’s Mail Grahamstown 1870– (with title Grocott’s Free Paper 1870–1, Grocott’s Penny Mail1872–Feb. 1899 and July 1901–Apr. 1920, and Grocott’s Daily Mail Feb.–Dec. 1899 and May 1920–64; absorbed The Journal in 1920)
Groot Noord-Sotho woordeboek, Noord-Sotho, Afrikaans, Engels edited by D. Ziervogel & P.C. Mokgokong Pretoria 1975
Grout, Lewis Zulu-land; or, life among the Zulu-Kafirs of Natal and Zulu-land, South Africa London c1861 Trübner & Co.
Grové, A.P. & Harvey, C.J.D. Afrikaans poems with English translations Cape Town 1962 Oxford University Press
Grut, Marina The History of Ballet in South Africa Cape Town 1981 Human & Rousseau
Grütter, Wilhelm & van Zyl, D.J. The story of South Africa Cape Town 1982 Oxford University Press
——— 2nd edition 1982
The Guardian Weekly London 1968– Southern African edition listed separately.
——— see The Weekly Mail
Guggisberg, Charles Albert Walter S.O.S. Rhino London 1966 Andre Deutsch
A guide to the vertebrate fauna of the Eastern Cape Province 2 parts (Part I Mammals and birds 1931, Part II Reptiles, amphibians, and freshwater fishes 1937) Grahamstown 1931–1937 Albany Museum
Gurney, John Henry see Andersson, Charles John (Karl Johan Andersson)
Gutsche, Thelma No ordinary woman: The life and times of Florence Phillips Cape Town 1966 Timmins
——— There was a man: The life and times of Sir Arnold Theiler, K.C.M.G., of Onderstepoort Cape Town 1979 Timmins
Gwala, Mafika Pascal Jol’iinkomo Johannesburg 1977 Ad. Donker


H.A.T.: Verklarende handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse taal edited by P.C. Schoonees, C.J. Swanepoel, S.J. Du Toit & C.M. Booysen Johannesburg 1965
——— 2nd edition edited by F.F. Odendal et al. Johannesburg 1983
Haagner, Alwin & Ivy, Robert H. Sketches of South African bird-life Cape Town 1908 T. Maskew Miller
——— 3rd revised edition [1923]
Haarhoff, Theodore Johannes Vergil in the experience of South Africa London 1931 Basil Blackwell
Haarhoff, Theodore Johannes & van den Heever, Christiaan Maurits The achievement of Afrikaans [Johannesburg] [1934] Central News Agency
Hacke, William A collection of original voyages: containing I. Capt. Cowley’s voyage round the globe. II. Capt. Sharp’s journey over the Istmus of Darien, and expedition into the South Seas, written by himself. III. Capt. Wood’s voyage thro’ the Streights of Magellan. IV. Mr. Robert’s adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant ; his account of their way of living ; description of the Archipelago Islands, taking of Scio, &c. ; illustrated with several maps and draughts London 1699 James Knapton
Hacksley, Malcolm M. (translator) see Van Heerden, Etienne see also Lynx: Contemporary South African writing (Time out of Time)
Haggard, Henry Rider (H. Rider Haggard) Allan’s wife and other tales London 1889 Spencer Blackett
——— another edition London [1889] Griffith Farran
——— Benita: An African romance London 1906 Cassell & Co. Ltd.
——— Black heart and white heart and other stories London 1900 Longmans, Green
——— Cetywayo and his white neighbours; or, remarks on recent events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal London 1882 Trübner & Co.
——— Jess London 1887 Smith, Elder, & Co.
——— King Solomon’s mines London 1887 Cassell & Co., Ltd. (first publ. 1885 by Cassell)
——— Nada the lily London 1895 Longmans, Green
——— Queen Sheba’s ring New York 1910 Grosset & Dunlap
——— She London 1914
——— Swallow: A tale of the great trek London 1899 Longmans, Green
Hahlo, Herman Robert & Kahn, Ellison Union of South Africa: the development of its laws and constitution London 1960 Stevens & Sons Ltd.
Hahn, C.H.L. see The native tribes of South West Africa
Hahn, Theophilus On the science of language and its study: With special regard to South Africa Address delivered at the South African Public Library, 29 April 1882 Cape Town 1882 Herrmann Michaelis
——— Tsuni-‖Goam: The Supreme Being of the Khoi-Khoi London 1881 Trübner & Co.
Haines, C. Grove Africa Today Baltimore 1955 The Johns Hopkins Press
Hall-Martin, Anthony, Walker, Clive & Bothma, J.du P. Kaokoveld: The last wilderness Johannesburg 1988 Southern Book Publishers
Halls, J.J. The life and correspondence of Henry Salt, esq. FRS 2 volumes London 1834
Hamilton, C. Sketches of life and sport in South-Eastern Africa London 1870
Hamilton, G.N.G. & Cooke, H.B.S. Geology for South African students: An introductory text-book 4th revised edition South Africa 1960 Central News Agency
Hammond-Tooke, W.D. Bhaca society Cape Town 1962
——— see also Duggan-Cronin, A.M.
Hancock, Florence D. & Lucas, Annabelle Ferns of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg 1973 Witwatersrand University Press
Hancock, J. Diary. 1820–1837 Albany History Museum SMD9
Hancock, William Keith Smuts 2 volumes (Vol. I The sanguine years 1870–1919, Vol. II The fields of force 1919–1950) Cambridge, U.K. 1962–1968 Cambridge University Press
Handbook and Guide [no place] 1938 Royal Automobile Club of South Africa
Handbook for farmers in South Africa Pretoria 1929 Department of Agriculture (& Forestry)
——— 3rd revised edition 1937
——— new edition 3 volumes 1957
A handbook of hardwoods London 1956 Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
——— 2nd impression with amendments London 1957 Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
Handbook of the Mines and Works Act of the Union…and the Mines Works and Machinery Regulations Johannesburg 1954 Hortors
A handbook on wine for retail licensees Paarl [c1955] Ko-operatieve Wijnbouwers Vereniging van Zuid-Afrika Beperkt
Hands, Phyllis see also Hughes, Dave, Hands, Phyllis & Kench, John
Hanks, John Mammals of Southern Africa 2nd edition Johannesburg 1976 McGraw-Hill
——— 3rd edition Johannesburg 1980 McGraw-Hill
Hansard see Republic of South Africa. Parliament. House of Assembly. Debates Cape Town 1961–
Harris, P. Some small compassion Cape Town 1964
Harris, Sir William Cornwallis The wild sports of Southern Africa; Being the narrative of an expedition from the Cape of Good Hope, through the territories of the chief Moselekatse, to the Traopic of Capricorn London 1839 John Murray
Hart, R.C. Plankton, fish and man: A triplet in limnology [inaugural lecture, Rhodes University] Grahamstown 1986
Hartmann, Michael Shadow of the leopard Salisbury 1979 Munn Publishing (first published 1978)
Harvey, William Henry The genera of South African plants 2nd edition Cape Town 1868 Juta
Harvey, William Henry & Sonder, Otto Wilhelm Flora Capensis: Being a systematic description of the plants of the Cape Colony, Caffraria, & Port Natal Capetown 1859–1860 A. S. Robertson
Hastings, Lewis Dragons are extra Harmondsworth 1947 Penguin
Hattersley, Alan Frederick (editor) see Dobie, John Shedden
Hattingh, A. Wine: A guide for young people Paarl 1975 Ko-operatieve Wijnbouwers Vereniging van Zuid-Afrika Beperkt
Hattingh, J.L. & Bredekamp, C. (editor) Coloured viewpoint: A series of articles in the Cape Times, 1958–1965 by R.E. van der Ross Bellville 1984 The Western Cape Institute for Historical Research, University of the Western Cape
Hauptfleisch, T. Language loyalty in South Africa 4 volumes Pretoria 1977–1983 South African Human Sciences Research Council (Languages Survey: First Report) Report Nos. TLK/L-6, TLK/L-8, TLK/L-10 and TLK/L-13
Hawkesworth, John An account of the voyages undertaken .. for making discoveries in the southern hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook ..: Drawn up from the journals which were kept by the several commanders and from the papers of Joseph Banks 3 volumes London 1773
Headlam, C. (editor) The Milner papers South Africa 1897–1905 2 volumes London 1931–1933 Cassell
Heale, Jay Scowler’s luck: An adventure in the Fish River Canyon Pretoria 1990 De Jager-HAUM
Heard, Vida & Faull, Lesley Cookery in Southern Africa: Traditional and Today Cape Town 1970 Books of Africa
——— Our best traditional recipes Cape Town 1975 Howard Timmins
Heaton Nicholls, G. see Nicholls, George Heaton (G. Heaton Nicholls)
Heckford, Sarah A lady trader in the Transvaal London 1882 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington
Heinemann New Zealand dictionary edited by H.W. Orsman et al. Auckland 1982
Heller, David In search of VOC glass Cape Town [1951] Maskew Miller Limited
Hellmann, Ellen (editor) Handbook on race relations in South Africa Cape Town 1949 South African Institute of Race Relations
——— Rooiyard: A sociological survey of an urban native slum yard Cape Town 1948 Oxford University Press (The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers: No. 13)
Helme, Elizabeth (translator) see Le Vaillant, François
Hemans, Herbert Nassau The log of a native commissioner: A record of work and sport in Southern Rhodesia London 1935 H.F. & G. Witherby
——— facsimile reprint Bulawayo 1971 Books of Rhodesia
Hemingway, Ernest Green hills of Africa London 1936 Jonathan Cape
Henderson, Mayda & Anderson, Johan G. Common weeds in South Africa Pretoria 1966 Department of Agricultural Technical Services (Botanical Survey of South Africa: Memoir 37)
Hendrie, Jeanie Ouma’s cookery book 1st edition, reprinted 1995 Pretoria 1940 Juta & Co. Ltd.
——— 6th edition Cape Town 1955 Juta & Co. Ltd.
Henning, Cosmo Grenville Graaff-Reinet: A cultural history 1786–1886 Cape Town 1975 T.V. Bulpin
Henning, M.W. Animal diseases in South Africa 2 volumes Vol 1. Bacterial and Protozoal Diseases, Vol II Virus and Deficiency Diseases, Plant Poisons [Johannesburg] 1932 Central News Agency, Ltd (South African Agricultural Series: Vols XI and XII)
Henshilwood, Norah A Cape childhood Cape Town 1972 David Philip (South African Yesterdays No. 1)
Henslow, George South African Flowering Plants for the use of beginners, students and teachers London 1903 Longmans, Green, and Co.
Hepple, Alex South Africa: Workers under apartheid London 1969 Christian Action Publications
The Herald Port Elizabeth 2001– Avusa (continuation of The Eastern Province Herald)
Herald: George and Knysna see George and Knysna Herald
The Herald Phoenix George 1979– (continuation of The South Western Herald)
Herbert, William Amaryllidaceæ; preceded by an attempt to arrange the monocotyledonous orders, and followed by a treatise on cross-bred vegetables London 1837 James Ridgway and Sons
Hermans, Harry H. The law — my master: Reminiscences of an attorney Cape Town 1970 Howard Timmins
Hermer, Carol The diary of Maria Tholo Johannesburg 1980 Ravan Press
Herrman, Louis see Isaacs, Nathaniel (editor)
Het Suid-Western see Oudtshoorn Courant and Het Suid-Western
Het Suid-Western see Oudtshoorn Courant and Het Suid-Western
Hewitt, Alison Gray Cape cookery: Simple yet distinctive 2nd edition Cape Town 1890 Darter Bros. & Walton
——— new edition (illustrated) Cape Town 1973 David Philip
Hewson, L.A. & Van der Riet, G. see Ayliff, John (editors)
——— see also Dugmore, Henry H.
Heyer, A.E. A brief history of the Transvaal secret service system: from its inception to the present time, its objects, its agents, the disposal of its funds, and the result as seen today - war against Great Britain 2nd edition Cape Town 1899 Wm Taylor
Hickey, William Memoirs edited by A. Spencer 4 volumes Vol I 1749–75, Vol II 1775–82, Vol III 1782–90, Vol IV 1790–1809 London [1918] Hurst & Blackett
Hicks, Beatrice M. The Cape as I found it London 1900 Elliot Stock
Higham, E.S. & Higham, W.J. High speed rugby London 1960 Heinemann
Higham, Mary Household cookery for South Africa 2nd edition Johannesburg 1919 Specialty Press
——— 8th edition Johannesburg 1939 R L Esson & Co Ltd
——— 9th edition Johannesburg 1941 Central News Agency, Ltd.
Hillegas, Howard Clemens Oom Paul’s people New York 1900 Appleton
——— With the Boer forces London 1900 Methuen
Hinchliff, Peter Bingham The Anglican Church in South Africa London 1963 Darton, Longman & Todd
——— The Church in South Africa London 1968 SPCK
——— see also Ayliff, John (editor)
Hirson, Denis The house next door to Africa Cape Town 1986 David Philip
Hlatshwayo, Mi S’dumo see Sitas, Aristides (Ari)
Hobbs, Jenny Darling Blossom London 1978 Don Nelson
——— Thoughts in a makeshift mortuary London 1989 Michael Joseph
Hobhouse, Emily The brunt of war and where it fell London 1902 Methuen & Co.
Hobman, Daisy Lucie Olive Schreiner: Her friends and times London 1955 Watts
Hobson-Jobson: A glossary of Anglo-Indian colloquial words and phrases, and of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical and discursive edited by H. Yule & A.C. Burnell London 1886
——— new edition edited by W. Crooke London 1903
——— reprint London 1969
Hocking, Anthony Diamonds Cape Town 1973 Purnell South Africa (Pride of South Africa Series: No. 2)
——— Oppenheimer and son Johannesburg 1973 McGraw-Hill
Hockly, Harold Edward The story of the British settlers of 1820 in South Africa Cape Town 1948 Juta
Hodges, E. Richmond (editor) L. De Camoëns’s The Lusiad; or, the discovery of India (translated by W.J. Mickle, first publ. 1776) 5th revised edition London 1889 George Bell & Sons
Hodson, Arnold Wienholt Trekking the Great Thirst: Travel and sport in the Kalahari desert London 1912 T. Fisher Unwin
——— facsimile reprint Johannesburg 1977 Africana Book Society
Hoernlé, Reinhold Friedrich Alfred South African native policy and the liberal spirit Cape Town 1939 University of Cape Town
Hoffman, Arthur & Hoffman, Anna Romain They built a theatre: The history of the Johannesburg Repertory Players Johannesburg 1980 AD. Donker
Hofmeyr, Dianne A red kite in a pale sky Cape Town 1990 Tafelberg
Hoge, J. (translator) see Mentzel, Otto Friedrich
Holcroft, Thomas (translator) see Stolberg, Count Frederic Leopold
Holden, William Clifford History of the colony of Natal, South Africa: To which is added, an appendix, containing a brief history of the Orange-River sovereignty and of the various races inhabiting it, the great lake N’Gami, commandoes of the Dutch Boers, &c., &c. London 1855 Alexander Heylin
——— The past and future of the Kaffir races London [1866] W.C. Holden
——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1963
Holm, J.A. & Shilling, A.W. Dictionary of Bahamian English New York 1982
Holub, Emil Seven years in South Africa: travels, researches, and hunting adventures, between the diamond-fields and the Zambezi (1872–79) (translated by E.E. Frewer) London 1881 Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington
The Holyoke Diaries 1709–1856 Introduction and annotations by G.F. Dow Salem, Mass. 1911 The Essex Institute
The Homefinder Durban
Hone, Mitford Sarah-Elizabeth London 1945 Faber & Faber
Hook, D.B. ’Tis but yesterday London 1911 Greaves, Pass & Co.
Hooker, Sir Joseph D. see Banks, Sir Joseph (editor)
Hooker, Sir William Jackson Botanical Miscellany 3 volumes London 1831 John Murray
Hooper, Charles Brief authority London 1960 Collins
Hope, C.D. Our place in history: A comparative history of South Africa in relation to other countries Cape Town 1909 J.C. Juta & Co.
Hope, Christopher Cape drives London 1974
——— The Hottentot room London 1986 Heinemann
——— Private parts and other tales Johannesburg 1981 Bateleur Press
——— new edition London 1982 Routledge & Kegan Paul
——— another edition London 1984 Grafton Books (quotations are mostly taken from the 1984 edition, but dated simply 1982)
——— A separate development London 1983
Hopkins, Gerard Manley The journals and papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins edited by Humphry House, completed by Graham Storey - no quots London 1959 Oxford University Press
——— The note-books and papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins edited by Humphry House London 1937 Oxford University Press
Hopkins, J.C.F., Bacon, Aline L. & Gyde, L.M. (translator) Common Veld Flowers Salisbury, Rhodesia [Harare, Zimbabwe] 1940 Rhodesia Scientific Association (Look Around You Series: No. 1)
——— see also Forster, George
Hopkinson, Tom In the fiery continent London 1962 Victor Gollancz
Hopson, Charles Rivington see also Forster, George
——— (editor) see also Thunberg, Charles Peter
Horne, Charles Fisherman’s Eldorado Cape Town [1955] Howard Timmins
Horrell, Muriel Action, reaction, and counter-action: A brief review of non-white political movements in South Africa Johannesburg 1963 South African Institute of Race Relations
——— The African homelands of South Africa Johannesburg 1973 South African Institute of Race Relations
——— Racialism and the trade unions Johannesburg 1959 South African Institute of Race Relations
——— South Africa: Basic facts and figures Johannesburg 1973 South African Institute of Race Relations
——— South African trade unionism Johannesburg 1961 South African Institute of Race Relations
Horticultural terms Cape Town 1971 Department of National Education
Hotz, Lucy (translator) see De la Rey, Jacoba Elizabeth
House and Leisure Cape Town
House, Humphry see Hopkins, Gerard Manley
A Housewife of the Colony see Barnes, A.R. (A.R.B., A Housewife of the Colony)
Howell, F. Clark Early man Amsterdam 1966 Time-Life International
Howell, G.F. see Twede in Bevel’ (G.F. Howell)
Hoyle, Joan Some flowers of the bush London 1953 Longmans Green
Hubbard, Charles Edward Grasses: A guide to their structure identification, uses, and distribution in the British Isles 1959 reprint Harmondsworth 1954 Penguin
——— 2nd edition 1968
——— 3rd edition 1984
Huddleston, T. Naught for your comfort London 1956
Hudson, M.B. A feature in South African frontier life, based upon the wanderings of a frontier family, but embracing a complete record of the Kafir war of 1850–-51 Port Elizabeth 1852 John Paterson
Hughes, Dave, Hands, Phyllis & Kench, John The complete book of South African wine 2nd edition Cape Town 1988 Struik Publishers first first edition, see Kench et al.
——— another edition 1992
——— see also Kench, John
Hugo, D. de Vos In the Kerkhof, a story of old Worcester Cape Town 1906 Cape Times Limited
Hume, Margaret Sawdust heaven Dassie edition [Johannesburg] [1955]
Hunter, Langwill African dawn Alice, Eastern Cape 1949 Lovedale Press
Huntley, Brian J., Siegfried, Roy & Sunter, Clem South African environments into the 21st century Cape Town 1989 Human &Rousseau
Huntly, Jeff African wildife sketches Gibraltar 1990 Ashanti
Hutcheon, D. Rinderpest in South Africa: A short description of its history, general characters and methods of treatment Cape Town 1902
Hutchinson, Mrs (Mrs George William Hutchinson) In tents in the Transvaal London 1879 Richard Bentley
Hutt, William Harold The economics of the colour bar: A study of the economic origins and consequences of racial segregation in South Africa London 1964 Andre Deutsch
Hutton, C.W. (editor) The autobiography of the late Sir Andries Stockenstrom, Bart.… Cape Town 1887 Juta
Hyatt, Stanley Portal The old transport road London 1914 Andrew Melrose, Ltd


I.W. see Wauchope, Isaac Williams
Ikhwezi Lomso/Morning Star (title varies as (I)kwezi Lomso) Queenstown 1953–1960
Ilanga Durban 1903– (until 1965 with title Ilanga lase Natal)
Illsley, William Wagon on fire London 1955 Epworth Press
Immelman, W.F.E., Wicht, C.L. & Ackerman, D.P. (editor) Our green heritage: A book about indigenous and exotic trees in South Africa, about trees and timber in our cultural history and about our extensive silvicultural, forestry and timber industries Cape Town 1973 Tafelberg
Impact: Newspaper of the Progressive Federal Party Cape Town [1980–1981] Progressive Federal Party [published as Progress 1967–1979]
Imperial blue books see United Kingdom. Parliamentary papers
Imrie, Ruth Margaret A wealth of people: The story of the Trade Union Council of South Africa Johannesburg 1979 The Council
The Independent London 1986–
Indian Opinion Durban 1903–1961 unknown
Indigenous trees and shrubs for your garden Durban 1974 Wildlife Society of Southern Africa, Natal Branch
Ingram, Joseph Forsyth (J. Forsyth Ingram) The story of a gold concession: And other African tales and legends Pietermaritzburg 1893 Griffin
——— The story of an African city Pietermaritzburg 1898 C. Coester
Innes, Clive The handbook of cacti and succulents London 1988 Ward Lock Limited
Inside South Africa: South Africa’s News (analysis) magazine Cape Town 1987–1989 International Research and Information Services
Inskeep, R.R. The peopling of Southern Africa Cape Town 1978 David Philip
The intellectual observer: Review of natural history, microscopic research, and recreative science London 1862–1868 Groombridge and Sons
An introduction to the South African wine industry Paarl [c1980] Ko-operatieve Wijnbouwers Vereniging van Zuid-Afrika Beperkt
Iron, Ralph’ (Olive Schreiner) Dream life and real life London 1893 T. Fisher Unwin
——— Story of an African farm London 1883 Hutchinson & Co. (quotations taken from this edition, not the 'new' edition also published by Hutchinson & Co. in the same year)
Irons, W. The Settlers guide to the Cape of Good Hope and colony of Natal London 1858 Stanford
Irwin, Dave & Irwin, Pat A field guide to the Natal Drakensberg Durban 1980 Wildlife Society of Southern Africa
——— 2nd edition fully revised Grahamstown 1992 Rhodes University
Irwin, W.N. Echoes of the past: An army surgeon’s experiences in South Africa 1843–46 edited by H.B. Newham London 1927 (reprinted from Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps)
Isaacs, Nathaniel Travels and adventures in Eastern Africa, descriptive of the Zoolas, their manners, customs, etc. 2 volumes London 1836
——— edited by L. Herrman 2 volumes Cape Town 1936–1937 Van Riebeeck Society (Nos 16 and 17) Vol I - 1936, Vol II - 1937


Jackson, A.O. The ethnic composition of the Ciskei and Transkei Cape Town 1975 Department of Bantu Administration and Development Ethnological Publications No. 53
Jackson, Albert Trader on the veld Cape Town 1958 A.A. Balkema
Jackson, Murray Cosby A soldier’s diary: South Africa 1899–1901 London 1913 Max Goshen
Jacobson, Dan A dance in the sun London 1956 Weidenfeld & Nicolson
——— Inklings: selected stories London 1973 Weidenfeld & Nicolson
——— A long way from London London 1953 Weidenfeld & Nicolson
——— The price of diamonds London 1957 Weidenfeld & Nicolson
——— Through the wilderness: Selected stories Harmondsworth, U.K. 1977 Penguin (first publ. as Inklings1973)
——— The trap London 1955 Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Jacottet, Édouard A practical method to learn Sesuto, with exercises and a short vocabulary Morija 1928 Sesuto Book Depot
James, Lionel see The Intelligence Officer’ (Lionel James)
Jane’s armour and artillery edited by Christopher F. Foss London 1982 Jane’s Yearbooks
Jansonius, H. Nieuw groot Nederlands-Engels woordenboek 3 volumes Leiden 1972–1973
Jardine, Alexander Johnstone A fragment of church history, at the Cape of Good Hope [written anonymously] Cape Town 1827 W. Bridekirk
——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1979 South African Library (Reprint Series: No. 8)
Jazz Research see Jazzforschung / Jazz Research
Jazzforschung / Jazz Research Graz 1969– Institut für Jazzforschung an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in cooperation with the International Society for Jazz Research
Jeffreys, Kathleen M. (translator) The memorandum of Commissary J.A. de Mist containing recommendations for the form and administration of government at the Cape of Good Hope, 1802 Cape Town 1920 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 3)
Jeffreys, M.D.W. Africanderisms (article publ. in Africana Notes and News, June 1964, Vol. 16 No 2)
——— Africanderisms II (article publ. in Africana Notes and News, Mar. 1967, Vol. 17 No. 5)
——— Africanderisms III (article publ. in Africana Notes and News, Mar. 1970, Vol. 19 No. 1)
Jekyll, Gertrude Colour schemes for the flower garden 4th edition London 1919 Country Life
Jenkins, Geoffrey A bridge of magpies London 1974 Collins
——— Scend of the sea Glasgow 1971
——— A twist of sand London 1959 Collins
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——— facsimile reprint Pretoria 1968 State Library
Jennings, L.E. The concise trilingual dictionary in English, Xhosa, Afrikaans 2nd edition Lovedale, Eastern Cape 1962
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——— Transvaal book almanac and directory for 1877 Pietermaritzburg 1877 P. Davis & Sons
——— reprint Pretoria 1976 State Library
Jermieson, Allan The dealers' daughters Cape Town 1990 Tafelberg
——— Rosaletta Cape Town 1988
Johnson Barker, Brian The fairest Cape: Cape Town and Environs Cape Town 1991 Struik
Johnson, G.W. The Gardeners' Dictionary (also known asThe Cottage Gardeners' Dictionary) London 1884
Johnson, Hugh Hugh Johnson’s Pocket Wine Book 1983 edition London 1982 Mitchell Beazley
Johnson, Jill South Africa speaks Johannesburg 1981 Ad. Donker
——— see also South Africa speaks
Johnson, Thomas Cornucopiae: Or, Diuers Secrets: Wherein is Contained the Rare Secrets in Man, Beasts, Foules, Fishes, Trees, Plantes, Stones and Such Like, Most Pleasant and Profitable, and Not Before Committed to Bee Printed in English. Newlie Drawen Out of Diuers Latine Authors Into English London 1596 W. Barley
Johnson, W.S. Orangia: A geographical reader of the Orange River Colony London 1906 Longmans, Green, & Co.
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——— Joint operational dictionary Pretoria 1977 Directorate of Language Services, South African Defence Force
Jollie, T. (E. Tawse Jollie) The real Rhodesia Bulawayo, Rhodesia [Zimbabwe] 1924 Books of Rhodesia
——— facsimile reprint 1971
Jones, Daniel An outline of English phonetics Leipzig 1922 B.G. Teubner
——— 4th edition Cambridge 1934 W. Heffer & Sons Ltd.
——— 9th edition Cambridge 1972 Heffer
Jones, Isabel (editor) South African favourite recipes: Woman’s World cookbook Diep River 1989 Chameleon Press
Jonker, Anna
——— (translator) see Maartens, Maretha
——— (translator) see Pieterse, Pieter
Jordan, A.C. (translator) Tales from Southern Africa Pretoria 1973 University of California Press
Joubert, Elsa The long journey of Poppie Nongena Johannesburg 1980 Jonathan Ball
Joubert, Willem Adolf The law of South Africa Durban 1976– Butterworths
The Journal Grahamstown 1831–1920 (with title The Graham’s Town Journal, or, Cape of Good Hope Eastern Provincial Register 1833–64; absorbed by Grocott’s Mail)
Journal of African languages and linguistics Dordrecht, Netherlands 1979– University of Leiden
Journal of Southern African Studies London 1974– Oxford University Press
The Journal of the Botanical Society of South Africa Cape Town 1915–
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland London 1872–1965 From 1872-1906 publ. by the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Merger of: Journal of anthropology; Anthropological Society of London. Memoirs, and: Journal of the Ethnological Society of London. Absorbed in part by: Man.
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London London 1855–1878
Journal of the Society of Arts London 1852– Royal Society of Arts
Jubb, Rex A. Freshwater fishes of Southern Africa Cape Town 1967 A.A. Balkema
Junod, Henri Alexandre The life of a South African tribe 2 volumes Neuchatel 1912–1913 Imprimerie Attinger Frères
——— 2nd revised edition 2 volumes London 1927 Macmillan & Co. Ltd.
Junod, Henri Philippe & Jaques, Alexandre A. Vutlhari bya Vatsonga (Machangana): The wisdom of the Tsonga-Shangana people 2nd revised edition Johannesburg 1957 Swiss Mission in South Africa
——— see also Duggan-Cronin, A.M.
Juritz, Charles Frederick A study of the agricultural soils of the Cape Colony Cape Town 1910 Maskew Miller
Juta, Jan Look out for the ostriches Dassie edition [Johannesburg] [1933] Central News Agency
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——— The tavern New York 1920 William Heinemann
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——— Cape Town 1896–1898 J.D. Juta & Co.


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Kairos Johannesburg 1969– South African Council of Churches
The Kairos document: Challenge to the church 2nd revised edition Johannesburg 1986 Kairos theologians
Kallaway, Peter & Pearson, Patrick Johannesburg: images and continuities: A history of working class life through pictures, 1885–1935 Johannesburg 1986 Ravan Press
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Karodia, Farida Daughters of the twilight London 1986 The Women’s Press
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Kavanagh, Muriel We merry peasants Cape Town 1963 Timmins
Kay, Stephen Travels and researches in Caffraria: Describing the character, customs, and moral condition of the tribes inhabiting that portion of Southern Africa: With historical and topographical remarks illustrative of the state and prospects of the British settlement in its borders, the introduction of Christianity, and the progress of civilization London 1833 J. Mason
Keane, Augustus Henry Africa 2 volumes Vol I North Africa, Vol II South Africa London 1895 Edward Stanford (Stanford’s Compendium of Geography and Travel)
——— 2nd edition Volume II (with title South Africa) London 1904
——— The Boer states: Land and people London 1900 Methuen
Keegan, John (editor) World armies London 1979 Macmillan
——— 2nd edition London 1983 Macmillan
Keet, B. see Marquard, N.J.
Keith, Arthur New discoveries relating to the antiquity of man London 1931 Williams & Norgate
Keith, Sir George Mouat A voyage to South America and the Cape of Good Hope; in his Majesty’s gun brig 'The Protector' London 1819 J.B.G. Vogel (first publ. 1810)
Kellerman, T.S., Coetzer, J.A.W. & Naudé, T.W. Plant poisonings and mycotoxicoses of livestock in Southern Africa Cape Town 1988 Oxford University Press
Kelly, John The coming revolt of the English in the Transvaal, with an account of the sieges of Johannesburg and Pretoria, and the annexation of the two South African republics to the British Empire London 1891 J. Kelly
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——— Cottage furniture in South Africa Cape Town 1987 C. Struik
Kench, John, Hands, Phyllis & Hughes, David The complete book of South African wine Cape Town 1983 C. Struik Publishers
Kendall, Edward Augustus The English boy at the Cape: An Anglo-African story 3 volumes London 1835 Whittaker & Co.
Kenmuir, D. Song of the surf Cape Town 1988 Maskew Miller Longman
——— The tusks and the talisman Pretoria 1987 De Jager-HAUM
Kennedy, R.F. see Baines, Thomas (editor)
Kent, L.E. Stratigraphy of South Africa: Handbook 8. Part 1: Lithostratigraphy of the Republic of South Africa, SOuth West Africa/Namibia, and the republics of Bophuthatswana, Transkei, and Venda Pretoria 1980 South African Committee for Stratigraphy
Kentridge, Matthew An unofficial war: Inside the conflict in Pietermaritzburg Cape Town 1990 David Philip
Keppel-Jones, Arthur South Africa: A short history London 1949 Hutchinson
——— 3rd edition 1963
——— When Smuts goes: A history of South Africa from 1952-2010: First published in 2015 Cape Town 1947 African Bookman
——— Pietermaritzburg 1950 Shuter & Shooter
——— see Philipps, Thomas (editor)
Kerr, Walter Montagu The far interior: A narrative of travel and adventure from The Cape of Good Hope across the Zambesi to the Lake regions of Central Africa 2 volumes London 1886 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington
Kestell, John Daniel Through shot and flame London 1903 Methuen & Co.
Kidd, Dudley The essential kafir London 1904 Adam & Charles Black
——— 2nd edition London 1925
Kidd, Mary Maytham Cape Peninsula Cape Town 1983 Botanical Society of South Africa (South African Wild Flower Guide No. 3)
——— Wild flowers of the Cape Peninsula Cape Town 1950 Oxford University Press
Kift, E.L. Letters to Alfred Jarvis in Port Elizabeth on business and personal topics. 1844–1850 Cory MS14,333
Kilburn, Richard & Rippey, Elizabeth Sea shells of Southern Africa Johannesburg 1982 Macmillan South Africa
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King, N.L. Tree-planting in South Africa 1951 (reprinted from Journal of the South African Forestry Association No. 21, Oct. 1951)
King, William Ross Campaigning in Kaffirland: Or scenes and adventures in the Kaffir war of 1851–2 London 1853 Saunders & Otley
Kingsley, John Sterling The standard natural history Volume V Boston 1884 S.E. Cassino and Company
Kingwill, Phillida Message of the black eagle Cape Town 1988 Maskew Miller Longman
Kipling, Rudyard The five nations New York 1903 Methuen
——— Just so stories London 1902 Macmillan
——— Land and sea tales for scouts and guides London 1923 Macmillan
——— Many inventions London 1899 Macmillan
——— Something of myself London 1937 Macmillan
——— Traffics and discoveries London 1904 Macmillan
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Kirby, Percival R. The musical instruments of the native races of South Africa London 1934 OUP
——— 2nd edition Johannesburg 1965 Witwatersrand University Press
——— see Burrow, John Anthony
——— see also Smith, Andrew
——— see also Bullock, J.B.
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Kirstein, Christa Best South African braai recipes Cape Town 1986 C. Struik Publishers
Klein, Harry Land of the silver mist Cape Town [1952] Howard B. Timmins
——— Stage coach dust London 1937 Thomas Nelson
——— Winged courier Cape Town [1955] Timmins
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Knight, Edward Frederick South Africa after the war: A narrative of recent travel London 1903 Longmans, Green
Knox, Catherine M. (translator) see Van Heerden, Etienne
Knox, Graham Estate wines of South Africa Cape Town 1976 David Philip
——— 2nd edition 1982
Knox Little, William John Sketches and studies in South Africa London 1899 Isbister
Kolben, Peter The present state of the Cape of Good Hope (translated by Guido Medley) London 1731 W. Innys (Vol. I: or, a particular account of the several nations of the Hottentots: their religion, government, laws, customs, ceremonies, and opinions; their art of war, professions, language, genius, &c. Together with a short account of the Dutch settlement at the Cape. Vol. II: containing, the Natural History of the Cape; or, a particular Description of all the Sorts of Animals and Vegetables in that Neighbourhood; as of Beasts, Birds, Insects, Sea- and River-Fish; Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Herbs, Roots and Flowers. Likewise an Account of the Mineral Productions, and of the Sea-, River-, and Spring-Waters there. Together with some Observations on the CAPE-Winds and Air. To which is prefix’d, A Topographical Account of the Colonies there; as, of their Extent, Rivers, Springs, Mountains Roads, Places of Note &c.)
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——— Pietermaritzburg 1950
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——— facsimile reprint Farnborough, U.K. 1971
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——— 2nd edition edited by R. Godfrey Lovedale 1915 Lovedale Mission Press (title now spelled A Kafir-English dictionary)
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——— London 1990 Coronet
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Lee, Robert Warden An introduction to Roman-Dutch law London 1949 Werner Laurie
Lees Price, E. see Price, E.L. (E. Lees Price)
Leigh, Michael Cross of fire London 1949 Werner Laurie
Leipoldt, Christiaan Louis Bushveld doctor London 1937 Jonathan Cape
——— 300 Years of Cape wine Cape Town 1952 Stewart
Lenneberg, Eric H. Biological foundations of language New York 1967 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Leroux, E. see Eglington, C.
Leroux, V. see Your gardening questions answered
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——— 3rd revised edition London 1987
Leslie, David Among the Zulus and Amatongas: With sketches of the natives, their language and customs; and the country, products, climate, wild animals, &c.; being principally contributions to magazines and newspapers edited by W.H. Drummond Glasgow 1875 Edmonston & Douglas
——— another edition Glasgow 1875 printed for private circulation
Lessing, Doris Five: Short novels London 1953 Michael Joseph
——— Harmondsworth, U.K. 1960 Penguin
——— This was the Old Chief’s country Harmondsworth, U.K. 1951 Michael Joseph
Letcher, Owen Africa unveiled London 1931 O. Letcher
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——— 2nd edition Cape Town 1985 C. Struik
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——— revised edition (enlarged & completed by Hugh Murray) Edinburgh 1817 George Ramsay and Company
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——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1972 C. Struik (Pty.) Ltd.
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——— Cape Town 1928–1930 Van Riebeeck Society (Nos 10 and 11)
Life Chicago 1936–1972 Time Inc.
Light years Pinelands, Cape Town 1989– Old Mutual Published in English and in Afrikaans
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Lighton, R.E. Out of the strong: A bushveld story London 1957 Macmillan
——— see also Lennox-Short, A. & Lighton, E. (editors)
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——— After Ophir; or, a search for the South African Gold Fields London 1870 Cassell, Petter, & Galpin
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——— London 1874 Longmans, Green & Co.
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Little, J.S. South Africa: A sketchbook of men, manners and facts: With an appendix upon the present situation in South Africa and upon the affairs of Zululand, the Transvaal and Bechuanaland with special reference to the Boer mission to England 2 volumes London 1884 W. Swan Sonneschein
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——— Missionary Travels and researches in South Africa, including a sketch of sixteen year’s residence in the interior of Africa London 1857 John Murray
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——— A rosary of bone edited by J. Cope Cape Town 1975
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Lloyd, L. (editor) see Andersson, Charles John (Karl Johan Andersson)
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London Magazine: A monthly review of literature London 1954– London Magazine
The London Review of Books New York 1979– NYREV Inc.
Long, Una (editor) see Goldswain, Jeremiah
——— see also Price, E.L. (E. Lees Price)
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Longman new universal dictionary edited by P. Procter et al. Harlow, U.K. 1982
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Louw, Anna M. 20 days that autumn Cape Town 1963 Tafelberg
Lovedale Sol-Fa Leaflet No.17 Lovedale 1934 Lovedale Press
Lowe, Shaun Maguire Adams The hungry veld Pietermaritzburg 1967 Shuter and Shooter
Lowndes, E.E.K. Every-day life in South Africa London 1900 S.W. Partridge & Co.
Lowth, Alys A daughter of the Transvaal London 1899 Hutchinson & Co.
Lubke, Roy A., Gess, Fred W. & Bruton, Mike N. (editor) A field guide to the Eastern Cape coast Grahamstown 1988 Grahamstown Centre of the Wildlife Society of Southern Africa
Lubke, Roy A. & La Cock, Graeme (editor) Vegetation and ecology of Kwaaihoek: Site of the Dias Cross Grahamstown 1988 Rhodes University
Lucas, Thomas J. Camp life and sport in South Africa London 1878 Chapman & Hall
——— The Zulus and the British Frontiers London 1879 Chapman & Hall
Luckhardt, Ken & Wall, Brenda Organize or starve: The history of the South African Congress of Trade Unions London 1980 Lawrence & Wishart
Ludlow, Captain Walter Robert Zululand and Cetewayo, containing an account of Zulu customs, manners, and habits, after a short residence in their kraals, with portrait of Cetewayo, and 28 illustrations from original drawings 2nd edition London 1882 Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.
Ludman, Barbara The day of the kugel Cape Town 1989 Maskew Miller Longman
Luthuli, Albert John Let my people go: An autobiography London 1962 Collins
Lyall, S. Reminiscences. c1900 Killie Campbell Africana Library MS138
Lydekker, Richard The game animals of Africa 2nd edition London 1926 Rowland Ward, Limited
——— The Royal natural history 2 volumes London 1893–1894 Frederick Warne & Co.
——— The sheep and its cousins London 1912 George Allen & Company, Ltd.
Lye, William F. (editor) see Smith, Andrew
Lye, William F. & Murray, Colin Transformations on the Highveld: The Tswana and Southern Sotho Cape Town 1980 David Philip
Lynne, Suzanna Beloved Viking London 1976 Mills & Boon
——— another edition Toronto 1976 Harlequin Books
——— Glittering gold London 1972 Mills & Boon
Lynx: Contemporary South African writing (Time out of Time) Johannesburg 1990 Penguin
Lyster, Lynn Ballads of the veld-land London 1913 Longmans, Green
Lytton, David Goddam White Man London 1960 MacGibbon &Kee


M.M. Steyn’ (M.M. Steytler) The diary of a South African Cape Town 1919 Juta
Maartens, Maretha Ring around the moon (translated by Anna Jonker) Pretoria 1987 De Jager-HAUM
Mabille, Adolphe Se-Suto-English and English-S-Suto vocabulary: With an elementary sketch of se-Suto grammar 2nd edition with an elementary sketch of se-Suto grammar by E. Jacottet Morija, Basutoland [Lesotho] 1893 Morija Sesuto Book Depot
——— Southern Sotho-English dictionary 6th edition rev. and considerably enlarged by H. Dieterlen Morija, Basutoland [Lesotho] 1937 Morija Sesuto Book Depot
——— Southern Sotho-English dictionary edited by R.A. Paroz 7th edition Morija, Basutoland [Lesotho] 1950 Morija Sesuto Book Depot
——— Southern Sotho-English dictionary 8th edition edited by R.A. Paroz Morija, Basutoland [Lesotho] 1961 Morija Sesuto Book Depot
Macdonald, James Light in Africa London 1890 Hodder and Stoughton
Macdonald, Tom Ouma Smuts London [1946] Hurst & Blackett
——— Transvaal story Cape Town 1961 Timmins
Macdonald, William The romance of the golden rand London 1933 Cassell & Co. Ltd.
MacGilchrist, John see A Traveller’ (John MacGilchrist)
Macgregor, James Comyn (translator) Basuto traditions: Being a record of the traditional history of the more important of the tribes which form the Basuto Nation of to-day up to the time of their being absorbed London [1905] Argus Printing & Publishing
——— (translator) see also Ellenberger, D. Fred
Mack, Peter Night skies Cape Town 1987 C. Struik Publishers
Mackenzie, A. Journal. 1859 Typescript. Killie Campbell Africana Library Colenso Papers Block 7
Mackenzie, John Day-dawn in dark places: a story of wanderings and work in Bechwanaland London [1883] Cassell & Company, Limited
——— Papers of John Mackenzie edited by A.J. Dachs Johannesburg 1975 Witwatersrand University Press for African Studies Institute
——— Ten years north of the Orange River: A story of everyday life and work among the South African tribes from 1859 to 1869 Edinburgh 1871 Edmonston & Douglas
——— 2nd edition with introduction by Cecil Northcott London 1971 Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.
Mackenzie, Kenneth The deserter London 1965 Eyre & Spottiswoode
——— A dragon to kill London 1963 Eyre & Spottiswoode
Mackinnon, James South African traits London 1887 Hodder & Stoughton
Mackintosh, Catherine Winkworth (translator) see Coillard, François
Mackrill, Joseph Diary written in various places…including Cape Town 1809 and Boschberg (Somerset East) 1816. 1806–1816 Cory MS7336
Mackworth-Praed, Cyril Winthrop & Grant, Claude Henry Baxter Birds of eastern and north eastern Africa Volume 2 London 1955 Longmans, Green and Co (African Handbook of Birds: Series 1)
Maclean, G.L. Roberts' birds of Southern Africa see Roberts, Austin
Maclean, John A compendium of Kafir laws and customs reprint Grahamstown 1906 (first publ. 1858)
——— facsimile reprint Pretoria 1968
Maclennan, Ben A proper degree of terror: John Graham and the Cape’s eastern frontier Johannesburg 1986 Ravan Press
Maclennan, Don A.C. In the dawn wind. 1970 Unpubl. play. [publ. as The Great Wall of China in Bolt No. 7, Mar. 1973] ??
——— Reckonings Cape Town 1983 David Philip
——— The wake: A comedy in two acts. 1971 Unpubl. play. NELM
Macmillan, William Miller Bantu, Boer, and Briton : The making of the South African native problem London 1929 Faber & Gwyer
——— revised edition Oxford, U.K. 1963 Oxford University Press
——— The Cape Colour question: A historical survey London 1927 Faber & GwyerLtd.
——— My South African years : An autobiography Cape Town 1975 David Philip
Macnab, F.’ (Agnes Fraser) On veldt and farm 2nd edition London 1897 Edward Arnold
Macnab, Roy M. (editor) Poets in South Africa Cape Town 1958 Maskew Miller
——— Cape Town 1968 Maskew Miller
MacOwan, P. & Pillans, Eustace Manual of practical orchard-work at the Cape Cape Town 1896 Cape of Good Hope Department of Agriculture
Macphail, Ella Mary Falling upstairs: Stories out of South Africa Johannesburg 1982 Jonathan Ball Publishers
——— Mrs Chud’s place Cape Town 1992 The Carrefour Press
The Mafeking Mail: Special siege slip Mafeking 1899–1900 Townshend & Son
Makanna, or the land of the savage [written anonymously] 3 volumes London 1834 Simpkin & Marshall
Malan, Rian My traitor’s heart London 1990 Bodley Head
Malan, Robin Ah big yaws by 'Rawbone Malong' Cape Town 1972 David Philip
——— 4th impression Cape Town 1973 David Philip
Malange, Nise see Sitas, Aristides (Ari)
Malherbe, Ernest Gideon (editor) Educational adaptations in a changing society: Report of the South African Education Conference held in Capetown and Johannesburg in July, 1934, under the auspices of the New Education Fellowship Cape Town 1937 Juta
Malherbe, Janie A. Port Natal: A pioneer story Cape Town 1965 Howard Timmins
Malherbe, V.C. What they said, 1795–1910: A selection of documents from South African history Cape Town 1971 Maskew Miller Longman
Mandela, Nelson No easy walk to freedom: Articles, speeches, and trial addresses of Nelson Mandela edited by Ruth First London 1965 Heinemann
——— revised edition London 1990 Mandarin
Mandela, Nomzamo Winifred Part of my soul London 1965 Penguin
Mandelbrote, H.J. (translator) see Mentzel, Otto Friedrich
Mandelbrote, J.C. The Cape Press 1838–1850 Cape Town 1945
Mangope, Lucas Manyane A place for all Cape Town c1979 Via Afrika
Manley, Marcelle (translator) see Oosthuizen, Lucas M.
Mann, Robert James (editor) The Colony of Natal: An account of the characteristics and capabilities of this British dependency London [1859] Jarrold & Sons
Mannix, J. Bernard (editor) Mines and their story London 1913 Sidgwick & Jackson
Manson, Harley William Daniel Pat Mulholland’s day Cape Town 1964 Nasionale Boekhandel
Mansvelt, N. Proeve van deen Kaapsch-Hollandsch idioticon, met toelichtingen en opmerkingen betreffende land, volk en taal Cape Town 1884 Cyrus J Martin
Marais, David Ag, sis man!: A new collection of cartoons Cape Town 1965 Timmins
——— Europeans only: A collection of cartoons Cape Town 1960 Jan Botha
——— Hey! Van der Merwe: A new collection of cartoons Cape Town 1961 Jan Botha
——— I got a licence: A new collection of cartoons Cape Town 1962 Books of Africa
——— I like it here: A new collection of cartoons Cape Town 1964 Jan Botha
Marais, E.C.G. (translator) see Marais, Eugène Nielen
Marais, Eugène Nielen My friends the baboons London 1939 Methuen
——— 2nd edition London 1947 Methuen
——— The road to Waterberg and other essays Cape Town 1972 Human & Rousseau
——— The soul of the ape Cape Town 1969 Human & Rousseau
——— Harmondsworth, U.K. 1973
——— The soul of the white ant (translated by Winifred de Kok) reprint London 1937 Methuen
——— Harmondsworth, U.K. 1973 Penguin
Marais, G.V. & Hoge, J. (translators) see Mentzel, Otto Friedrich
Marais, Johannes Stephanus The Cape Coloured People, 1652–1937 London 1939 Longmans Green
——— another edition Johannesburg 1957 Witwatersrand University Press
Marchand, Annabella Bruce Dirk: A South African London 1913 Longmans, Green & Co.
Markham, Violet R. The South African scene London 1913 Smith, Elder & Co.
Marks, Bernard Our South African army today Cape Town 1977 Purnell
Marloth, Rudolf Dictionary of the common names of plants with list of foreign plants cultivated in the open Cape Town 1917 Speciality Press
——— The flora of South Africa: With synoptical tables of the genera of the higher plants 4 volumes Cape Town 1913–1932 Darter Bros. & Co.
Marquard, Leopold (Leo) The peoples and policies of South Africa London 1952 Oxford University Press
——— The story of South Africa London 1955 Faber
Marquard, Margaret Letters from a Boer parsonage: Letters of Marguaret Marquard during the Boer War edited by L. Marquard Cape Town 1967 Purnell
Marquard, N.J. (translator) B.B. Keet’s Whither – South Africa? Stellenbosch 1956
Marryat, Captain Frederick (translator) The phantom ship London 1857 G. Routledge & Co.
Martin, Annie Home life on an ostrich farm London 1890 George Philip & Son
Martin, Arthur Clive The concentration camps 1900–1902: Facts, figures, and fables Cape Town [1957] Howard Timmins (No publication date given, but foreword dated 1957)
Martin, Colin G.C. & Friedlaender, K.J. (editor) History of surveying and land tenure in South Africa: Collected papers Cape Town 1984 University of Cape Town (Vol 1. Surveying and land tenure in the Cape 1652–1812)
Martin, Lieutenant General Henry James & Orpen, Colonel Neil D. South Africa at war: Military and industrial organization and operations in connection with the conduct of the war, 1939–1945 Cape Town 1979 Purnell
Martin, Robert Montgomery History of Southern Africa: Comprising the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Seychelles, &c. London 1836 John Mortimer (No. 3 in the British Colonial Library series)
——— History of the colonies of the British Empire in the West Indies, Asia, Australi-Asia, Africa, and Europe: Comprising the area, agriculture … of each colony, with the charters and the engraved seals: From the official records of the Colonial Office London 1843 Wm. H. Allen & Co.
——— reprint London 1967 Dawsons of Pall Mall
Martindale, William The extra pharmacopoeia: Incorporating squire’s companion 22nd edition London 1941 Pharmaceutical Press
——— 24th edition London 1958
——— 25th edition London 1967
——— 26th edition London 1972
——— 27th edition London 1977
——— 29th edition London 1989
Martinius, M.E. A sketch of the development of rural education (European) in the Cape Colony (1652–1910) Grahamstown [1922]
Martyn, Thomas (translator) see Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Mason, George Holditch Life with the Zulus of Natal South Africa London 1855 Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans
——— facsimile reprint London 1968
——— Zululand: A mission tour in South Africa London 1862 James Nisbet & Co.
Mason, Revil Prehistory of the Transvaal: A record of human activity Johannesburg 1962 Witwatersrand University Press
Masson, Madeleine Birds of passage London 1950 George Allen & Unwin
Mathews, B. Consider Africa London 1935
Matshikiza, Todd Chocolates for my wife London 1961 Hodder & Stoughton
Matshoba, Mtutuzeli Call me not a man Johannesburg 1979 Ravan Press
Matthee, D. The mulberry forest London 1989 Michael Joseph (first publ. 1987 in Afrikaans as Moerbeibos)
Matthews, James David The park and other stories Athlone 1974 BLAC Publishing House
Matthews, Joseph Wright Incwadi Yami, o,r twenty years' personal experience in South Africa New York 1887 Rogers & Sherwood
Maxwell, W.A. & McGeogh, R.T. (editor) The reminiscences of Thomas Stubbs; including Men I have known Cape Town 1978 A.A. Balkema (The Graham’s Town Series: No. 4)
——— see also Mc Geoch, R.T. (McGeoch)
Mayat, Zuleikha Indian Delights Durban 1961 Women’s Cultural Group
——— revised edition 1970
——— revised edition (enlarged super) 1982
Mayer, Philip Townsmen or tribesmen: Conservatism and the process of urbanization in a South African city Cape Town 1961 Oxford University Press (Xhosa in Town Series: No. II)
Maylam, Paul A history of the African people of South Africa: From the early iron age to the 1970s Cape Town 1986
Mayson, John Schofield The Malays of Capetown Manchester 1861 J. Galt & Co.
——— facsimile reprint Pretoria [1970]
Mazikana, P.C. & Johnstone, I.J. Zimbabwe epic edited by R.G.S. Douglas Harare, Zimbabwe 1982
Mc Geoch, R.T. (McGeoch) The reminiscences of Thomas Stubbs, 1820–77. 1868 M.A. thesis, Rhodes University, 1965. Appendices include Reminiscences and Men I have known RU T 1196 Rhodes Thesis
Mcallen, Terry Kyk daar: The rooinek’s guide to South Africa Durban 1983 Laxative Publications
McAllister, Patrick Alister Xhosa beer drinks and their oratory. 1986 Doctoral thesis, Rhodes University, Grahamstown. Cory TR 87-25
McCarthy, James Remington Fire in the earth: The story of the diamond London 1946 Robert Hale Ltd.
McCaul, Colleen No easy ride: The rise and future of the black taxi industry Johannesburg 1990 South African Institute of Race Relations
McClure, James The caterpillar cop London 1972 Victor Gollancz Ltd.
——— The gooseberry fool London 1974 Victor Gollancz
——— Harmondsworth, U.K. 1976 Penguin
——— Rogue eagle London 1976 Macmillan
——— Snake London 1975 Victor Gollancz
——— The song dog London 1991 Fabe & Faber
——— The steam pig London 1971 Victor Gollancz Ltd.
——— Harmondsworth, U.K. 1973 Penguin
——— The Sunday hangman New York 1977 Pantheon Books
McCormack, Dewar The Perm book of 'Test the Team' Cape Town 1994 Salty Print
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms New York 1974 McGraw-Hill
McIntosh, John The stonefish London 1970 Macmillan
Mckay, James Reminiscences of the last Kafir war: Illustrated with numerous anecdotes Grahamstown 1871 Richards, Glanville & Co.
——— reprint Cape Town 1970 Struik (quotations are taken from the 1970 reprint, but dated simply 1871)
McKee, William Montague South African sheep and wool Cape Town 1913 T. Maskew Miller
McKerron, M.E. A History of Education in South Africa (1652-1932) Pretoria 1934 J.L. van Schaik, Ltd.
McKiernan, Gerald Narrative and journal of Gerald McKiernan in South West Africa, 1874–1879 edited by P. Serton Cape Town 1954 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 35)
Mclachlan, G.R. & Liversidge, R. Roberts birds of South Africa see Roberts, Austin
Mclaren, J. A new concise Xhosa-English dictionary Cape Town 1963
McMagh, Kathleen Liesching A dinner of herbs: Being the memoir of Kathleen McMagh Cape Town 1968 Purnell
McMahan, Jeff Reagan and the world: Imperial policy in the new cold war New York 1985 Monthly Review Press
McNish, J.T. The road to El Dorado Cape Town 1968 C. Struik
Mcrae, A.G. The hill called Grazing: The story of a Transvaal farm London 1956
The Mediator Cape Town 1837–1839 (continuation of The Moderator, or, Cape of Good Hope Impartial Observer)
Medley, Guido (translator) see Kolben, Peter
Meer, Fatima (translator) Portrait of Indian South Africans Durban 1969 Avon House
Meet the South African Transport Services Johannesburg 1982 Publicity & Travel Department, South African Transport Services
Meintjes, Johannes Manor House New York 1964 Delacorte
——— Sandile: The fall of the Xhosa nation Cape Town 1971 T.V. Bulpin
——— Sword in the sand: The life and death of Gideon Scheepers Cape Town 1969 Tafelberg-Uitgewers
——— The Voortrekkers: The story of the Great Trek and the making of South Africa London 1973 Cassell
Meiring, Jane M. Candle in the wind London 1959 Frederick Muller
Mekgoe, Shimane Solly Lindiwe Johannesburg 1978 Ravan Press (Ravan Playscript 3)
Melamu, M. Children of the twilight Braamfontein 1987 Skotaville Publishers
——— Memorandum explaining the background and objects of the promotion of Bantu selfgovernment bill Parl. Paper W.P.3-1959
Mellet, H.F., Scott, Susan & van Warmelo, Paul (editor) Our Legal Heritage Durban 1982 Butterworths &Co (SA) (Pty) Ltd
Mentzel, Otto Friedrich A geographical and topographical description of the Cape of Good Hope Part I 1921, Part II 1925 (both tr. by H. Mandelbrote, Part III (tr. by G.V. Marais and J. Hoge) 1944 3 volumes Cape Town 1921–1925 Van Riebeeck Society (Nos 4, 6 and 25)
——— Life at the Cape in mid-eighteenth century: Being the biography of Rudolf Siegfried Allemann (translated by Margaret Greenlees) Cape Town 1919 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 2)
Meredith, Cyril Peggy of Cape Town Cape Town 1910 CNA
Meredith, D. (editor) The grasses and pastures of South Africa (Part I A guide to the identification of grasses in South Africa by L.K.A. Chippindall, Part II Pasture management in South Africa by J.D. Scott, J.J. Theron, D. Meredith, et al.) [Johannesburg] 1955 CNA
Merrett, Patricia L. & Butcher, Ronald (editors) see Struthers, Robert Briggs
Merriman, John Xavier The case against the suspension of the constitution of the Cape Colony; being a speech delivered in the House of Assembly on the 11th day of September, 1902 [Cape Town] 1902 National Press Agency? not given
Merriman, Nathaniel James The Cape journals of Archdeacon N.J. Merriman 1848–55 edited by D.H. Varley & H.M. Matthew Cape Town 1957 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 37)
Mesthrie, Rajend A lexicon of South African Indian English. c1986 Thesis, ?University of Durban-Westville. DU
——— A lexicon of South African Indian English Yorkshire, U.K. 1992 Peepal Tree Press
Metcalfe, H. Chronicle of Private Henry Metcalfe edited by F. Tuker London 1953
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Metelerkamp, S. George Rex of Knysna Cape Town [1955]
——— 3rd edition 1963
The Meteor Grahamstown 1881–1884
Methley, James Erasmus The new colony of Port Natal: With information for emigrants 3rd edition London 1850 Houlston & Stoneman
——— facsimile reprint [Durban] [1968] University of Natal
Methuen, Henry H. Life in the wilderness; or, Wanderings in South Africa London 1846 Richard Bentley
——— 2nd edition London 1848 Richard Bentley
Metrowich, F.C. Frontier flames Cape Town 1968 Books of Africa
——— Scotty Smith Cape Town 1962 Books of Africa
——— The valiant but once Cape Town 1956 Howard Timmins
Meurant, Louis Henri Sixty years ago; or, reminiscences of the struggle for the freedom of the press in South Africa, and the establishment of the first newspaper in the Eastern Province Cape Town 1885 Saul Solomon & Co.
——— facsimile reprint Cape Town 1963 Africana Connoisseurs Press
Mfusi, Mmemezi Joseph Heracles Soweto Zulu slang: A sociolinguistic study of an urban vernacular in Soweto. 1990 Honours thesis, University of South Africa. DU
Michell, Justin Church ablaze: The Hatfield Baptist Church story Basingstoke 1985 Marshalls
Mickle, William Julius see Hodges, E. Richmond (editor)
Millais, John Guille A breath from the veldt 2nd edition London 1895 Henry Sotheran & Co
——— 3rd edition London 1899 Henry Sotheran & Co
Millar, C. (editor) Sixteen stories by South African writers Cape Town 1964 Maskew Miller
Miller, Hugh (editor) Foot-prints of the creator: Or, the asterolepis of Stromness London 1849 Johnstone and Hunter
Miller, Penny Myths and legends of Southern Africa Cape Town 1979 T.V. Bulpin Publications
Miller, W.T. (editor) Wild life of Southern Africa Pietermaritzburg [1951] Shuter & Shooter
Miller, William Christopher & West, Geoffrey P. (editor) Black’s veterinary dictionary 3rd edition London 1953 Adam & Charles Black
Miller, William (editor) A dictionary of English names of plants London 1884 John Murray
Millin, Sarah Gertrude Adam’s rest London 1922 W. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
——— New York 1930 Horace Liveright
——— God’s step-children London 1924 Constable & Co. Ltd.
——— Rhodes London 1933 Chatto & Windus
——— South Africa London 1941
——— The South Africans London 1926 Constable & Co. Ltd.
——— Two bucks without hair and other stories South Africa 1957 Central News Agency Ltd.
Mills, Gwen M. First ladies of the Cape Cape Town [1952] Maskew Miller
Mills, Wallace George The Role of African clergy in the reorientation of Xhosa society to the plural society in the Cape Colony, 1850–1915. 1975 (PhD thesis, University of California. Imprint: Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1983,) Cory
Milne, Alexander, Cooper, Clifford & Burne, Brian D. Bell’s South African legal dictionary 3rd edition Durban 1951 Butterworth & Co.
Milton, John The Poetical Works of John Milton: with translations of the Italian, Latin and Greek poems from the Columbia University Edition edited by Helen Darbishire London 1958 Oxford University Press
The mineral resources of the Union of South Africa: With a summary of the mineral resources of South West Africa Pretoria 1936 Department of Mines
——— 3rd edition Pretoria 1940 Office of the Geological Survey
Mineral resources of the Republic of South Africa edited by C.B. Coetzee 5th edition Pretoria 1976 Department of Mines
Miners' dictionary: English-Fanakalo, Afrikaans-Fanakalo 1981 reprint Johannesburg 1978 Chamber of Mines Services
Miner’s companion in English, Afrikaans, Sesuto and Mine Kaffir Johannesburg 1938 Prevention of Accidents Commission, Rand Mutual Assurance Co. Ltd
Mining dictionary / Mynbouwoordeboek: English - Afrikaans Pretoria 1983 Terminology Bureau, Department of Education
The mining industry: Evidence and report of the industrial commission of enquiry, with an appendix containing the letter of the Chamber of Mines to the commission, the principal laws of the Republic affecting the mining industry, and other documents of interest appertaining to the evidence given at the enquiry Johannesburg 1897 The Witwatersrand Chamber of Mines
Missionary Magazine Edinburgh 1796–1821
Missionary Notices: Relating principally to the Foreign Missions, first established by the Rev. John Wesley… Volume III London 1821–1822
Mitford, Bertram Aletta: A tale of the Boer invasion London 1900 F.V. White & Co.
——— The curse of Clement Waynflete 3rd edition London 1896 (first publ. 1894)
——— The gun-runner: A tale of Zululand London 1894 Chatto & Windus
——— The induna’s wife London 1898 F.V. White & Co.
——— John Ames Native Commissioner: A romance of the Matabele rising London 1900 F.V. White & Co.
——— Renshaw Fanning’s quest: A tale of the high veldt London 1894 Chatto & Windus
——— A romance of the Cape frontier London 1891 William Heinemann
——— Through the Zulu country: Its battlefields and its people London 1883 Kegan Paul, Trench
——— 'Tween Snow and Fire London 1892 William Heinemann
——— A veldt vendetta London 1903 Ward Lock & Co
——— The weird of Deadly Hollow: A tale of the Cape Colony London 1899 F.V. White
Mockford, Julian The golden land: A background to South Africa London 1949 Adam & Charles Black
——— Here are South Africans London 1944 Adam & Charles Black Foreword by Deneys Reitz
——— Khama: King of the Bamangwato London 1931 Jonathan Cape
The Moderator, or, Cape of Good Hope Impartial Observer Cape Town 1837 (continued by The Mediator)
Modisane, Bloke Blame me on history Johannesburg 1963 Thames & Hudson
Moffat, R. Missionary labours and scenes in Southern Africa London 1842 John Snow
——— see also Schapera, Isaac
Mofolo, Thomas Chaka: An historical romance (translated by F.H. Dutton) Oxford, U.K. 1931 Oxford University Press
Mohr, Philip J., van der Merwe, Claude, Botha, Zichy C. & Inggs, John The practical guide to South African economic indicators Johannesburg 1988 Lexicon Publishers
Molema, S.M. The Bantu: Past and present Edinburgh 1920 W. Green & Son, Limited
——— Cape Town 1963 Struik
Moller, J.W. Nancy What every housewife should know: A collection of useful and economical directions on household subjects. Also recipes on home-made soaps Cape Town [1928] Juta
Molloy, Robert Maxwell (Bob) South African CB dictionary Cape Town 1979 D. Nelson
Molteno, Percy Alport Selections from the correspondence of Percy Alport Molteno 1892–1914 edited by V. Solomon Cape Town 1981 Van Riebeeck Society (No. II-12)
The Monitor: The journal of the Human Rights Trust Port Elizabeth
Monteiro, Rose Delagoa Bay: Its natives and natural history London 1891 George Philip & Son
Montgomery, J. The reminiscences of John Montgomery edited by A. Giffard Cape Town 1981 A.A. Balkema (The Graham’s Town Series: No. 6)
Moodie, Donald (editor and translator) The Record, or a series of official papers relative to the condition and treatment of the native tribes of South Africa Cape Town 1838–1841 A.S. Robertson
——— photostatic reprint Amsterdam 1960 A.A. Balkema Parts I, III and V
Moodie, Duncan Campbell Francis The history of the battles and adventures of the British, the Boers and the Zulus, etc., in Southern Africa, from the time of Pharoah Necho, to 1880 2 volumes Cape Town 1888 Murray & St Leger
Moodie, John Wedderburn Dunbar Scenes and adventures, as a soldier and settler, during half a century Montreal 1866 John Lovell
——— Ten years in South Africa: Including a particular description of the wild sports of that country 2 volumes London 1835 Richard Bentley
Moore, Herbert Land of Good Hope London 1911 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
——— 3rd edition London 1918 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
Moore, M. (editor) Garden earth: An encyclopedia of plant life Amsterdam 1991 Time-Life Books
Mopeli-Paulus, Attwell Sidwell see Lanham, Peter
Moriarty, Audrey Outeniqua, Tsitsikamma and eastern Little Karoo Cape Town 1982 Botanical Society of South Africa (South African Wild Flower Guide No. 2)
Morrell, B. Narrative of a voyage to the south and west coast of Africa London 1844
Morton, H.V. In search of South Africa London 1948 Methuen
Mossop, Dr E.E. (translator) see Brink, Carel Frederik
——— (editor) see Wikar, Hendrik Jacob
The Motorist Johannesburg Automobile Association of South Africa
Motsisi, C. (Casey 'Kid' Motsisi) see Mutloatse, Mothobi
Motšhile wa Nthodi From the calabash Johannesburg 1978 Ravan Press
Mountagu, William The delights of Holland or, A three months travel about that and the other provinces. With observations and reflections on their trade, wealth, strength, beauty, policy, [etc.] Together with a catalogue of the rarities in the anatomical school at Leyden London 1696 John Sturton and A. Bosvile
——— Mountain Club Annual see The annual of the Mountain Club of South Africa
Mphahlele, Ezekiel (Es'kia) Afrika my music: An autobiography 1957–1983 Johannesburg 1984 Ravan Press
——— Down Second Avenue London 1959 Faber & Faber
——— another edition (educational) London 1965 Faber & Faber
——— Renewal time London 1988 Readers International
Msimang, Richard W. Natives Land Act 1913: Specific cases of evictions and hardships, etc. Cape Town 1996 Friends of the South African Library
Mtsaka, M.J. Not his pride: A play Johannesburg 1978 Ravan Press (Raven Playscript 1)
Mtshali, M.O. Give us a break: Diaries of a group of Soweto children Johannesburg 1988 Skotaville Publishers
Muldoon, Guy The trumpeting herd London 1957 Rupert Hart-Davis
Muller, David Whitey Johannesburg 1977 Ravan
Muller, Mary Art past and present: A student’s notebook Cape Town 1960 Juta & Co. Ltd.
——— Cloud across the moon London 1970 Souvenir Press
——— another edition London 1972 Mayflower Books
——— Green peaches ripen London 1968 Souvenir Press
Mullins, Robert John The diary of R.J. Mullins. 1854–1857 Cory MS 7111 & MS 7112
Munday, Joan Grasses, grains and conservation Johannesburg 1987 Ad. Donker
——— Poisonous plants in South African gardens and parks: A field guide Johannesburg 1988 Delta Books
Munitich, Brenda Ben’s buddy Pretoria 1987 De Jager-HAUM
Munnik, The Honourable George G. Memoirs of Senator the Hon. G.G. Munnik: Covering eighty years of thrilling South African history, politics and war Cape Town [1934] Maskew Miller
Munro, Innes A narrative of the military operations, on the Coromandel coast, against the combined forces of the French, Dutch, and Hyder Ally Cawn, from the year 1780 to the peace in 1784 London 1789 T. Bensley
Murdock, George Peter Africa: Its peoples and their culture history New York 1959 McGraw-Hill
Murphy, E. Jefferson History of African civilization New York 1972 Dell Publishing Co., Inc.
Murray, Audrey Alison The blanket London 1957 Andre Deutsch
Murray, Hugh see Leyden, John
Murray, Joyce (editor) In mid-Victorian Cape Town: Letters from Miss Rutherfoord Cape Town 1953 A.A. Balkema
——— Young Mrs Murray goes to Bloemfontein Cape Town 1954 A.A. Balkema
Murray, Marischal Under Lion’s Head: Earlier days at Green Point and Sea Point Cape Town 1964 A.A. Balkema
Murray, Richard William The Diamond-Field Keepsake Cape Town 1873 R.W. Murray
——— facsimile reprint (with added index and introduction by Brian Roberts) Kimberley 1979 Historical Society of Kimberley
——— South Africa: From Arab domination to British rule London 1891 Edward Stanford
——— South African reminiscences: A series of sketches of prominent public events which have occurred in South Africa within the memory of the author during the forty years since 1854, and of the public men, official and unofficial, who have taken part in them. Cape Town 1894 Juta
Murray, Y. Choice maize dishes Pretoria 1981 The Maize Board
Musgrave, George Clarke In South Africa with Buller London 1900 Gay & Bird
Mutloatse, Mothobi (editor) Casey & Co.: Selected writings of Casey 'Kid' Motsisi Johannesburg 1978 Ravan
——— (editor) Forced landing Johannesburg 1980 Ravan Press (Staffrider Series: No. 3)
——— (editor) Mama ndiyalila: Stories Johannesburg 1982 Ravan Press (Staffrider Series: No. 14)
——— (editor) Reconstruction Johannesburg 1981 Ravan Press (Staffrider Series: No. 8)
Mzamane, Mbulelo Vizikhungo The children of Soweto Johannesburg 1982 Ravan Press
——— Mzala Johannesburg [1980] Ravan Press
Mönnig, Hermann Otto & Veldman, F.J. Handbook on stock diseases Cape Town 1956 Nasionale Boekhandel Beperk
——— 2nd impression Cape Town 1958 Nasionale Boekhandel Beperk
——— 2nd edition Cape Town 1976 Tafelberg
Müller, Max Lectures on the science of language: Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in April, May, & June, 1861 4th edition London 1864 Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green,
——— Lectures on the science of language: Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in February, March, April, & May, 1863 (second series) London 1864 Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
——— new edition London 1890 Longmans, Green, & Co.


Naidoo, Jay Coolie location London 1990 S.A. Writers
Napier, E. Elders Excursions in Southern Africa, including a history of the Cape Colony: An account of the native tribes etc. 2 volumes London 1849 William Shoberl
The Natal Agricultural Journal [Pietermaritzburg] [1898–1911] [Natal Department of Agriculture] (from 1911 continued by The Agricultural Journal of the Union of South Africa)
Natal Daily News see Daily News
(The) Natal Mercury Durban 1852– (first publ. as Natal Mercury and Commercial and Shipping Gazette; weekend edition Weekend Mercury merged with Saturday News to form Natal on Saturday))
Natal on Saturday Durban 1993–
The Natal Witness Pietermaritzburg 1846– (with title Natal Witness, and Agricultural and Commercial Advertiser?1863–73)
Nathan, Manfred South Africa from within London 1926 John Murray
——— The Voortrekkers of South Africa: From earliest times to the foundation of the Republics London 1934
The National Geographic Magazine Washington 1888–
A Native Minister see Wauchope, Isaac Williams
The native tribes of South West Africa with contributions by C.H.L. Hahn, L. Fourie, & H. Vedder Cape Town 1928 Cape Times
The native tribes of the Transvaal London 1905 Harrison & Sons
——— reprint Pretoria 1962 University of Pretoria
The Natives and their missionaries, by a Native Minister see Wauchope, Isaac Williams
The natives of South Africa: Their economic and social condition London 1901 John Murray
Naudé, S.D. Kaapse plakkaatboek: Deel V (1795–1803 Cape Town 1950 Cape Times Ltd.
Ndaba, Sisa (editor) One day in June: Poetry and prose from troubled times Craighall 1986 Ad Donker
Ndebele, Njabulo Simakahle Fools and other stories Johannesburg 1983 Ravan Press
Neame, Lawrence Elwin The history of apartheid: The story of the colour war in South Africa London 1962 Pall Mall Press
——— White man’s Africa: The problem of a white nation in a black continent Cape Town 1952 Stewart
Nel, P.R.T. (translator) see Trümpelmann, M.H.
NELM News Grahamstown 1981– National English Literary Museum
Nelson, Archibald Dictionary of mining London 1964 George Newnes Ltd.
Nesbitt, Murrogh de B. The road to Avalon Cape Town 1944 Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd.
——— 7th edition Cape Town 1945 Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd.
Neumark, S. Daniel Economic influences on the South African frontier, 1652-1836 Stanford, Calif. 1957 Stanford University Press
The New African Durban 1962–1970
The New African: The radical monthly Cape Town 1962–1969 Insight Publications
New Age Cape Town 1954–1962 Real Printing
New Classic Literary Journal Johannesburg 1975–1978
New Coin Poetry (publ. by South African Poetry Society; later by Institute for the Study of English in Africa) Grahamstown 1965–
New Contrast (titled changed from Contrast) 1990–
New dawn: for life, fashion and home Johannesburg 1980–1987 Seal Publishing
New dictionary of American slang edited by R.L. Chapman London 1987
A new English dictionary on a historical basis: The compact edition of the Oxford English dictionary 2 volumes Oxford, U.K. 1971
A new English dictionary on historical principles; founded mainly on the material collected by the Philological Society edited by J.A.H. Murray, H. Bradley, W.A. Craigie & C.T. Onions 10 volumes Oxford, U.K. 1888–1928
New Nation Johannesburg [1985–] South African Catholic Bishops Conference (with Sunday edition Sunday Nation)
New Nation: The South African review of opinion and fact Pretoria 1967– New Nation Publications
New South African Writing Cape Town c1964–1968 South African Centre of the International P.E.N. Club (series of 5 annual volumes) Purnell; and: Hillbrow, Johannesburg 1977 Lorton Publications
The New Statesman London 1913–
Newham, B. (editor) see Irwin, W.N.
Newlands, Gerry Spiders & scorpions of Southern Africa Cape Town 1987 C. Struik (Pty) Ltd
Newman, Kenneth B. Birdlife in Southern Africa Johannesburg 1971 Purnell & Sons S.A. (Pty) Ltd
——— Newman’s birds of Southern Africa Johannesburg 1983 Macmillan South Africa (1984 reprint)
News/Check Johannesburg
Newsweek New York 1933–
Newton, Alfred A dictionary of birds London 1899 Adam and Charles Black publ. originally in four parts, 1893-96, cheap issue publ. October 1899
Newton-King, Susan & Malherbe, Vertrees Canby The Khoikhoi rebellion in the Eastern Cape: 1799–1803 Cape Town 1981 Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town (Communications No. 5)
Ngubane, H. Original peoples: Zulus of Southern Africa Hove 1986
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o The river between Oxford 1965 Heinemann
Nichol, Abioseh The truly married woman and other stories London 1965 Oxford University Press
Nicholls, George Heaton (G. Heaton Nicholls) Bayete! 'Hail to the King!' London 1923 George Allen & Unwin
Nicholson, George Fifty years in South Africa: Being some recollections and reflections of a veteran pioneer London 1898 W.W. Greener
Nicholson, M. A dictionary of American-English usage New York 1958
Nicholson, P. see Polson, N.’ (Peter Nicolson)
Nicol, Mike The powers that be London 1989 Bloomsbury
Nicolls, James A. & Eglington, William The sportsman in South Africa: The haunts, habits, description, and the pursuit of all game, both fur and feather, found south of the Zambesi (including the Cape Colony, Transvaal, Bechuanaland, Natal, and Damaraland), at the present day, with brief notices of the best known fresh and salt-water fish London 1892 British & Colonial Publications and Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent
Nienaber, G.S. Hottentots Pretoria 1963
Nienaber, Gabriel Stefanus & Raper, Peter Edmund Hottentot (Khoekhoen) place names (translated by P.S. Rabie) Durban 1983 Butterworth
Nisbet, Hume A bush girl’s romance London 1894 F.V. White & Co., Limited
——— For right and England: A story of the South Afgrican war 1899–1900 London 1900 F.V. White & Co., Limited
Nixon, John Among the Boers: Or, notes of a trip to South Africa in search of health London 1880 Remington and Co.
——— new edition London 1882 Remington and Co.
——— The complete story of the Transvaal: From the "Great Trek" to the Convention of London London 1885 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington
Nkosi, Lewis Mating birds Johannesburg 1987 Ravan Press
Nkosi, T. The time of the comrades Johannesburg 1987
Noble, John Descriptive handbook of the Cape Colony: Its condition and resources Cape Town 1875 J.C. Juta
——— (editor) Illustrated official handbook of the Cape and South Africa: A resume of the history, conditions, populations, productions, and resources of the several colonies, states, and territories Cape Town 1893 J.C. Juta & Co.
——— Official handbook. History, productions, and resources of the Cape of Good Hope (with cover title Cape of Good Hope: official handbook, 1886) Cape Town 1886 Colonial & Indian Exhibition Committee Printed by Saul Solomon & Co. Quotations are taken from this edition.
——— Official handbook: The Cape and South Africa Cape Town 1878 J.C. Juta
——— South Africa, past and present: A short history of the European settlements at the Cape London 1877 Longmans & Co.
Noble, Roderick (editor) The Cape and its people Cape Town 1869 J.C. Juta
The Nongqai Pretoria 1913–1961 Department of Justice
Norman, Robert see Belcher, Cyril Isaac
Norris-Newman, Charles L. With the Boers in the Transvaal and Orange Free State in 1880-1 London 1882
——— facsimile reprint Johannesburg 1976 Africana Book Society
Northcott, Cecil see Mackenzie, John
Notcutt, H. Clement How Kimberley was held for England: The story of a four months' siege Cape Town [1900] The S.A. "Electric" Printing & Publishing Co.
——— Pioneers: The men who opened up South Africa Cape Town 1924 T. Maskew Miller
Now everyone is afraid: The changing face of policing in South Africa London 1988 Catholic Institute for International Relations
Nurse, George T., Weiner, J.S. & Jenkins, Trefor The peoples of Southern Africa and their affinities Oxford, U.K. 1985 Clarendon Press (Research monographs on human population biology)
Nusas talks to the ANC Cape Town c1986 National Union of South African Students Reportback on meeting between the National Union of South African Students and the African National Congress, held from Sunday 31 March to Tuesday 2 April 1986 in Harare, Zimbabwe
Nuttall, Michael [Synodical government] 1870–1970: The making of a tradition (centenary lecture delivered by the Revd. Michael Nuttall) Johannesburg 1970 [CPSA/SPCK]
Nuwe junior Sepedi edited by J.C. Grobbelaar Johannesburg 1978


O'Connor, J.K. The Afrikander rebellion: South Africa To-Day Cape Town 1915 T. Maskew Miller
O'Keefe, Bob Gold without glitter Dassie edition [Johannesburg] 1957 C.N.A.
O'Neil, Joseph A grammar of the Sindebele dialect of Zulu with numerous examples and a key to the exercises Bulawayo [1912] Ellis Allen
O'Toole, Christopher (editor) The encyclopaedia of insects London 1986 George Allen & Unwin
Oates, Frank Matabele Land and the Victoria Falls: A naturalist’s wanderings in the interior of South Africa London 1889 Kegan Paul, Trench
Oberholzer, Obie Ariesfontein to Zuurfontein: A pictorial journey [Johannesburg] 1988 Southern Book Publishers
Obholzer, Anton M., Baraitser, M. & Malherbe, W.D. The Cape house and its interior: An inquiry into the sources of Cape architecture, & a survey of built-in early Cape domestic woodwork Stellenbosch 1985 Stellenbosch Museum
Official place names in the Union and South West Africa Pretoria 1952 Place Names Committee, Department of Education, Arts, & Science
Official visitors' guide, Durban Durban 1955 Durban Publicity Association
Official year book of the Union and of Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, and Swaziland Pretoria c1917–c1961 Union Office of Census & Statistics; later, Bureau of Census & Statistics
Ogilby, John Africa: Being an accurate description of the regions of Ægypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid, the land of Negroes, Guinee, Æthiopia, and the Abyssines, with all the adjacent islands, either in the Mediterranean, Atlantick, Southern, or Oriental Sea, belonging thereunto. London 1670 Tho. Johnson
Ogilvie, John The Imperial Dictionary of the English Language: a complete encyclopedic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological edited by Charles Annandale new edition 4 volumes London 1882 Blackie & Son
Oldevig, Margareta The sunny land Cape Town 1944 Howard B. Timmins
Oliver, Daniel Flora of tropical Africa 10 volumes London 1868 L. Reeve and Co.
——— Lessons in elementary botany: The part on systematic botany based upon material left in manuscript by the late Professor Henslow, with numerous illustrations London 1864 Macmillan and Co.
Oliver, Jo A beginner’s guide to our birds Durban 1978 Wildlife Society of Southern Africa, Natal Branch
——— 2nd edition Durban 1980 Wildlife Society of Southern Africa, Natal Branch
Oliver, Paul Savannah syncopators: African retentions in the blues 2nd edition (1974 reprint) New York 1970 Stein and Day
Omer-Cooper, John D. The Zulu aftermath: A nineteenth-century revolution in Bantu Afraica London 1966 Longmans
Onderstall, Jo Transvaal Lowveld and Escarpment, including the Kruger National Park Cape Town 1984 Botanical Society of South Africa (South African Wild Flower Guide No. 4)
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research Pretoria 1933–
One Who Was In It’ (Douglas Blackburn) Kruger’s Secret Service London 1900 John Mcqueen
Oosthuizen, Ann (editor) Sometimes when it rains: Writings by South African women London 1987 Pandora
Oosthuizen, Lucas M. Media policy and ethics (translated by Marcelle Manley) Cape Town 1989 Juta & Co. Ltd.
The Open Universities in South Africa Johannesburg 1957 Witwatersrand University Press publ. on behalf of the conference of representatives of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, held in Cape Town on 9, 10 and 11 January 1958
Ophir: Journal for poetry Braamfontein 1967–1976
Opperman, D.J. (editor) Spirit of the vine: Republic of South Africa Cape Town 1968 Human & Rousseau
Optima Johannesburg 1951– Anglo American Corporation
Ormerod, Eleanor A. Notes and descriptions of a few injurious farm & Fruit Insects of South Africa London 1889 Simpkin, Marshall & Co.
Ormsby, Oliver Samuel A practical treatise on diseases of the skin for the use of students and practitioners [Philadelphia] 1915 Lea & Febiger
Orpen, Joseph Millard History of the Basutus of South Africa Cape Town 1857 Cape Argus
——— Natives, drink, labour: Our duty East London 1913 Crosby & Co. series of articles written for eventual issue as a pamphlet
——— Reminiscences of life in South Africa from 1846 to the present day Durban [1908] P. Davis & Sons
——— another edition [including further reminiscences written 1916] Cape Town 1964 C. Struik
Orpen, Neil Cape Town Rifles: Dukes Cape Town 1984
——— War in the desert Cape Town 1983
Orpen, Neil & Martin, Henry James Salute the sappers 2 volumes Johannesburg 1981–1982 (South African forces: World War II series: Vol. VIII Part 1)
Osborne, Oliver In the land of the Boers, or, The other man and myself London 1900 R.A. Everett & Co.
Oudtshoorn Courant and Het Suid-Western Oudtshoorn 1879–
Our first half century 1910–1960: Golden Jubilee of the Union of South Africa Johannesburg 1960 Da Gama
Our land Cape Town c1937 United Tobacco Co.
Out of step London 1989 C.I.I.R.
Outpost: Stories of the police of Rhodesia with illustrations by P. Miller Cape Town 1970 Books of Africa
Outpost: Stories of the police of Rhodesia with illustrations by P. Miller Cape Town 1970 Books of Africa
The Outspan Bloemfontein 1927–1957 (continued by Personality)
Ovenstone, R. Donna of High Noon Cape Town c1981
Ovington, John A voyage to Suratt in the year 1689 London 1696 Jacob Tonson
——— edited by H.G. Rawlinson London 1929 (first publ. 1696; quotations are taken from the 1929 edition, but dated simply 1696)
Owen, Francis The diary of the Reverend Francis Owen, M.A.: Missionary with Dingaan in 1837–38, together with extracts from the writings of the interpreters in Zulu, Messrs Hulley and Kirkman edited by G.E. Cory Cape Town 1926 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 7)
——— Letter to Church Missionary Society. 1838 Killie Campbell Africana Library KCM53500
Owen, William Fitz William Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar; performed in H.M. Ships Leven and Barracouta, under the direction of Captain W.F.W. Owen, R.N., by command of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty 2 volumes London 1833 Richard Bentley
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Oxford English dictionary additions series edited by J.A. Simpson & E.S.C. Weiner 2 volumes Oxford, U.K. 1993
The Oxford History of South Africa edited by Monica Wilson & Leonard Thompson 2 volumes Oxford, U.K. 1969–1971 Clarendon Press


P.E.N. 1960: New South African writing and a survey of fifty years of creative achievement Johannesburg 1960 South African Centre of the International P.E.N. Club
Pace Johannesburg
Packer, Joy Boomerang London 1972 Methuen
——— The dark curtain London 1977 Methuen
——— The high roof London 1959 Eyre & Spottiswoode
——— another edition London 1959 The Companion Book Club
——— Home from sea London 1963 Eyre & Spottiswoode
——— Valley of the vines London 1955 Eyre & Spottiswoode
——— Veronica London 1970 Eyre & Spottiswoode
Page, Anne An afternoon ride: A South African sketch [London] [1897] [Roxburghe Press]
Page, J. Captain Allen Gardiner, sailor and saint London [1897]
Pakenham, Thomas The Boer War Johannesburg 1979 Jonathan Ball
——— Bergvlei, Johannesburg [1982]
Palgrave, K.C. (K. Coates Palgrave) Trees of Southern Africa Cape Town 1977 Struik
——— another edition Cape Town 1983 Struik
Palgrave, W.C. see Report of W. Coates Palgrave, Esq., special commissioner to the tribes north of the Orange River, of his mission to Damaraland and Great Namaqualand in 1876
Palmer, Eve A field guide to the trees of Southern Africa Johannesburg 1977 Collins
——— The plains of Camdeboo London 1966 Collins
Palmer, Eve & Pitman, Norma Trees of South Africa Cape Town 1961 Balkema
——— Trees of Southern Africa 3 volumes Cape Town 1972 Balkema
Pama, C. The wine estates of South Africa Cape Town 1979 Purnell
Pan-African congress on prehistory see Proceedings of the Pan-African congress on prehistory
Paolino, Fra see Johnston, W.
Papers presented at symposia on ethnomusicology Grahamstown 1980– International Library of African Music
Pappe, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Floræ Capensis Medicæ Prodromus; or, an enumeration of South African indigenous plants, used as remedies by the colonists of the Cape of Good Hope Cape Town 1850 A.S. Robertson
——— 2nd edition Cape Town 1857 W. Brittain
——— 3rd edition Cape Town 1868
——— Silva capensis or a description of South African forest-trees, and arborescent shrubs, used for technical and economical purposes by the colonists of the Cape of Good Hope Cape Town 1854 Van de Sandt de Villiers & Co.
——— 2nd revised edition London 1862 Ward & Co.
——— Synopsis of the edible fishes at the Cape of Good Hope Cape Town 1853 Van de Sandt de Villiers & Tier
——— 2nd edition Cape Town 1866 W. Brittain
Paratus Pretoria South African Defence Force
Parker, G.A. South African sports: Cricket, football, athletics, cycling, tennis, racing, polo, golf, gymnastics, boxing, shooting, etc.: An official handbook, with portraits of leading athletes and officials London 1897 Sampson Low, Marston, and Company
Parker, Mary Ann A voyage round the world, in the Gorgon Man of War: Captain John Parker. Performed and written by his widow; for the advantage of a numerous family (bound with A narrative of the expedition to Botany Bay by Captain Watkin Tench , and A voyage round the world, in his majesty's frigate Pandora by Mr George Hamilton) London 1795 John Nichols
——— see Coleman, Deirdre
Parker, Thomas Jeffery & Haswell, William A. A text-book of zoology New York 1897 Macmillan and Co., Limited
Parlett, David Sidney A short dictionary of languages London 1967 English Universities Press
Paroz, R.A. (editor) see Mabille, Adolphe
Parsons, Neil (editor) A new history of Southern Africa London 1982 Macmillan
Partridge, Astley Cooper (editor) Lives, letters and diaries Cape Town 1971 Purnell (English literature in South Africa Series: Vol. I)
Partridge, Eric (editor) A dictionary of forces' slang 1939–1945 London 1948 Secker & Warburg
——— A dictionary of slang and unconventional English 3rd edition [no place] 1949
——— 4th edition 1951
——— 6th edition New York 1967
——— 8th edition edited by P. Beale London 1984 Routledge & Kegan Paul
——— A dictionary of the underworld London 1950 Routledge & Kegan Paul First publ. 1949, but with sticker "Owing to production delays this book was not publ. until 1950".
Passmore, Neville I. & Carruthers, Vincent C. South African Frogs Johannesburg 1979 Witwatersrand University Press
Patel, E. They came at dawn Athlone, Cape Town 1980 BLAC
——— (editor) The world of Can Themba Braamfontein 1985 Ravan
Paterson, William A narrative of four journeys into the country of the Hottentots, and Caffraria, in the years 1777, 1778, and 1779: Illustrated with a map, and seventeen copper-plates London 1789 J. Johnson
——— 2nd edition 1790
Paton, A. Apartheid and the Archbishop: The life and times of Geoffrey Clayton, Archbishop of Cape Town Cape Town 1973 David Philip
——— Cry, the beloved country: A story of comfort in desolation London 1948 Jonathan Cape
——— D.C.S. Oosthuizen memorial lectures Number One…May 13th, 1970 Grahamstown 1970 Academic Freedom Committee
——— Debbie go home London 1961 Jonathan Cape
——— Hope for South Africa London 1958 Pall Mall Press
——— Kontakion for you departed London 1969 Jonathan Cape
——— Too late the phalarope London 1953 Frederick L. Cannon
——— Towards the mountain Cape Town 1980 Penguin
Paton, Alan & Shah, Krishna Sponono: A play in three acts New York 1965 Charles Scribner’s Sons
——— another edition Cape Town 1983 David Philip
Patriot-Woordeboek Paarl 1902 D.F. Du Toit & Co.
——— edited by H.J.J.M. van der Merwe Pretoria 1968 J.L. van Schaik Bpk
Patterson, Rod Reptiles of Southern Africa Cape Town 1987 C. Struik
Paul, Nendick A child in the midst London 1909
Pauw, Jacques In the heart of the whore: The story of apartheid’s death squads Halfway House 1991 Southern Book Publishers
Paver, Richard The reminiscences of Richard Paver edited by Andrew H. Duminy & L.J.G. Adcock Cape Town 1979 A.A. Balkema (The Graham’s Town Series: No. 5)
Payton, Charles A. The diamond diggings of South Africa London 1872 Horace Cox
Pearse, Geoffrey Eastcott Eighteenth century furniture in South Africa Pretoria 1960 J.L. van Schaik
Pearse, Henry H.S. Four months besieged: The story of Ladysmith London 1900 Macmillan
Pedersen, Connie (editor) Down memory lane at Riet River Grahamstown [1988] Dupli-Print
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——— The house of Phalo: A history of the Xhosa people in the days of their independence Johannesburg 1981 Ravan Press
Percival, Captain Robert An account of the Cape of Good Hope; containing an historical view of its original settlement by the Dutch, its capture by the British in 1795, and the different policy pursued there by the Dutch and British governments. Also a sketch of its geography, productions, the manners and customs of the inhabitants, &c. &c. with a view of the political and commercial advantages which might be derived from its possession by Great Britain London 1804 C. and R. Baldwin
——— reprint New York 1804 Negro Universities Press
Pereira, E. (editor) Contemporary South African plays Johannesburg 1977 Ravan Press
Perold, Abraham Izaak A treatise on viticulture London 1927 Macmillan and Co., Limited
Personality Durban [1986–] Republican Press (continuation of Outspan and Family Radio & T.V.)
Peteni, Randall Langa Hill of fools Oxford 1976 Heinemann Educational Publishers
Pettman, Charles Africanderisms: A glossary of South African colloquial words and phrases and of place and other names London 1913 Longmans, Green and Co. [Note Some of the quotations used in this book are cited verbatim in the dictionary, with Pettman acknowledged in parentheses]
——— Notes on South African place names Kimberley 1914 none
Philatelic Bulletin Pretoria 1990– Philatelic Services & Intersapa
Philip, Marie Caravan caravel London 1973 Rex Collings
Philipps, Thomas Philipps, 1820 settler: His letters edited by A. Keppel-Jones Pietermaritzburg 1960 Shuter & Shooter
——— Scenes and occurrences in Albany and Caffer-land [his letters, publ. anonymously] London 1827 William Marsh
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——— The nineteenth burgher Johannesburg [1975] Da Gama Publishers
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——— another edition 1978
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——— Shadow of the eagle (translated by Jenny Winter) Pretoria 1991 De Jager-HAUM
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Pillay, Bala British Indians in the Transvaal: Trade, politics and imperial relations 1885–1906 London 1976 Longman
Pinnock, Don The brotherhoods Cape Town 1984 David Philip
Pitcher, Diana The calabash child: African folk-tales Cape Town 1980 David Philip
Pitt, William The cabin boy: Being the memoirs of an officer in the Civil Department of H.M. Navy, well known by the name of "Billy Pitt," and who died at Malta in the month of August, 1839 London 1840 Hamilton, Adams, and Co.
Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho The Boer War diary of Sol T. Plaatje: An African at Mafeking edited by J.L. Comaroff Johannesburg 1973 Macmillan
——— Mhudi: An epic of a South African native life a hundred years ago Lovedale 1930 Lovedale Press
——— edited by S. Gray Johannesburg 1975 Quagga Press
——— Native life in South Africa : Before and since the European war and the Boer rebellion London 1917 P.S. King & Son, Ltd.
——— another edition Johannesburg 1982 Ravan Press
A Plain Woman’ (Catherine (Charlotte) Barter) Alone among the Zulus London [1866] Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
Plant, Robert The Zulu in three tenses: Being a forecast of the Zulu’s future in the light of his past and present Pietermaritzburg 1905 P. Davis
Platter, John & Platter, Erica Book of South African Wines (title varies as John Platter South African Wines, John Platter’s South African Wine Guide etc.) Somerset West, later Hermanus 1980– John & Erica Platter, later Andrew McDowell
Platzky, Laurine & Walker, Cherryl The surplus people: Forced removals in South Africa Johannesburg 1985 Ravan Press
Playne, Somerset Cape Colony (Cape Province): Its history, commerce, industries and resources London 1910–1911 The Foreign and Colonial Compiling and Publishing Co.
Plomer, William The case is altered London 1932
——— The child of Queen Victoria London 1933 Jonathan Cape
——— I speak of Africa London 1927 Leonard & Virginia Woolf
——— Turbott Wolfe London 1965 Hogarth Press
Plumptre, Anne (translator) see Lichtenstein, Henry (Hinrich)
Pohl, Victor Adventures of a Boer family London 1944 Faber & Faber
——— Johannesburg 1946
——— Bushveld adventures London 1940 Faber & Faber
——— The dawn and after London 1964 Faber & Faber
——— Land of distant horizons Johannesburg 1946 A.P.B. Bookstore
Poland, M. Train to Doringbult London 1987
Pollock, Norman Charles & Agnew, Swanzie An historical geography of South Africa London 1963 Longmans
Polson, N.’ (Peter Nicolson) A subaltern’s sick leave, or…a visit in search of health to China and the Cape of Good Hope Calcutta 1837
A Portuguese-English dictionary edited by J.L. Taylor & P.C. Martin Stanford, U.S.A. 1970
Posselt, C.W. The Zulu companion, offered to the Natal colonist, to facilitate his intercourse with the natives Pietermaritzburg 1850 D.D. Buchanan
Post Durban 1955– (with title Golden City Post 1955–60; numerous editions; Transvaal edition (1977–80) absorbed (The) Bantu World in 1955, continued by Sowetan)
Potgieter, D.J., Duplessis, P.C. & Skaife, S.H. Animal life in Southern Africa Cape Town 1971 Nasou Ltd
Poucher, William Arthur Perfumes and cosmetics: With especial reference to synthetics London 1923 Chapman & Hall
Poynton, R.J. Characteristics and uses of selected trees and shrubs cultivated in South Africa Pretoria 1984 Directorate of Forestry
A practical Ndebele dictionary edited by J.N. Pelling Harare, Zimbabwe 1985
Prance, Cyril Rooke Antic memories of the South African Constabulary, 1900-1907 Port St Johns [1947]
——— Tante Rebella’s saga London 1937 Witherby
——— Under the blue roof: Sketches of a settler’s life in the Transvaal backveld Berkhamsted 1923 William Cooper & Newphews, Ltd.
——— 2nd edition Bloemfontein [1944] A. C. White P. & P. Co., Ltd. (including additional papers)
Press Digest Johannesburg 1936–1972
Preston, B. (D.M. Beal Preston) The story of a frontier town Cathcart, Eastern Cape 1976 none
Pretoria News Pretoria 1898–1899; 1902–
Pretorius, Philip Jacobus Jungle man London 1949 George G. Harrap
Price, E.L. (E. Lees Price) The journals of Elizabeth Lees Price written in Bechuanaland, Southern Africa 1854–1883, with an epilogue: 1889 and 1900 edited by Ursula Long London 1956 Edward Arnold
——— Letters. 1883–1889 Cory Manuscript collection
Prichard, Helen M. Friends and foes in the Transkei: An Englishwoman’s experiences during the Cape Frontier War of 1877–8 London 1880 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington
Pringle, J.A. Common snakes London 1954 Longmans, Green & Co.
Pringle, Thomas African sketches London 1834 Edward Moxon
——— Ephemerides; or, occasional poems, written in Scotland and South Africa London 1828 Smith, Elder, & Co.
——— Narrative of a residence in South Africa London 1835 Moxon
——— another edition London 1840 Moxon
——— Some account of the present state of the English settlers in Albany, South Africa London 1824
Probe Cape Town 1953–1961 National Union of South African Students, University of Cape Town
Proceedings of a Conference of writers, publishers, editors and university teachers of English held at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg from the 10-12 July, 1956 Johannesburg 1957 Witwatersrand University Press
Proceedings of, and evidence taken by, the Commission on Native Affairs Grahamstown 1865 Cape of Good Hope
Proceedings of the Languages for All Conference: Towards a Pan South African Language Board: 27–28 May 1994 Pretoria 1994
Proceedings of the Pan-African congress on prehistory edited by L.S.B. Leakey [no place] 1947
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London London 1833–1965 Zoological Society of London (continued by Journal of zoology)
Progress through separate development: South Africa in peaceful transition New York 1965 South African Department of Information
——— another edition New York 1967 South African Department of Information
——— 2nd edition (international) New York 1968 South African Department of Information
——— 4th edition New York 1973 South African Department of Information
Prozesky, O.P.M. A field guide to the birds of Southern Africa London 1970 Collins
Prozesky, Oskar The wrath of the lamb Pretoria [1987] HAUM
Pudney, J. (editor) Pick of today’s short stories London 1961
Purcell, Anna W. F. Purcell Cape Town [1935] [published privately]
Purchas, Samuel Hakluytus posthumus, or Purchas his pilgrimes 5 volumes London 1625 Henrie Fetherstone
——— 20 volumes Glasgow 1905 James MacLehose and Sons
The Purple Renoster Johannesburg 1956–1972; independent publication nos. 1-8, 1956-1968, Kraus reprint, Nendeln/Liechtenstein 1974; independent publication nos. 9-12, 1969-1972 Kraus reprint edition Nendeln/Liechtenstein 1978
Pursh, Frederick (editor) see Donn, James
Purvis, William Frederick & Biggs, Leonard Vivian South Africa: Its peoples, progress and problems: A handbook for the present situation London 1896 Chapman & Hall


Qabula, Alfred Temba see Sitas, Aristides (Ari)
Quail, E. Papaniki Johannesburg 1988
Quarry '78–9: New South African writing edited by L. Abrahams Pretoria 1979 A.D. Donker Quarry '80–82: New South African writing edited by W. Saunders Pretoria 1982 A.D. Donker Quarry: New South African writing Johannesburg 1976–1982 A.D. Donker
Quarry: New South African writing Johannesburg 1976–1982 A.D. Donker
——— see also New South African Writing
Quarterly Bulletin of the South African Library (title varies) Cape Town 1946– South African Library
Queenstown Daily Representative and Border Chronicle Queenstown 1865–1927 (merged with Queenstown Free Press to become Queenstown Daily Representative and Free Press 1901; title varies as Daily Representative and Free Press 1905–23, and Queenstown Daily Representative and Free Press 1923–7; continued by Daily Representative)
Queenstown Free Press Queenstown 1859–1901 (merged with Queenstown Daily Representative and Border Chronicle)
Quest, John The burning river Pretoria 1987 De Jager-HAUM
A question of colour: A study of South Africa [written anonymously] Edinburgh 1906 Blackwood & Sons


Rabie, P.S. (translator) see Nienaber, Gabriel Stefanus & Raper, Peter Edmund
Rabone, Arthur (editor) The records of a pioneer family, being letters and diaries of Alfred Essex, William Rabone, and Harriet Rabone Cape Town 1966 Struik
Race relations survey Johannesburg 1946– South African Institute of Race Relations (title varies as (A) survey of race relations (in South Africa))
Rae, Colin Malaboch, or, notes from my diary on the Boer campaign of 1894 against the Chief Malaboch of Blaauwberg, District Zoutpansberg, South African Republic, to which is appended a synopsis of the Johannesburg crisis of 1896 London 1898 Sampson Low, Marston
Rae, Colin Malaboch, or, notes from my diary on the Boer campaign of 1894 against the Chief Malaboch of Blaauwberg, District Zoutpansberg, South African Republic, to which is appended a synopsis of the Johannesburg crisis of 1896 London 1898 Sampson Low, Marston
Raftesath, G.I. Sisson’s South African judicial dictionary another edition (1st supplement) Durban 1968
Raidt, H. (editor) Beschryvinge van Kaap der Goede Hoope, met de zaaken daar toe behoorende, door François Valentyn, 1726 2 volumes Cape Town 1971–1973 Van Riebeeck Society (Nos II-2 and II-4)
Rainier, Margaret (editor) see Pigot, Eliza Sophia
Ralls, Alice M. & Gordon, Ruth E. Daughter of yesterday: A pioneer child looks back at early Johannesburg Cape Town 1975 Howard Timmins
Ralph, Julian War’s brighter side: The story of The Friend newspaper: Edited by the correspondents with Lord Roberts’s forces, March-April, 1900 London 1901 Arthur Pearson
——— another edition Johannesburg 1901 Juta
Ramgobin, Mewa Waiting to live Cape Town 1986 David Philip
Rand Daily Mail Johannesburg 1902–1985 Allied Publishers
Randell, George Howe Gentlemen of the law: An account of some of the legal firms and practitioners of the Eastern Cape Lovedale 1982 Lovedale Press
Rankin, Sir Reginald A subaltern’s letter to his wife London 1901 Longmans, Green
Ransford, Oliver The great trek London 1972 John Murray
Raper, Peter Edmund Dictionary of Southern African place names 1st edition Johannesburg 1987 Lowry Publishers
——— 2nd edition Johannesburg 1989 Jonathan Ball Publishers
——— [Published as New Dictionary of South African place names.] 3rd edition Johannesburg 2004 Jonathan Ball Publishers
——— see also Nienaber, Gabriel Stefanus & Raper, Peter Edmund
——— (translator) see Gordon, Robert Jacob
Ratzel, Friedrich The history of mankind (translated by A.J. Butler) London 1897 Macmillan and Co., Ltd.
Raubenheimer, M. Tested South African recipes Johannesburg 1930 Hortors
Raven-Hart, Rowland Before Van Riebeeck: Callers at South Africa from 1488 to 1652 Cape Town 1967 Struik
——— Cape Good Hope 1652–1702: The first fifty years of Dutch colonisation as seen by callers 2 volumes Cape Town 1971 Balkema
——— (translator) F. Valentyn’s Description of the Cape of Good Hope with the matters concerning it see Raidt, H. (editor)
Ravenstein, Ernest George The voyages of Diogo Cão and Bartholomeu Dias, 1482–88 (reprinted from Geographical Journal Vol. 16 No. 6, Dec. 1900) London 1900 W. Clowes and Sons
——— reprint Pretoria 1986 The State Library
Rawbone Malong see Malan, Robin
Rawlinson, G. (editor) see Ovington, John
Raymond, E.T. Portraits of the nineties London 1921 Fisher Unwin
Raymond, Harry B.I. Barnato, a memoir London 1897 Isbister
The Reader: A step to better English Johannesburg 1979– (until Aug. 1979 with title – – : a paper in easy English)
Reader’s Digest Cape Town 1939– Reader’s Digest Association
Reader’s Digest complete guide to gardening in South Africa 2 volumes Cape Town 1971 Reader’s Digest Association
——— 2nd edition 1974
Reader’s Digest family guide to the law in South Africa Cape Town 1982 Reader’s Digest
——— edited by C. Walton 3rd edition Cape Town 1986 Reader’s Digest
Reader’s Digest illustrated guide to southern Africa edited by Vic Mayhew Cape Town 1989 Reader’s Digest Association
Reader’s Digest illustrated history of South Africa: The real story edited by Dougie Oakes Cape Town 1988 Reader’s Digest Association
——— edited by D. Oakes 2nd edition 1989
Redgrave, J.J. The Collegiate School for Girls, Port Elizabeth 1874–1974 Port Elizabeth 1974 The Collegiate School for Girls
The Redwing: Journal of the…Natural History Society Grahamstown 1954–1998 St Andrew’s College
Reed, D. Somewhere south of Suez London 1950 Jonathan Cape
Rees, Wyn see Colenso, Sarah Frances (Frances S.)
The regional services councils Pretoria 1988 Bureau for Information
Reid, Captain Mayne The bush-boys; or, the history and adventures of a Cape farmer and his family in the wild Karoos of Southern Africa London 1856 David Bogue
——— another edition Boston 1857 Ticknor and Fields
——— The Vee-Boers: A tale of adventures in Southern Africa London 1885 George Routledge and Sons, Limited
Reitz, C.J. Poisonous South African snakes and snakebite Pretoria 1978 Department of Health
Reitz, D. Commando London 1929
——— No outspan London 1943
Renshaw, R. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope and up the Red Sea, with Travels in Egypt, through the deserts & c. in the course of the last war Manchester, U.K. 1804 J. Watts
——— 2nd edition Manchester, U.K. 1813 M. Wilson
Report by the Chief Commissioner of police for the Union of South Africa, for the year 1911 1913 [Parl. Paper UG62-1912]
Report of Commission of Enquiry into legislation affecting utilization of manpower (Chairman: F.H. Odendaal) Parl. Paper R.P.12-1964
Report of Commission of Enquiry into South West Africa Affairs 1962–1963 (Chairman: F.H. Odendaal) Parl. Paper R.P.12-1964
Report of the Administrator on the Bondelzwarts rising, 1922 Parl. Paper UG30-1922 1922
Report of the Ciskei Commission [appointed in terms of Government Notice 14, Ciskei Official Gazette Vol. 6 No. 177 of 4 August 1978] Silverton 1980 Conference Associates (Chairman: G.P. Quail)
Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into acts of violence committed by Natives at Krugersdorp, Newlands, Randfontein and Newclare (Chairman: J. de V. Louw) 1950 Parl. Paper UG47-1950
Report of the Commission for the socio-economic development of the Bantu areas within the Union of South Africa see Summary of the report of the Commission for socio-economic development of the Bantu areas within the Union of South Africa
Report of the Commission of Enquiry in regard to the provision of separate training facilities for non-Europeans at universities (Chairman: J.E. Holloway) 1954
Report of the Commission on Native education 1949–1951 (Chairman: W.M. Eiselen) 1951 Parl. Paper UG53-1951
The report of the Committee of the Wesleyan-Methodist Missionary Society for the year ending April, 1872 London 1872 Wedleyan Missionary Society
Report of the director of nature and environmental conservation No. 34 1977–78 Cape Town 1978 Department of Nature & Environmental Conservation
Report of the National Road Board for the calendar year 1938 (Chairman: P.I. Hoogenhout) 1939 Parl. Paper UG19-1939
Report of the Native Laws Commission 1946–48 (Chairman: H.A. Fagan) Pretoria 1948 Government Printer Parl. Paper UG28–1948
Report of the Natives Affairs Commission appointed to enquire into the working of the provisions of the Natives (Urban Areas) Act relating to the use and supply of Kaffir beer (Chairman: G.H. Nicholls) Pretoria 1942 Government Printer
Report of the proceedings of the Natives Representative Council held at Pretoria in November, 1938 (Chairman: D.L. Smit) [1939] Parl. Paper UG10-1939
Report of the Railways & Harbours Board for the year ended 31st December, 1937 1938 Parl. Paper UG41-1938
Report of the Railways & Harbours Board for the year ended 31 December, 1938 1939 Parl. Paper UG21-1939
Report of the Rehoboth Commission (Chairman: J. De Villiers) [1926] Parl. Paper UG41-1926
Report of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science Cape Town 1909– South African Association for the Advancement of Science
Report of W. Coates Palgrave, Esq., special commissioner to the tribes north of the Orange River, of his mission to Damaraland and Great Namaqualand in 1876 Cape Town 1877 Saul Solomon and Co. Cape Parl. Paper G.50–'77
——— reprint Pretoria 1969 The State Library
Reports of the commissioners of inquiry on the Cape of Good Hope I. Upon the administration of the Government at the Cape of Good Hope; II. Upon the finances at the Cape of Good Hope Cape Town 1827
Republic of South Africa. Parliament. House of Assembly. Debates Cape Town 1961– [Note The name Hansard is used in quotations to refer to South African parliamentary debates since Union in 1910]
Republic of South Africa. Parliament. Statutes 1961–
Reunert, Theodore Diamonds and gold in South Africa Cape Town 1893 J.C. Juta & Co.
Reynolds, Jeremiah N. Voyage of the United States Frigate Potomac, under the command of Commodore John Downes, during the circumnavitation of the globe, in the years 1831, 1832, 1833, and 1834 New York 1835 Harper & Brothers
Reynolds, R. & Reynolds, B. Grahamstown from cottage to villa Cape Town 1974
Rhenius, Johannes Tobias see Mossop, Dr E.E.
Rhodent Ratmatazz: Rhodes University rag magazine Grahamstown 1929–1994 Rhodes University
Rhodeo Grahamstown 1938– Students' Representative Council, Rhodes University
Rhodes University Calendar Grahamstown 1905– Rhodes University
Rhodos Grahamstown 1989– Rhodes University
Rice, Elsie Garrett & Compton, Robert Harold Wild flowers of the Cape of Good Hope Kirstenbosch [1950] Botanical Society of South Africa
Rider Haggard, H. see Haggard, Henry Rider (H. Rider Haggard)
Ridsdale, Benjamin Scenes and adventures in Great Namaqualand London 1883 T. Woolmer
Riou, Edward see Van Reenen, Jacob
——— see also Carter, George
Rip, Colin M. Contemporary social pathology 1st edition Pretoria 1966 Academica
——— 2nd revised edition Pretoria 1978 Academica
Ritchie, J. Ewing Brighter South Africa; or life at the Cape and Natal London 1892 T. Fisher Unwin
Ritter, E.A. Shaka Zulu: The rise of the Zulu empire Cape Town 1955 Longmans Green and Co
Rive, Richard (editor) Advance, retreat: Selected short stories Cape Town 1983 David Philip
——— (editor) Modern African prose New York 1964 Heinemann
Roback, Abraham Aaron (editor) A dictionary of international slurs (ethnopaulisms): With a supplementary essay on aspects of ethic prejudice Cambridge, Mass. [1944] Sci-Art Publishers
Robb, Frank Sea hunters London 1953 Longmans, Green and Co
Roberts, Austin The birds of South Africa London 1940 H.F. & G. Witherby
——— 6th impression London 1948
——— The mammals of South Africa edited by R. Bigalke, V. Fitzsimons & D.E. Malan [Johannesburg] 1951 "The mammals of South Africa" Book Fund
——— Our South African birds Cape Town 1941
——— Roberts birds of South Africa 4th edition rev. by G.R. Mclachlan & R. Liversidge Cape Town 1978
——— Roberts' birds of Southern Africa 5th edition rewritten by G.L. Maclean Cape Town 1984 (title page says 1985, imprint page says 1984)
——— rewritten by G.L. Maclean Cape Town 1993
Roberts, Brian Churchills in Africa London 1970 Hamish Hamilton
——— Kimberley: Turbulent city Cape Town 1976 D. Philip
——— see also Murray, Richard William
Roberts, Margaret Herbs for healing 5th impression (1992) Cape Town 1989 Jonathan Ball
Roberts, Michael (translator) see Wahlberg, Johan August
Roberts, Michael & Trollip, A.E.G. The South African opposition 1939–1945, an essay in contemporary history London 1994 Longmans Green
Roberts, Sheila Jacks in corners Johannesburg 1987 AD Donker
——— Outside life’s feast: Short stories Johannesburg 1975 AD Donker
Robertson, E. William Historical essays in connexion with the land, the church &c. Edinburg 1872 Admonston and Douglas
Robertson, Henrietta Mission life among the Zulu-Kafirs: Memorials of Henrietta Robertson edited by Anne Mackenzie Cambridge 1866 Deighton, Bell, and Co.
Robertson, Janet Liberalism in South Africa: 1948–1963 Oxford 1971 Clarendon Press
Robertson, Wilfrid The blue wagon Johannesburg 1955 Oxford University Press
Robinson, A.M.L. (A.M. Lewin Robinson) The letters of Lady Anne Barnard to Henry Dundas: from the Cape and elsewhere… see Barnard, Lady Anne (editor)
——— (editor) Selected articles from the Cape Monthly Magazine (New Series 1870–76 Cape Town 1978 Van Riebeeck Society (No. II-9)
Robinson, Phil Noah’s Ark; or, "Mornings in the Zoo." being a contribution to the study of unnatural history London 1882 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington
Robinson, Sir John A life time in South Africa, being the recollections of the firstpremier of Natal London 1900 Smith, Elder & Co.
——— Pretoria 1968 State Library
Roche, Harriet A. On trek in the Transvaal; or, over berg and veldt in South Africa 4th edition London 1878 Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington
Rogers, Mirabel The Black Sash: The story of the South African Women’s Defence of the Constitution League Johannesburg 1956
Ronan, Barry Forty South African years London 1923 Heath Cranton
Rooke, Daphne Diamond Jo London 1965 Victor Gollancz
——— A lover for Estelle London 1961 Victor Gollancz
——— Margaretha de la Porte London 1974 Victor Gollancz
——— The South African twins London 1953 Jonathan Cape
Rorke, Melina Melina Rorke: Her amazing experiences in the stormy nineties of South Africa’s story London 1939 Harrap
Roscoe, Adrian Uhuru’s fire: African literature east to south Cambridge, U.K. 1977 Cambridge University Press
Rose, Cowper Four years in Southern Africa London 1829 Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley
Rose, Frederick Horace Vincent A caper on the continent Pietermaritzburg 1913 P. Davis
——— Kruger’s wagon: A romance of adventure London 1943 Duckworth
Rose Innes, James James Rose Innes: Chief Justice of South Africa, 1914–27: Autobiography edited by B.A. Tindall Oxford, U.K. 1949 OUP
Rose, Walter The reptiles and amphibians of Southern Africa Cape Town 1950 Maskew Miller
——— Veld & vlei: An account of South Arican frogs, toads, lizards, snakes & tortoises Wynberg 1929 Specialty Press of SA
Rosenberg, Valerie (editor) Almost forgotten stories Cape Town 1979 Howard Timmins
——— Sunflower to the sun Cape Town 1976 Human & Rousseau
——— (editor) Uncollected essays Cape Town 1981
Rosenthal, Eric African Switzerland Cape Town 1948 Juta & Co.
——— Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa London 1961 Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd
——— 2nd edition 1964
——— 3rd edition 1965
——— 4th edition 1967
——— 6th edition 1973
——— General de Wet: A biography Cape Town 1946 Unie-Volkspers
——— Dassie edition [Johannesburg] [a1956] (first publ. 1946; quotations are taken from the Dassie edition, but dated simply 1946)
——— Here are diamonds London 1950 Robert Hale Ltd
——— The hinges creaked Cape Town 1951
——— Meet me at the Carlton: The story of Johannesburg’s old Carlton Hotel Cape Town 1972 Howard B. Timmins
——— Old-time survivals in South Africa Pretoria 1936 South African Railways Airways and Harbours Publicity & Travel Dept
——— River of diamonds Cape Town [1957]
——— Rustenburg romance Johannesburg 1979
——— Stars and Stripes in Africa London 1938 George Routledge & Sons
Rosenthal, J. Wake up singing Cape Town 1990 Maskew Miller Longman
Ross, Edward Diary of the siege of Mafeking October 1899 to May 1900 edited by Brian P. Willan Cape Town 1980 Van Riebeeck Society (No. II-11)
Ross, Robert Adam Kok’s Griquas: A study in the development of stratification in South Africa Cambridge, U.K. 1976 Cambridge University Press
——— Cape of torments: slavery and resistance in South Africa London 1983 Routledge & Kegan Paul
Rossetti, Christina Georgina Goblin market and other poems 2nd edition London 1865 Macmillan and Co.
Rosten, L. The joys of Yiddish New York 1970
Rothman, Mimie E. & Rothman, Anna The Drostdy at Swellendam Swellendam 1960 Drostdy Commission
Rothmann, Anna The elephant shrew and company Cape Town 1964 Tafelberg
Rouillard, Nancy see Thompson, Francis Robert
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Letters on the elements of botany. Addressed to a lady (translated by Thomas Martyn) 2nd edition London 1787 B. White and Son
Roux, Edward Grass: A story of Frankenwald edited by Winifred M. Kennedy Cape Town 1969 Oxford University Press
——— The veld and the future: A book on soil erosion for South Africans Cape Town 1946 The African Bookman
RSA policy review Volume I No. I Pretoria 1988 Bureau for Information
Rudner, Jalmar & Rudner, Ione (translators) see Thunberg, Charles Peter
——— (translators) see also Sparrman, Anders
Runcie, John Idylls by two oceans Cape Town 1910 Cape Times
Russell, George Hansby Under the sjambok: A tale of the Transvaal London 1899 John Murray
Russell, George The history of old Durban and reminiscences of an emigrant of 1850 Durban [1899] P. Davis & Sons
Russell, Robert Natal: The land and its story: A geography and History for the Use of Schools Pietermaritzburg 1891 P. Davis and Sons


S.A. Medical Journal Cape Town 1932– (incorporating the 'S.A. Medical Record' and 'Medical Journal of S.A.') Medical Association of South Africa
S.L. (translator) Fryke & Schweitzer’s A relation of two several journeys made into the East-Indies by Christopher Fryke .. and Christopher Schewitzer [sic] London 1700
S.W. Silver & Co.’s handbook to South Africa London 1880 S.W. Silver & Co.
——— 3rd edition London 1887 S.W. Silver & Co.
The SA Consumer/Die SA Verbruiker Pretoria Consumer Council
Sachs, Albie The jail diary of Albie Sachs London 1966 Harvill Press
Sachs, Bernard (editor) Herman Charles Bosman as I knew him: S.A. Opinion-Trek Anthology Johannesburg 1971 Dial Press
Sadler, Celia (editor) Never a young man: Extracts from the letters and journals of the Rev. William Shaw Cape Town 1967 HAUM
Saint-Mandé, Wilfrid Halcyon Days in Africa London 1934 Eric Partridge
Salt, H. A voyage to Abyssinia, and travels into the interior of that country, executed under the orders of the British Government, in the years 1809 and 1810 London 1814
——— see also Halls, J.J.
Sam Sly’s African Journal: A register of facts, fiction, news, literature, commerce and amusement Cape Town 1843–1849 (continuation of The South African Advocate and Cape Town Spectator; continued by The African Journal)
Sampson, Anthony Drum: A venture into the new Africa London 1956 Collins
——— The treason cage: The opposition on trial in South Africa London 1958 Heinemann
Sampson, Harold Fehrsan The white-faced huts Grahamstown 1961 Grocott & Sherry
Sampson, Victor Kom binne Cape Town 1931 Herbert Jenkins Limited
Sandeman, Edward F. Eight months in an ox-waggon: Reminiscences of Boer life London 1880 Griffith & Farran
——— facsimile reprint Johannesburg 1975 Africana Book Society
Sandilands, Alexander Introduction to Tswana Tigerkloof 1953 London Missionary Society
Sapir, Edward Language: An iIntroduction to the study of speech New York 1921 Harcourt, Brace and Company
Saron, Gustav & Hotz, Louis (editor) The Jews in South Africa: A history Cape Town 1955 OUP
Sash Johannesburg 1969– (continuation of The Black Sash)
Saspu National Johannesburg 1980– South African Student Press Union
Saturday News see Daily News
Saturday Star see The Star
Sauer, Hans Ex Africa London 1937 Geoffrey Bles
Saul, C.D. South African periodical publications 1800–1875 Cape Town 1949
Saunders, Christopher C. Historical dictionary of South Africa Metuchen, U.S.A. 1983 Scarecrow Press
Savory, T.W. Diary. 1849 Killie Campbell Africana Library MS1528a
Sayers, C.O. Looking back on George George 1982
——— Scenes and occurences in Albany and Caffer-land see Philipps, Thomas
Schapera, Isaac (editor) Apprenticeship at Kuruman: Being the journals and letters of Robert and Mary Moffat, 1820-1828 London 1951 Chatto & Windus (Oppenheimer Series: No. 5)
——— The Bantu-speaking tribes of South Africa: An ethnographical survey 4th impression (1953) London 1937 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.
——— (editor) David Livingstone: South African papers Cape Town 1974 Van Riebeeck Society (No. II-5)
——— (editor) The early Cape Hottentots: Described in the writings of Olfert Dapper (1668), Willem ten Rhyne (1686) and Johannes Gulielmus de Grevenbroek (1695) / the original texts, with translations into English by I. Schapera … and B. Farrington; edited, with an introduction and notes, by I. Schapera Cape Town 1933 Van Riebeeck Society (No. 14)
——— The KhoiSan peoples of South Africa: Bushmen and Hottentots 1965 reprint London 1930 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.
Schaw, Janet Journal of a lady of quality; being the narrative of a journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the years 1774 to 1776 edited by Evangeline Walker Andrews & Charles McLean Andrews New Haven 1921 Yale University Press
Schelpe, E. An introduction to the South African orchids London 1966
Scheuchzer, Johann Gaspar (translator) E. Kaempfer’s The History of Japan: Together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam 1690–92 [London] 1727
——— reprint Glasgow 1906 James MacLehose and Sons
Schirmer, Peter The concise illustrated South African Encyclopaedia Johannesburg 1980 Central News Agency (Pty) Ltd.
Schmitz, Oliver & Mogotlane, Thomas Mapantsula: screenplay and intervie